
function Export-CsvData { 
Export ProxyAddresses from a CSV and output one per line. Filtering if desired. Automatically a csv will be exported.
Export ProxyAddresses from a CSV and output one per line. Filtering if desired. Automatically a csv will be exported.
Parameter description
Parameter description
This matches one or more items when looking at email addresses. This uses the logic operator OR.
For example -Match @("smtp:","") means it will find all attributes that match smtp: OR
.PARAMETER caseMatch
Same as Match parameter but case sensitive
The same as Match parameter but uses the AND logic operator
.PARAMETER caseMatchAnd
The same as matchAnd parameter but case sensitive
The same as Match but with the comparison operator of NOT. Uses logic operator of OR.
For example -MatchNot @("smtp:","") means it will find all attributes that DO NOT MATCH smtp: OR
.PARAMETER caseMatchNot
The same as MatchNot but case sensitive
The same as MatchNot but with the logic operator of AND.
.PARAMETER caseMatchNotAnd
The same as MatchNotAnd but case sensitive
Parameter description
Parameter description
Import-Csv .\CSVofADUsers.csv | Export-CsvData -caseMatchAnd "brann" -MatchNotAnd @("JAIME","John") -JoinType and
Import-Csv .\CSVofADUsers.csv | Export-CsvData -caseMatchAnd "Harry Franklin" -MatchNotAnd @("JAIME","John") -JoinType or
Input (from the CSV) of the Addresses (to be imported into ProxyAddresses attribute in Active Directory) are expected to be semicolon separated.

    param (

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("and", "or")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("ProxyAddresses", "EmailAddresses", "x500")]










    Begin {
        if ($Domain -and (! $NewDomain)) {
            Write-Warning "Must use NewDomain parameter when specifying Domain parameter"
        if ($NewDomain -and (! $Domain)) {
            Write-Warning "Must use Domain parameter when specifying NewDomain parameter"
        $OutputPath = '.\'
        $LogFileName = $(get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss)
        $Log = Join-Path $OutputPath ($LogFileName + "-EmailAddresses.csv")

        $filterElements = $psboundparameters.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -match 'Match' } | ForEach-Object {

            if ($_.EndsWith('And')) {
                $logicOperator = ' -and '
            else {
                $logicOperator = ' -or '
            $comparisonOperator = switch ($_) {
                { $_.StartsWith('case') } { '-cmatch' }
                default { '-match' }

            if ($_.Contains('Not')) {
                $comparisonOperator = $comparisonOperator -replace '^-(c?)', '-$1not'

            $elements = foreach ($value in $psboundparameters[$_]) {
                '$_ {0} "{1}"' -f $comparisonOperator, $value
            $elements -join $logicOperator
        if ($filterElements) {
            $filterString = '({0})' -f ($filterElements -join (') -{0} (' -f $JoinType))
            $filter = [ScriptBlock]::Create($filterString)
            Write-Verbose "Filter being used: $filter"
    Process {
        ForEach ($CurRow in $Row) {
            # Add Error Handling for more than one SMTP:
            $Display = $CurRow.Displayname
            $RecipientTypeDetails = $CurRow.RecipientTypeDetails
            $PrimarySmtpAddress = $CurRow.PrimarySmtpAddress
            $OU = $CurRow.OU
            if ($filter) {    
                $Address = $CurRow."$FindAddressInColumn" -split ";" | Where-Object $filter
            else {
                $Address = $CurRow.EmailAddresses -split ";"
            if ($Domain) {
                $Address = $Address | ForEach-Object {
                    $_ -replace ([Regex]::Escape($Domain), $NewDomain)
            $PrimarySMTP = $CurRow.EmailAddresses -split ";" | Where-Object {$_ -cmatch 'SMTP:'}

            if ($Address) {
                foreach ($CurAddress in $Address) {
                        DisplayName          = $Display
                        OU                   = $OU
                        PrimarySmtpAddress   = $PrimarySmtpAddress
                        RecipientTypeDetails = $RecipientTypeDetails
                        EmailAddress         = $CurAddress
                    } | Export-Csv $Log -Append -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
            else {
                    DisplayName          = $Display
                    OU                   = $OU
                    PrimarySmtpAddress   = $PrimarySmtpAddress
                    RecipientTypeDetails = $RecipientTypeDetails
                    EmailAddress         = "NONE"
                } | Export-Csv $Log -Append -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
    End {
