
function Switch-AddressDomain { 
Modifies PrimarySMTPAddress via Active Directory by changing domain from old to new. Makes the primary address a secondary (additional) smtp address.
Optionally, changes the UPN, changes the mail attributes or clears all proxy addresses first.
Modifies PrimarySMTPAddress via Active Directory by changing domain from old to new. Makes the primary address a secondary (additional) smtp address.
Optionally, changes the UPN, changes the mail attributes or clears all proxy addresses first.
Input of a CSV that includes a minimum of Distinguished Names
The domain from which are going to change the primary SMTP suffix
The domain to which are going to change the primary SMTP suffix
UserPrincipalName becomes the Primary SMTP address
.PARAMETER SwitchMailDomain
Mail attribute becomes the Primary SMTP address
msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress attribute becomes the Primary SMTP address
.PARAMETER FirstClearAllProxyAddresses
This should be used with extreme caution and is self explanatory.
Run this first. Outputs log file of "what-if"
Import-Csv .\CsvOfDNs.csv | Switch-AddressDomain -OldDomain "" -NewDomain "" -SwitchUPNDomain -SwitchMailDomain -LogOnly -Verbose
Import-Csv .\CsvOfDNs.csv | Switch-AddressDomain -OldDomain "" -NewDomain "" -SwitchUPNDomain -SwitchMailDomain -Verbose
Input of Distinguished Names are expected in CSV with DistinguishedName header in your CSV

    param (

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]





    Begin {
        if ($OldDomain -and (-not $NewDomain)) {
            Write-Warning "Must use NewDomain parameter when specifying OldDomain parameter"
        if ($NewDomain -and (-not $OldDomain)) {
            Write-Warning "Must use OldDomain parameter when specifying NewDomain parameter"

        Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose:$False
        $OutputPath = '.\'
        $LogFileName = $(get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss)
        $Log = Join-Path $OutputPath ($LogFileName + "-WhatIf_Import.csv")
        $ErrorLog = Join-Path $OutputPath ($LogFileName + "-Error_Log.csv")
    Process {
        ForEach ($CurRow in $Row) {
            $DistinguishedName = $CurRow.DistinguishedName
            Write-Verbose "Current Distinguishedname $DistinguishedName"
            $ADUser = Get-ADUser -Filter {DistinguishedName -eq $DistinguishedName} -Properties proxyAddresses, mail, ObjectGUID, DisplayName
            Write-Verbose "Current ADUSer $($ADUser.DisplayName)"
            $DisplayName = $ADuser.DisplayName
            $Mail = $ADuser.Mail
            $ObjectGUID = $ADUser.ObjectGUID
            $UserPrincipalName = $ADUser.UserPrincipalName
            $NewSIPlowercase = $null
            $OldPrimarySMTP = $ADUser.ProxyAddresses | Where-Object {$_ -cmatch 'SMTP:'}
            $NewPrimarySMTP = $OldPrimarySMTP | ForEach-Object {
                $_ -replace ([Regex]::Escape($OldDomain), $NewDomain)
            Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Old PrimarySMTP address $OldPrimarySMTP"
            Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t New PrimarySMTP address $NewPrimarySMTP"

            $OldSIP = $ADUser.ProxyAddresses | Where-Object {$_ -cmatch 'SIP:'}
            Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Old SIP address $OldSIP"
            $NewSIP = $OldSIP | ForEach-Object {
                $_ -replace ([Regex]::Escape($OldDomain), $NewDomain)
            Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t New SIP address $NewSIP"

            $OldPrimarySMTPTrimmed = $($OldPrimarySMTP.Substring(5)).ToLower()
            $NewUPNandMail = $OldPrimarySMTPTrimmed | ForEach-Object {
                $_ -replace ([Regex]::Escape($OldDomain), $NewDomain)

            $NewAlternateFromOldPrimary = "smtp:{0}" -f $OldPrimarySMTPTrimmed
            Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t NewAlternateFromOldPrimary $NewAlternateFromOldPrimary"

            $Address = @(
            Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t AddressesPriorToSIP $Address"

            if ($NewSIP) {
                $NewSIPlowercase = $NewSIP.ToLower()
                $Address += $NewSIP
                # $Address.Add($NewSIP)

            if (-not $LogOnly) {
                try {
                    $errorActionPreference = 'Stop'

                    if ($FirstClearAllProxyAddresses) {
                        $ADUser | Set-ADUser -clear ProxyAddresses
                        Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Cleared ProxyAddresses"

                    $params = @{}
                    if ($SwitchUPNDomain) {
                        $params.UserPrincipalName = $NewUPNandMail
                        Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Setting UserPrincipalName $NewUPNandMail"
                    if ($SwitchMailDomain) {
                        $params.EmailAddress = $NewUPNandMail
                        Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Setting Mail Attribute $NewUPNandMail"

                    if ($params.Count -gt 0) {
                        $ADUser | Set-ADUser @params
                    if ($NewSIP) {
                        Set-ADUser -Identity $ObjectGUID -remove @{ProxyAddresses = $OldSIP}
                        Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Removing Old SIP $OldSIP"    
                    Set-ADUser -Identity $ObjectGUID -remove @{ProxyAddresses = $OldPrimarySMTP}
                    Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Removing Old PrimarySMTP $OldPrimarySMTP"

                    if ($SwitchMsRTCSIP -and $NewSIPlowercase) {
                        Set-ADUser -Identity $ObjectGUID -Replace @{'msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress' = $NewSIPlowercase}
                        Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Setting msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress Attribute $NewSIPlowercase"

                    $Address | ForEach-Object {
                        Set-ADUser -Identity $ObjectGUID -Add @{ProxyAddresses = "$_"}
                        Write-Verbose "$DisplayName `t Set ProxyAddress $($_)"
                catch {
                        DisplayName       = $DisplayName
                        ObjectGUID        = $ObjectGUID
                        Error             = $_
                        OldMail           = $Mail
                        OldUPN            = $UserPrincipalName
                        NewUPNandMail     = $NewUPNandMail
                        NewPrimarySMTP    = $NewPrimarySMTP
                        NewSIP            = $NewSIP
                        msRTCSIP          = $NewSIPlowercase
                        NewAlternate      = $NewAlternateFromOldPrimary
                        AddressesAdded    = $Address -join ';'
                        DistinguishedName = $DistinguishedName
                    } | Export-Csv $ErrorLog -Append -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
            else {
                if ($Address) {
                        DisplayName       = $DisplayName
                        ObjectGUID        = $ObjectGUID
                        OldMail           = $Mail
                        OldUPN            = $UserPrincipalName
                        NewUPNandMail     = $NewUPNandMail
                        NewPrimarySMTP    = $NewPrimarySMTP
                        NewSIP            = $NewSIP
                        msRTCSIP          = $NewSIPlowercase
                        NewAlternate      = $NewAlternateFromOldPrimary
                        AddressesAdded    = $Address -join ';'
                        DistinguishedName = $DistinguishedName
                    } | Export-Csv $Log -Append -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
    End {
