Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web function New-TestUser { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Start, [Parameter()] $OU, [Parameter()] $Count = 10, [Parameter()] [switch] $MailContact, [Parameter()] [switch] $AzUser, [Parameter()] [switch] $CloudOnlyMailbox, [Parameter()] [switch] $RemoteMailbox, [Parameter()] [switch] $MailUser, [Parameter()] $Prefix = 'Test', [Parameter()] $Domain, [Parameter()] [int] $SecondaryAddressCount, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('smtp', 'x500')] $SecondaryAddressPrefix, [Parameter()] $PasswordLength = 10 ) if ($Domain) { $Dom = $Domain } else { $Dom = ((Get-AcceptedDomain).where{ $_.InitialDomain }).DomainName } $GeneratedPW = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($PasswordLength, 3) $Pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $GeneratedPW -AsPlainText:$true -Force $LicenseList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::New() $Total = $Start + $Count foreach ($i in ($Start..($Total))) { $NewMC, $NewMEU, $NewAz, $NewRM = $null if ($MailContact) { $ContactParams = @{ ExternalEmailAddress = '{0}{1:d3}@{2}' -f $prefix, $i, $Dom Name = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i DisplayName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i Alias = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i } if ($OU) { $ContactParams['OrganizationalUnit'] = $OU } $NewMC = New-MailContact @ContactParams Write-Host "[$i of $Total] MailContact :`t$($NewMC.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Green if ($SecondaryAddressCount -and $NewMC) { foreach ($Secondary in (1..$SecondaryAddressCount)) { $CalculatedAddress = ('{0}:{1}{2:d3}{3}@{4}' -f $SecondaryAddressPrefix, $prefix, $i, (Get-Random -Minimum 100 -Maximum 999), $Dom) $NewMC | Set-MailContact -EmailAddresses @{Add = $CalculatedAddress } Write-Host "[$i of $Total] Secondary $Secondary :`t$CalculatedAddress" -ForegroundColor Cyan } } } if ($MailUser) { $MeuParams = @{ PrimarySmtpAddress = '{0}{1:d3}@{2}' -f $prefix, $i, $Dom Name = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i DisplayName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i MicrosoftOnlineServicesID = '{0}{1:d3}@{2}' -f $prefix, $i, $Dom Password = $pass ExternalEmailAddress = '' } $NewMEU = New-MailUser @MeuParams Write-Host "[$i of $Total] MailUser :`t$($NewMEU.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Green } if ($AzUser) { $PasswordProfile = [Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile]::new() $PasswordProfile.Password = $pass $AzUserParams = @{ DisplayName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i UserPrincipalName = '{0}{1:d3}@{2}' -f $prefix, $i, $Dom MailNickName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i PasswordProfile = $PasswordProfile AccountEnabled = $true } $NewAz = New-AzureADUser @AzUserParams Write-Host "[$i of $Total] AzureUser:`t$($NewAz.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan } if ($RemoteMailbox) { $RMParams = @{ DisplayName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i Name = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i UserPrincipalName = '{0}{1:d3}@{2}' -f $prefix, $i, $Dom PrimarySMTPAddress = '{0}{1:d3}@{2}' -f $prefix, $i, $Dom SamAccountName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i Alias = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i Password = $Pass } if ($OU) { $RMParams['OnPremisesOrganizationalUnit'] = $OU } $NewRM = New-RemoteMailbox @RMParams Write-Host "[$i of $Total] RemoteMailbox:`t$($NewRM.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan if ($SecondaryAddressCount -and $NewRM) { foreach ($Secondary in (1..$SecondaryAddressCount)) { $CalculatedAddress = ('{0}:{1}{2:d3}{3}@{4}' -f $SecondaryAddressPrefix, $prefix, $i, (Get-Random -Minimum 100 -Maximum 999), $Dom) $NewRM | Set-RemoteMailbox -EmailAddresses @{Add = $CalculatedAddress } Write-Host "[$i of $Total] Secondary $Secondary :`t$CalculatedAddress" -ForegroundColor Cyan } } } if ($CloudOnlyMailbox) { $PasswordProfile = [Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile]::new() $PasswordProfile.Password = $pass $AzUserParams = @{ DisplayName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i UserPrincipalName = '{0}{1:d3}@{2}' -f $prefix, $i, $Dom MailNickName = '{0}{1:d3}' -f $prefix, $i PasswordProfile = $PasswordProfile AccountEnabled = $true } $AzUser = New-AzureADUser @AzUserParams $LicenseList.Add($AzUser.UserPrincipalName) Write-Host "[$i of $Total] AzureUser:`t$($AzUser.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan } } if ($LicenseList.count -gt 1) { $LicenseList | Set-CloudLicense -AddOptions } } |