<# .SYNOPSIS Imports a module in a profile .DESCRIPTION Adds code to import a module in your profile. This will ensure the module is loaded whenever you're running PowerShell. .EXAMPLE $Posh.Profile.ImportModule("Posh") #> param( # The name of the module to import. [string] $Module, # Which profile should the content be added to? # The default is the current user's current host. [ValidateSet('AllUsersAllHosts','AllUsersCurrentHosts','CurrentUserAllHosts','CurrentUserCurrentHost')] [string] $WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost' ) $AlreadyAdded = $this.Matches("Import-Module $Module", $WhichProfile) if (-not $AlreadyAdded) { $this.Add( [scriptblock]::Create("Import-Module $module -Force$([Environment]::Newline)"), $WhichProfile ) } |