# We start by loading our format and types files Update-FormatData -PrependPath (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Posh.format.ps1xml") Update-TypeData -AppendPath (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Posh.types.ps1xml") # Next, we decorate several global variables. # None of these automatically have formatting or extended types, so we can improve their experiences. # For instance, we can help search thru errors just by extending the object [decorate('Posh.Errors',Clear)]$global:error # we could also make $executionContext easier to understand (hopefully) [decorate('Posh.ExecutionContext',Clear)]$global:ExecutionContext # we can make the host information present more cleanly, # and prevent people from digging into deep properties. [decorate('Posh.Host',Clear)]$global:Host # And we can manipulate the profile [decorate('Posh.Profiles',Clear)]$global:PROFILE # If $psStyle is present, we want to tweak it _just_ a little if ($global:PSStyle) { # Specifically, we want to add information to FileInfo # A Collection of Patterns (in case extensions alone aren't enough) $global:PSStyle.FileInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Pattern ([Ordered]@{}) -Force # A set of extension icons. $global:PSStyle.FileInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionIcon ([Ordered]@{}) -Force # These pieces of information will be used later in our File Table View. } . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '@.ps1') # The next neat trick we do is decorate ourselves. $Posh = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module $Posh.pstypenames.Insert(0,'Posh') #region Stackable Functions $stackableFunctions = [Ordered]@{ Prompt = 'prompt' Input = 'PSConsoleHostReadLine' TabExpansion = 'TabExpansion2' } foreach ($stackableFunctionKeyValue in $stackableFunctions.GetEnumerator()) { $functionStackType = $stackableFunctionKeyValue.Key $stackableFunction = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = "Posh.$functionStackType" Stack = [Collections.Stack]::new() FunctionName = $stackableFunctionKeyValue.Value } $posh | Add-Member NoteProperty $functionStackType $stackableFunction -Force } #endregion Stackable Functions #region $Posh.Parameters # Add a Posh.Parameters psuedo object to $Posh. $Posh | Add-Member NoteProperty Parameters ( [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = "Posh.Parameters" DefaultValues = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues } ) -Force # Add $LastOutput $Posh.Parameters.Defaults = "Out-Default", "OutVariable", "LastOutput" $Posh.Parameters.Defaults = "Out-Default", "ErrorVariable", "LastOutputError" #endregion $Posh.Parameters $poshCommands = # Neat tricks, explained: # In this object, we will get an enumerable to get each type of command. # Thus we can enumerate it quickly and as many times as we want. [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ PSTypeName = 'Posh.Commands' All = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','All',$true) Application = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','Application',$true) Function = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','Function',$true) Alias = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','Alias',$true) Cmdlet = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','Cmdlet',$true) } $posh | Add-Member NoteProperty Commands $poshCommands -Force $exportedVariables = @('posh') $hasModuleProfiles = $posh.ModuleProfiles if ($hasModuleProfiles) { foreach ($moduleProfile in $hasModuleProfiles) { . $moduleProfile } } Export-ModuleMember -Variable $exportedVariables $posh.OnRemove = { if ($posh.Prompt.Stack -and $posh.Prompt.Stack.Count) { $function:Prompt = $posh.Prompt.Stack.ToArray()[-1] } $host.pstypenames.Clear() $global:ExecutionContext.pstypenames.clear() $global:error.pstypenames.clear() $global:PROFILE.pstypenames.clear() $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.pstypenames.clear() } |