function Set-msExchVersion { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipConnection, [Parameter()] [switch] $ReuseADXML, [Parameter()] $OnPremExchangeServer, [Parameter()] [switch] $DeleteExchangeCreds, [Parameter()] [switch] $DontViewEntireForest ) if (-not (Get-Module ActiveDirectory -ListAvailable)) { Write-Host 'Active Directory PowerShell Module not found. Halting Script.' -ForegroundColor Red continue } $PoshPath = (Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) -ChildPath Posh365 ) if (-not (Test-Path $PoshPath)) { $null = New-Item $PoshPath -type Directory -Force:$true -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Import-Module ActiveDirectory -force $ADUserXML = Join-Path -Path $PoshPath -ChildPath 'ADUser_msExchVersion.xml' if ($ReuseADXML) { $UserList = Import-Clixml $ADUserXML } else { Write-Host "`r`nCreating XML of all Active Directory Users with the following values in the attribute, msExchRecipientTypeDetails:" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "2147483648 (RemoteMailbox), 8589934592 (RemoteRoomMailbox), 17179869184 (RemoteEquipmentMailbox), 34359738368 (RemoteSharedMailbox)" -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`r`nBreakdown of msExchVersion via Active Directory of Remote Mailbox types will output shortly to Out Grid`r`n" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "`r`nPlease stand by . . . `r`n" -ForegroundColor White $ADParams = @{ LDAPFilter = '(|(msExchRecipientTypeDetails=8589934592)(msExchRecipientTypeDetails=2147483648)(msExchRecipientTypeDetails=17179869184)(msExchRecipientTypeDetails=34359738368))' Properties = 'msExchVersion', 'DisplayName', 'UserPrincipalName', 'ObjectGuid' ResultSetSize = $null } $UserList = Get-ADUser @ADParams | Select-Object * $UserList | Export-Clixml $ADUserXML } $UserHash = @{ } foreach ($User in $UserList) { $UserHash[$User.ObjectGuid.ToString()] = @{ msExchVersion = $User.msExchVersion DisplayName = $User.DisplayName UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName } } $VersionList = $UserList | Group-Object msExchVersion | Sort-Object Count -Descending $ShowVersion = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::New() foreach ($Version in $VersionList) { $ShowVersion.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ 'Count' = $Version.Count 'Version' = $Version.Name }) } $ShowVersion | Out-GridView -Title 'Current breakdown of msExchVersion found in Remote Mailboxes' if (-not $SkipConnection) { Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession Connect-Exchange @PSBoundParameters -PromptConfirm } $RemoteMailboxXML = Join-Path -Path $PoshPath -ChildPath 'RemoteMailbox_msExchVersion.xml' Write-Host 'Fetching Remote Mailboxes...' -ForegroundColor Cyan Get-RemoteMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object * | Export-Clixml $RemoteMailboxXML $RemoteMailboxList = Import-Clixml $RemoteMailboxXML | Sort-Object DisplayName, OrganizationalUnit Write-Host " Remote Mailboxes found in Active Directory (via msExchRecipientTypeDetails). Count: $($UserList.Count) " -ForegroundColor DarkBlue -BackgroundColor White Write-Host " Remote Mailboxes found in Exchange (via Get-RemoteMailbox). Count: $($RemoteMailboxList.Count) " -ForegroundColor DarkBlue -BackgroundColor White Write-Host ' >> We will not modify any users in Active Directory unless a matching GUID is found in Exchange << ' -ForegroundColor DarkRed -BackgroundColor White $RMHash = Get-RemoteMailboxHash -Key Guid -RemoteMailboxList $RemoteMailboxList Write-Host 'Choose which Remote Mailboxes to modify msExchVersion - Prior to modification, you will choose which version' -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White Write-Host 'To select use Ctrl/Shift + click (Individual) or Ctrl + A (All)' -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White $Choice = Select-SetmsExchVersion -RemoteMailboxList $RemoteMailboxList -UserHash $UserHash | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title 'Choose which Remote Mailboxes to modify msExchVersion' $ChoiceCSV = Join-Path -Path $PoshPath -ChildPath ('Before modify msExchVersion {0}.csv' -f [DateTime]::Now.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-hhmm')) $Choice | Export-Csv $ChoiceCSV -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 if ($Choice) { Get-DecisionbyOGV } else { Write-Host 'Halting as nothing was selected' ; continue } $VersionDecision = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ Version = 'Exchange2007' msExchVersion = '4535486012416' } [PSCustomObject]@{ Version = 'Exchange2010' msExchVersion = '44220983382016' } [PSCustomObject]@{ Version = 'Exchange2013' msExchVersion = '88218628259840' } [PSCustomObject]@{ Version = 'Exchange2016' msExchVersion = '1125899906842624' }) | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title 'Choose the msExchVersion to apply the mailboxes you just selected' if ($Choice) { Get-DecisionbyOGV } else { Write-Host 'Halting as nothing was selected' ; continue } $Result = Invoke-SetmsExchVersion -Choice $Choice -RMHash $RMHash -UserHash $UserHash -VersionDecision $VersionDecision.msExchVersion $Result | Out-GridView -Title ('Results of modifying msExchVersion to version: {0} [ Count: {1} ]' -f $VersionDecision.msExchVersion, $Result.Count) $ResultCSV = Join-Path -Path $PoshPath -ChildPath ('After modify msExchVersion {0}.csv' -f [DateTime]::Now.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-hhmm')) $Result | Export-Csv $ResultCSV -NoTypeInformation } |