Function Rename-SamAccount { <# .SYNOPSIS .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $CurrentSamAccountName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $FutureSamAccountName ) Begin { Try { import-module activedirectory -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Host "This module depends on the ActiveDirectory module." Write-Host "Please download and install from" throw } $RootPath = $env:USERPROFILE + "\ps\" $User = $env:USERNAME if (!(Test-Path $RootPath)) { try { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $RootPath -ErrorAction STOP | Out-Null } catch { throw $_.Exception.Message } } While (!(Get-Content ($RootPath + "$($user).ADConnectServer") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? {$_.count -gt 0})) { Select-ADConnectServer } While (!(Get-Content ($RootPath + "$($user).EXCHServer") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? {$_.count -gt 0})) { Select-ExchangeServer } $ExchangeServer = Get-Content ($RootPath + "$($user).EXCHServer") While (!(Get-Content ($RootPath + "$($user).TargetAddressSuffix") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? {$_.count -gt 0})) { Select-TargetAddressSuffix } $targetAddressSuffix = Get-Content ($RootPath + "$($user).TargetAddressSuffix") While (!(Get-Content ($RootPath + "$($user).DomainController") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? {$_.count -gt 0})) { Select-DomainController } $domainController = Get-Content ($RootPath + "$($user).DomainController") ############################################## # SamAccountName # ############################################## $SamAccountName = $FutureSamAccountName $i = 2 while (get-aduser -Server $domainController -LDAPfilter "(samaccountname=$SamAccountName)") { $SamAccountName = ($FutureSamAccountName + $i) $i++ } $samaccountname = $samaccountname.tolower() (Get-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -Server $domainController -Properties proxyAddresses).proxyAddresses | % { if (($_ -cmatch "SMTP:*") -and ($($_).substring(5).split("@"))[0] -eq $CurrentSamAccountName) { Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -remove @{proxyaddresses = "$($_)"} -Server $domainController Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -add @{proxyaddresses = ("smtp:" + $($_).substring(5))} -Server $domainController Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -add @{proxyaddresses = ("SMTP:" + $SamAccountName + "@" + ($($_).substring(5).split("@"))[1])} -Server $domainController Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -Server $domainController -replace @{mail = ($SamAccountName + "@" + ($($_).substring(5).split("@"))[1]) } } if (($_ -cmatch "smtp:*") -and ($($_).substring(5).split("@"))[0] -eq $CurrentSamAccountName) { Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -add @{proxyaddresses = ("smtp:" + $SamAccountName + "@" + ($($_).substring(5).split("@"))[1])} -Server $domainController } if (($($_).substring(5).split("@"))[1] -eq $targetAddressSuffix) { Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -remove @{proxyaddresses = "$($_)"} -Server $domainController } } Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -replace @{mailnickname = $samaccountname; targetaddress = ($samaccountname + "@" + $targetAddressSuffix)} -Server $domainController Set-ADUser -Identity $CurrentSamAccountName -SamAccountName $SamAccountName -Server $domainController ######################################## # Sync Azure AD Connect # ######################################## Sync-ADConnect ######################################## # Verbose Output of ADUser Created # ######################################## $properties = @( 'DisplayName', 'Title', 'Office', 'Department', 'Division' 'Company', 'Organization', 'EmployeeID', 'EmployeeNumber', 'Description', 'GivenName' 'Surname', 'StreetAddress', 'City', 'State', 'PostalCode', 'Country', 'countryCode' 'POBox', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficePhone', 'HomePhone', 'Fax', 'cn' 'mailnickname', 'samaccountname', 'UserPrincipalName', 'proxyAddresses' 'Distinguishedname', 'legacyExchangeDN', 'EmailAddress', 'msExchRecipientDisplayType' 'msExchRecipientTypeDetails', 'msExchRemoteRecipientType', 'targetaddress' ) $Selectproperties = @( 'DisplayName', 'Title', 'Office', 'Department', 'Division' 'Company', 'Organization', 'EmployeeID', 'EmployeeNumber', 'Description', 'GivenName' 'Surname', 'StreetAddress', 'City', 'State', 'PostalCode', 'Country', 'countryCode' 'POBox', 'MobilePhone', 'OfficePhone', 'HomePhone', 'Fax', 'cn' 'mailnickname', 'samaccountname', 'UserPrincipalName', 'Distinguishedname' 'legacyExchangeDN', 'EmailAddress', 'msExchRecipientDisplayType' 'msExchRecipientTypeDetails', 'msExchRemoteRecipientType', 'targetaddress' ) $CalculatedProps = @( @{n = "OU" ; e = {$_.Distinguishedname | ForEach-Object {($_ -split '(OU=)', 2)[1, 2] -join ''}}}, @{n = "PrimarySMTPAddress" ; e = {( $_.proxyAddresses | ? {$_ -cmatch "SMTP:*"}).Substring(5) -join ";" }}, @{n = "smtp" ; e = {( $_.proxyAddresses | ? {$_ -cmatch "smtp:*"}).Substring(5) -join ";" }}, @{n = "x500" ; e = {( $_.proxyAddresses | ? {$_ -match "x500:*"}).Substring(0) -join ";" }}, @{n = "SIP" ; e = {( $_.proxyAddresses | ? {$_ -match "SIP:*"}).Substring(4) -join ";" }} ) Get-ADUser -Server $domainController -LDAPfilter "(samaccountname=$samaccountname)" -Properties $Properties -searchBase (Get-ADDomain -Server $domainController).distinguishedname -SearchScope SubTree | select ($Selectproperties + $CalculatedProps) | FL } Process { } End { } } |