function Get-SendOnBehalfPerms { <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs SendOnBehalf permissions for each mailbox that has permissions assigned. This is for On-Premises Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016+ .EXAMPLE (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited | Select -expandproperty distinguishedname) | Get-SendOnBehalfPerms | Export-csv .\SOB.csv -NoTypeInformation If not running from Exchange Management Shell (EMS), run this first: Connect-Exchange -NoPrefix #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $DistinguishedName, [parameter()] [hashtable] $ADHashCN ) Begin { Try { import-module activedirectory -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false } Catch { Write-Host "This module depends on the ActiveDirectory module." Write-Host "Please download and install from" throw } } Process { ForEach ($curDN in $DistinguishedName) { $mailbox = $curDN Write-Verbose "Inspecting: `t $Mailbox" (Get-Mailbox $curDN -erroraction silentlycontinue).GrantSendOnBehalfTo | where-object {$_ -ne $null} | ForEach-Object { $CN = $_ Write-Verbose "Has Send On Behalf: `t $CN" try { Get-ADGroupMember $_ -Recursive -ErrorAction stop | ForEach-Object { New-Object -TypeName psobject -property @{ Object = $ADHashDN["$mailbox"].DisplayName UPN = $ADHashDN["$mailbox"].UPN PrimarySMTPAddress = $ADHashDN["$mailbox"].PrimarySMTPAddress Granted = $ADHashDN["$($_.distinguishedname)"].DisplayName GrantedUPN = $ADHashDN["$($_.distinguishedname)"].UPN GrantedSMTP = $ADHashDN["$($_.distinguishedname)"].PrimarySMTPAddress Checking = $CN GroupMember = $($_.distinguishedname) Type = "GroupMember" Permission = "SendOnBehalf" } } } Catch { New-Object -TypeName psobject -property @{ Object = $ADHashDN["$mailbox"].DisplayName UPN = $ADHashDN["$mailbox"].UPN PrimarySMTPAddress = $ADHashDN["$mailbox"].PrimarySMTPAddress Granted = $ADHashCN["$CN"].DisplayName GrantedUPN = $ADHashCN["$CN"].UPN GrantedSMTP = $ADHash["$CN"].PrimarySMTPAddress Checking = $CN GroupMember = "" Type = "User" Permission = "SendOnBehalf" } } } } } END { } } |