function Get-OktaUserReport { <# .SYNOPSIS Searches for specific or all Okta Users .DESCRIPTION Searches for specific or all Okta Users. Use no parameters to return all users. e.g Get-OktaUserReport .PARAMETER SearchString Queries firstName, lastName, and email for a match to the -SearchString value specified. Partial matches can be searched for. For example, the search for "J" will Return users with the firstName Joe, John and lastName Hajib .PARAMETER ID Search by ID .PARAMETER Filter List Users with a Filter Filters against the most up-to-date data. For example, if you create a user or change an attribute and then issue a filter request, the changes are reflected in your results. Requires URL encoding. For example, filter=lastUpdated gt "2013-06-01T00:00:00.000Z" is encoded as filter=lastUpdated%20gt%20%222013-06-01T00:00:00.000Z%22. Examples use cURL-style escaping instead of URL encoding to make them easier to read. Supports only a limited number of properties: status, lastUpdated, id, profile.login,, profile.firstName, and profile.lastName. Filter Description status eq "STAGED" Users that have a status of STAGED status eq "PROVISIONED" Users that have a status of PROVISIONED status eq "ACTIVE" Users that have a status of ACTIVE status eq "RECOVERY" Users that have a status of RECOVERY status eq "PASSWORD_EXPIRED" Users that have a status of PASSWORD_EXPIRED status eq "LOCKED_OUT" Users that have a status of LOCKED_OUT status eq "DEPROVISIONED" Users that have a status of DEPROVISIONED lastUpdated lt "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" Users last updated before a specific timestamp lastUpdated eq "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" Users last updated at a specific timestamp lastUpdated gt "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" Users last updated after a specific timestamp id eq "00u1ero7vZFVEIYLWPBN" Users with a specified id profile.login eq "" Users with a specified login eq "" Users with a specified email* profile.firstName eq "John" Users with a specified firstName* profile.lastName eq "Smith" Users with a specified lastName* .EXAMPLE Get-OktaUserReport .EXAMPLE Get-OktaUserReport -Filter 'profile.firstName eq "Jennifer"' .EXAMPLE Get-OktaUserReport -SearchString kevin .EXAMPLE Get-OktaUserReport -Id 00u4m2pk9NMihnsWJ356 #> Param ( [Parameter()] [string] $SearchString, [Parameter()] [string] $Filter, [Parameter()] [string] $Id ) if ($SearchString -and $filter -or ($SearchString -and $Id) -or ($Filter -and $Id)) { Write-Warning "Choose between zero and one parameters only" Write-Warning "Please try again" break } $Url = $OKTACredential.GetNetworkCredential().username $Token = $OKTACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $Headers = @{ "Authorization" = "SSWS $Token" "Accept" = "application/json" "Content-Type" = "application/json" } if (-not $SearchString -and -not $id -and -not $Filter) { $RestSplat = @{ Uri = "https://$" Headers = $Headers Method = 'Get' } } else { if ($SearchString) { $RestSplat = @{ Uri = "https://$$SearchString" Headers = $Headers Method = 'Get' } } if ($Filter) { $RestSplat = @{ Uri = "https://$$Filter" Headers = $Headers Method = 'Get' } } if ($Id) { $RestSplat = @{ Uri = 'https://{0} eq "{1}"' -f $Url, $id Headers = $Headers Method = 'Get' } } } do { if (($Response.Headers.'x-rate-limit-remaining') -and ($Response.Headers.'x-rate-limit-remaining' -lt 50)) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 4 } $Response = Invoke-WebRequest @RestSplat -Verbose:$false $Headers = $Response.Headers $User = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($Response.Headers['link'] -match '<([^>]+?)>;\s*rel="next"') { $Next = $matches[1] } else { $Next = $null } $Headers = @{ "Authorization" = "SSWS $Token" "Accept" = "application/json" "Content-Type" = "application/json" } $RestSplat = @{ Uri = $Next Headers = $Headers Method = 'Get' } foreach ($CurUser in $User) { $Id = $CurUser.Id $ProfileDetail = ($CurUser).Profile $CredDetail = ($CurUser).Credentials [PSCustomObject]@{ FirstName = $ProfileDetail.FirstName LastName = $ProfileDetail.LastName Login = $ProfileDetail.Login Email = $ProfileDetail.Email Id = $Id ProviderType = $CredDetail.Provider.Type ProviderName = $CredDetail.Provider.Name Status = $CurUser.Status Created = $CurUser.Created Activated = $CurUser.Activated StatusChanged = $CurUser.StatusChanged LastLogin = $CurUser.LastLogin LastUpdated = $CurUser.LastUpdated PasswordChanged = $CurUser.PasswordChanged RecoveryQuestion = $CredDetail.RecoveryQuestion.Question } } } until (-not $next) } |