function Get-365Info { <# .SYNOPSIS Controller function for gathering information from an Office 365 tenant .DESCRIPTION Controller function for gathering information from an Office 365 tenant All multivalued attributes are expanded for proper output What information is gathered: 1. Recipients 2. MsolUsers 3. MsolGroups 4. Distribution Groups (includes mail-enabled Security Groups) 5. Mailboxes 6. Archive Mailboxes 7. Resource Mailboxes with Calendar Processing 8. Licenses assigned to each user broken out by Options 9. Retention Policies and linked Retention Tags in a single report If using the -Filtered switch, it will be necessary to replace domain placeholders in script (e.g. etc.) The filters can be adjusted to anything supported by the -Filter parameter (OPath filters) .EXAMPLE Get-365Info -Tenant CONTOSO -Verbose .EXAMPLE Get-365Info -Tenant CONTOSO -Filtered -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Tenant, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Filtered ) Begin { $servicesSplat = @{} try { $null = Get-AcceptedDomain -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $servicesSplat.ExchangeOnline = $True } try { $null = Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $servicesSplat.MSOnline = $True } if ($servicesSplat.count -gt 0) { Connect-Cloud -Tenant $Tenant @servicesSplat -Verbose:$false } } Process { $RecipientFileName = ($Tenant + "-Recipients.csv") $RecipientFileNameDetailed = ($Tenant + "-Recipients_Detailed.csv") $MsolUserFileName = ($Tenant + "-MsolUser.csv") $MsolUserFileNameDetailed = ($Tenant + "-MsolUser_Detailed.csv") $MsolGroupFileName = ($Tenant + "-MsolGroup.csv") $EXOGroupFileName = ($Tenant + "-EXOGroup.csv") $EXOGroupFileNameDetailed = ($Tenant + "-EXOGroup_Detailed.csv") $EXOMailboxFileName = ($Tenant + "-EXOMailbox.csv") $EXOMailboxFileNameDetailed = ($Tenant + "-EXOMailbox_Detailed.csv") $EXOArchiveMailboxFileName = ($Tenant + "-EXOArchiveMailbox.csv") $EXOArchiveMailboxFileNameDetailed = ($Tenant + "-EXOArchiveMailbox_Detailed.csv") $EXOResourceMailboxFileName = ($Tenant + "-EXOResourceMailbox.csv") $RetentionLinksFileName = ($Tenant + "-RetentionLinks.csv") $UnifiedGroupsFileName = ($Tenant + "-UnifiedGroups.csv") if (! $Filtered) { Write-Verbose "Gathering 365 Recipients" Get-365Recipient | Export-Csv .\$RecipientFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Get-365Recipient -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$RecipientFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering MsolUsers" Get-365MsolUser | Export-Csv .\$MsolUserFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Get-365MsolUser -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$MsolUserFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering MsolGroups" Get-365MsolGroup | Export-Csv .\$MsolGroupFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Distribution & Mail-Enabled Security Groups" Get-EXOGroup | Export-Csv .\$EXOGroupFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Get-EXOGroup -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$EXOGroupFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Exchange Online Mailboxes" Get-EXOMailbox | Export-Csv .\$EXOMailboxFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Get-EXOMailbox -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$EXOMailboxFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Exchange Online Archive Mailboxes" Get-EXOMailbox -ArchivesOnly | Export-Csv .\$EXOArchiveMailboxFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Get-EXOMailbox -ArchivesOnly -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$EXOArchiveMailboxFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Exchange Online Resource Mailboxes and Calendar Processing" Get-EXOResourceMailbox | Export-Csv .\$EXOResourceMailboxFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Office 365 Licenses" Get-CloudLicense Write-Verbose "Gathering Mailbox Delegate Permissions" Get-EXOMailboxPerms -Tenant $Tenant -ReportPath .\ Write-Verbose "Gathering Distribution Group Delegate Permissions" Get-EXODGPerms -Tenant $Tenant -ReportPath .\ } else { Write-Verbose "Gathering 365 Recipients - filtered" '{UserPrincipalName -like "*" -or emailaddresses -like "*" -or ExternalEmailAddress -like "*" -or PrimarySmtpAddress -like "*"}' | Get-365Recipient | Export-Csv .\$RecipientFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 '{UserPrincipalName -like "*" -or emailaddresses -like "*" -or ExternalEmailAddress -like "*" -or PrimarySmtpAddress -like "*"}' | Get-365Recipient -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$RecipientFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering MsolUsers - filtered" '' | Get-365MsolUser | Export-Csv .\$MsolUserFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 '' | Get-365MsolUser -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$MsolUserFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering MsolGroups - filtered" Get-MsolGroup -All | Where-Object {$_.proxyaddresses -like "*"} | Select -ExpandProperty ObjectId | Get-365MsolGroup | Export-Csv .\$MsolGroupFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Distribution & Mail-Enabled Security Groups - filtered" Get-DistributionGroup -Filter "emailaddresses -like '**'" -ResultSize Unlimited | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Get-EXOGroup | Export-Csv .\$EXOGroupFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Get-DistributionGroup -Filter "emailaddresses -like '**'" -ResultSize Unlimited | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Get-EXOGroup -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$EXOGroupFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Exchange Online Mailboxes - filtered" '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOMailbox | Export-Csv .\$EXOMailboxFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOMailbox -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$EXOMailboxFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Exchange Online Archive Mailboxes - filtered" '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOMailbox -ArchivesOnly | Export-Csv .\$EXOArchiveMailboxFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOMailbox -ArchivesOnly -DetailedReport | Export-Csv .\$EXOArchiveMailboxFileNameDetailed -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Exchange Online Resource Mailboxes and Calendar Processing" '{emailaddresses -like "*"}' | Get-EXOResourceMailbox | Export-Csv .\$EXOResourceMailboxFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Office 365 Licenses - filtered" '' | Get-CloudLicense Write-Verbose "Gathering Mailbox Delegate Permissions - filtered" Get-Recipient -Filter {EmailAddresses -like "*"} -ResultSize Unlimited | Select -ExpandProperty name | Get-EXOMailboxPerms -Tenant $Tenant -ReportPath .\ Write-Verbose "Gathering Distribution Group Delegate Permissions - filtered" Get-Recipient -Filter {EmailAddresses -like "*"} -ResultSize Unlimited | Select -ExpandProperty name | Get-EXODGPerms -Tenant $Tenant -ReportPath .\ } Write-Verbose "Gathering Retention Polices and linked Retention Policy Tags" Get-RetentionLinks | Export-Csv .\$RetentionLinksFileName -notypeinformation -encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Gathering Office 365 Unified Groups" Export-AndImportUnifiedGroups -Mode Export -File .\$UnifiedGroupsFileName } End { } } |