function Get-DistributionGroupMembers { <# .SYNOPSIS Determines the Groups that a recipient is a member of. Either recursively or not. Original function developed my Mark Kraus. Check out his blog here: .DESCRIPTION Determines the Groups that a recipient is a member of. Either recursively or not. .PARAMETER Recurse Reveals nested group membership .PARAMETER Processed Parameter used internally by function to hold those that have been processed (loopback detection) .EXAMPLE "" | Get-DistributionGroupMembers -Recurse -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [string[]]$Identity, [Parameter()] [switch]$Recurse, [Parameter()] [string[]]$Processed ) begin { if (-not $processed) { $Processed = @() } } process { foreach ($CurIdentity in $Identity) { Write-Verbose "Looking up memberships for '$CurIdentity'." try { $Recipient = Get-Recipient -Identity $CurIdentity -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.exception.message $Message = "Unable to find recipient '{0}': {1}" -f $CurIdentity, $ErrorMessage Write-Error $Message continue } Write-Verbose "Adding '$($Recipient.PrimarySmtpAddress)' to processed list" $Processed += $Recipient.PrimarySmtpAddress $Results = @() Write-Verbose "RTD: '$($Recipient.RecipientTypeDetails)'" Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $Recipient.DistinguishedName -ResultSize Unlimited | Where-Object {$_.PrimarySmtpAddress -notin $Processed} | ForEach-Object { $_ | ? {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -notin 'NonUniversalGroup', 'GroupMailbox', 'RoleGroup','MailNonUniversalGroup','MailUniversalSecurityGroup','MailUniversalDistributionGroup','DynamicDistributionGroup','PublicFolder','UniversalDistributionGroup','UniversalSecurityGroup','NonUniversalGroup'} $Results += $_ } if (-not $Recurse) { continue } Foreach ($Result in $Results) { #Skip "Office 365 Groups" as they fail recipient checks and cannot be members of other groups if ($Result.RecipientTypeDetails -in 'NonUniversalGroup', 'GroupMailbox', 'RoleGroup', 'UserMailbox') { Continue } Write-Verbose "Start recursing for '$($Result.PrimarySmtpAddress)'." Get-DistributionGroupMembers -Identity $Result.Guid.ToString() -Recurse -Processed $Processed Write-Verbose "Done recursing for '$($Result.PrimarySmtpAddress)'." }#End Foreach result } #End Foreach Identity } #End Process } #End Function |