function Update-MailboxMoveBatchesReport { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates Batches.xlsx by pulling batch names from existing and pairing it with a new batches.csv Creates a new Batches.xlsx .DESCRIPTION Updates Batches.xlsx by pulling batch names from existing and pairing it with a new batches.csv Creates a new Batches.xlsx .PARAMETER SharePointURL Sharepoint url ex. .PARAMETER ExcelFile Excel file found in "Shared Documents" of SharePoint site specified in SharePointURL ex. "Batchex.xlsx" Minimum headers required are: BatchName, UserPrincipalName .PARAMETER NewCsvFile Path to csv of mailboxes. Minimum headers required are: BatchName, UserPrincipalName This would be a new Csv of existing mailboxes that you want to update with BatchNames from the current excel on the SharePoint Team Site .PARAMETER Tenant This is the tenant domain - where you are migrating to. Example if tenant is use: Contoso .EXAMPLE Update-MailboxMoveBatchesReport -SharePointURL -ExcelFile batches.xlsx -Tenant Contoso -NewCsvFile C:\Scripts\Batches.csv -ReportPath C:\Scripts\ .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $SharePointURL, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ExcelFile, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Tenant, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $NewCsvFile, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ReportPath ) end { if ($Tenant -notmatch '') { $Tenant = '{0}' -f $Tenant } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ReportPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $SharePointSplat = @{ SharePointURL = $SharePointURL ExcelFile = $ExcelFile Tenant = $Tenant } $CurrentHash = @{ } $CurrentList = (Import-SharePointExcel @SharePointSplat).where{ $_.BatchName -or $_.IsMigrated -or $_.CompleteBatchDate -or $_.CompleteBatchTimePT } foreach ($Current in $CurrentList) { $CurrentHash.Add($Current.UserPrincipalName, @{ 'BatchName' = $Current.BatchName 'IsMigrated' = $Current.IsMigrated 'CompleteBatchDate' = $Current.CompleteBatchDate 'CompleteBatchTimePT' = $Current.CompleteBatchTimePT } ) } # $SelectProps = ($FutureList[0]{ $_ -notmatch 'BatchName|IsMigrated|CompleteBatchDate|CompleteBatchTimePT' } $Future = Import-Csv $NewCsvFile | Select-Object @( @{ Name = 'BatchName' Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.UserPrincipalName).BatchName } } 'DisplayName' 'OrganizationalUnit' @{ Name = 'IsMigrated' Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.UserPrincipalName).IsMigrated } } @{ Name = 'CompleteBatchDate' Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.UserPrincipalName).CompleteBatchDate } } @{ Name = 'CompleteBatchTimePT' Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.UserPrincipalName).CompleteBatchTimePT } } 'MailboxGB' 'ArchiveGB' 'DeletedGB' 'TotalGB' 'LastLogonTime' 'ItemCount' 'UserPrincipalName' 'PrimarySmtpAddress' 'AddressBookPolicy' 'RetentionPolicy' 'AccountDisabled' 'Alias' 'Database' 'OU' 'Office' 'RecipientTypeDetails' 'UMEnabled' 'ForwardingAddress' 'ForwardingRecipientType' 'ForwardingSmtpAddress' 'DeliverToMailboxAndForward' ) $ExcelSplat = @{ Path = (Join-Path $ReportPath 'Batches.xlsx') TableStyle = 'Medium2' FreezeTopRowFirstColumn = $true AutoSize = $true BoldTopRow = $true ClearSheet = $true WorksheetName = 'Batches' ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } $Future | Sort-Object @( @{ Expression = "BatchName" Descending = $true } @{ Expression = "DisplayName" Descending = $false } ) | Export-Excel @ExcelSplat } } |