using namespace System.Management.Automation.Host function Get-SourceContactHash { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $PoshPath = (Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) -ChildPath 'Posh365' ) $null = New-Item $PoshPath -type Directory -Force:$true -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $ContactXML = Join-Path -Path $PoshPath -ChildPath 'SourceContact.xml' if (-not (Test-Path $ContactXML)) { Write-Host "XML ($ContactXML) needed was not found. Connecting then creating xml now . . . " -ForegroundColor White $Script:RestartConsole = $null Connect-CloudModuleImport -EXO2 if ($RestartConsole) { return } $Accepted = $null Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession Connect-ExchangeOnline $Accepted = Get-AcceptedDomain $Yes = [ChoiceDescription]::new('&Yes', 'Connect: Yes') $No = [ChoiceDescription]::new('&No', 'Connect: No') $Question = 'Is this the correct Exchange Online Tenant {0}?' -f ($Accepted.where{ $_.Default }).DomainName $Options = [ChoiceDescription[]]($Yes, $No) $YN = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($Title, $Question, $Options, 0) switch ($YN) { 0 { } 1 { return } } Get-MailContact -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object * | Export-Clixml -Path $ContactXML } else { Write-Host "Found the XML created earlier here: ($ContactXML) . . . " -ForegroundColor Green } Write-Host "Using the XML to create a hashtable . . . " -ForegroundColor White $ContactList = Import-Clixml $ContactXML $Hash = @{ } foreach ($Contact in $ContactList) { $Hash[($Contact.ExternalEmailAddress).Split(':')[1]] = @{ LegacyExchangeDN = 'X500:{0}' -f $Contact.LegacyExchangeDN DisplayName = $Contact.DisplayName Name = $Contact.Name X500 = @($Contact.EmailAddresses) -match 'x500:' -join '|' } } $OutputXml = Join-Path -Path $PoshPath -ChildPath 'SourceHash.xml' $Hash | Export-Clixml $OutputXml Write-Host "Hash has been exported as an XML file here: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline Write-Host "$OutputXml" -ForegroundColor Green } |