
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 2.0.1: Install-Module EZOut or https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut -->
    Returns all errors
    Returns all errors from the current session
    Gets the PowerShell History
    Gets the history of commands run in this PowerShell session.
    Gets the PowerShell Host
    Gets the current PowerShell Host

    Gets PowerShell Jobs
    Gets PowerShell Background Jobs
    Gets the loaded modules
    Gets the PowerShell modules loaded in the current session.
    Gets the PowerShell Process
    Gets the process currently hosting PowerShell
Get-Process -id $PID
                        foreach ($module in $posh.Modules) {
    Gets the PowerShell Runspaces
    Gets the current PowerShell Runspace.


    $posh.Commands.FindExtensions($posh, "$pwd")
$targetModules = @()
$targetPaths = @()
$loadedModules = Get-Module
foreach ($arg in $args) {
    if ($arg -is [Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]) {
        $targetModules += $arg
    elseif ($arg -is [IO.FileInfo] -or $arg -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
        $targetPaths += $arg
    elseif ($arg -is [Management.Automation.PathInfo]) {
        $targetPaths += "$arg"
    elseif ($arg -is [string]) {
        $argIsModule =
            foreach ($module in $loadedModules) { if ($module.Name -like $arg) { $module}}
        if ($argIsModule) {
            $targetModules += $argIsModule
        } elseif (Test-Path $arg) {
            $targetPaths += $arg

if (-not $targetModules) { $targetModules = $posh.Modules}
$Splat = @{}
if ($targetPaths) {
    $Splat.FilePath = $targetPaths
foreach ($module in $targetModules) {
    # Aspect.ModuleExtendedCommand
    &amp; {
            Returns a module's extended commands
            Returns the commands or scripts in a module that match the module command pattern.
            Each returned script will be decorated with the typename(s) that match,
            so that the extended commands can be augmented by the extended types system.
            Aspect.ModuleExtensionCommand -Module PipeScript # Should -BeOfType ([Management.Automation.CommandInfo])
        # The name of a module, or a module info object.
        $validTypeList = [System.String],[System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]
        $thisType = $_.GetType()
        $IsTypeOk =
            $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
                if ($_ -as $validType) {
        if (-not $isTypeOk) {
            throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','psmoduleinfo'."
        return $true
        # A list of commands.
        # If this is provided, each command that is a valid extension will be returned.
        # The suffix to apply to each named capture.
        # Defaults to '_Command'
        $Suffix = '_Command',
        # The prefix to apply to each named capture.
        # The file path(s). If provided, will look for commands within these paths.
        # The PowerShell command type. If this is provided, will only get commands of this type.
        # The base PSTypeName(s).
        # If provided, any commands that match the pattern will apply these typenames, too.
        process {
            if ($Module -is [string]) {
                $Module = Get-Module $Module
            $ModuleInfo = $module
            if (-not $ModuleInfo) { return }
            $ModuleCommandPattern = # Aspect.ModuleExtensionPattern
                                    &amp; {
                                            Outputs a module's extension pattern
                                            Outputs a regular expression that will match any possible pattern.
                                            Aspect.ModuleCommandPattern -Module PipeScript # Should -BeOfType ([Regex])
                                        # The name of a module, or a module info object.
                                        $validTypeList = [System.String],[System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]
                                        $thisType = $_.GetType()
                                        $IsTypeOk =
                                            $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
                                                if ($_ -as $validType) {
                                        if (-not $isTypeOk) {
                                            throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','psmoduleinfo'."
                                        return $true
                                        # The suffix to apply to each named capture.
                                        # Defaults to '_Command'
                                        $Suffix = '_Command',
                                        # The prefix to apply to each named capture.
                                        process {
                                            if ($Module -is [string]) {
                                                $Module = Get-Module $Module
                                            $ModuleInfo = $module
                                            #region Search for Module Extension Types
                                            if (-not $ModuleInfo) { return }
                                            $ModuleExtensionTypes = # Aspect.ModuleExtensionTypes
                                                                    &amp; {
                                                                            Outputs a module's extension types
                                                                            Outputs the extension types defined in a module's manifest.
                                                                            # Outputs a PSObject with information about extension command types.
                                                                            # The two primary pieces of information are the `.Name` and `.Pattern`.
                                                                            Aspect.ModuleExtensionType -Module PipeScript # Should -BeOfType ([PSObject])
                                                                        # The name of a module, or a module info object.
                                                                        $validTypeList = [System.String],[System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]
                                                                        $thisType = $_.GetType()
                                                                        $IsTypeOk =
                                                                            $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
                                                                                if ($_ -as $validType) {
                                                                        if (-not $isTypeOk) {
                                                                            throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','psmoduleinfo'."
                                                                        return $true
                                                                        begin {
                                                                            $ExtensionCollectionNames =
                                                                                "Extension", "Command", "Cmdlet", "Function", "Alias", "Script", "Application", "File","Configuration"
                                                                            $ExtensionCollectionNames = @($ExtensionCollectionNames -replace '.+$','${0}Type') + @($ExtensionCollectionNames -replace '.+$','${0}Types')
                                                                        process {
                                                                            #region Resolve Module Info
                                                                            if ($Module -is [string]) {
                                                                                $Module = Get-Module $Module
                                                                            $ModuleInfo = $module
                                                                            if (-not $ModuleInfo) { return }
                                                                            #endregion Resolve Module Info
                                                                            #region Check Cache and Hopefully Return
                                                                            if (-not $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache) {
                                                                                $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache = @{}
                                                                            if ($script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache[$ModuleInfo]) {
                                                                                return $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache[$ModuleInfo]
                                                                            #endregion Check Cache and Hopefully Return
                                                                            #region Find Extension Types
                                                                            $modulePrivateData = $ModuleInfo.PrivateData
                                                                            $SortedExtensionTypes = [Ordered]@{}
                                                                            foreach ($TypeOfExtensionCollection in $ExtensionCollectionNames) {
                                                                                $moduleExtensionTypes =
                                                                                    if ($modulePrivateData.$TypeOfExtensionCollection) {
                                                                                    } elseif ($modulePrivateData.PSData.$TypeOfExtensionCollection) {
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                if (-not $moduleExtensionTypes) { continue }
                                                                                foreach ($commandType in @($ModuleExtensionTypes.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key)) {
                                                                                    if ($commandType.Value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                                                                                        if (-not $commandType.Value.Name) {
                                                                                            $commandType.Value["Name"] = $commandType.Key
                                                                                        if (-not $commandType.Value.PSTypeName) {
                                                                                            $commandType.Value["PSTypeName"] = "$($module.Name).ExtensionCommandType"
                                                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name] = $commandType.Value
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name] = [Ordered]@{
                                                                                            PSTypeName = "$($module.Name).ExtensionCommandType"
                                                                                            Name = $commandType.Key
                                                                                            Pattern = $commandType.Value
                                                                                    if ($TypeOfExtensionCollection -notmatch '(?&gt;Extension|Command|Cmdlet)') {
                                                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name].CommandType = $TypeOfExtensionCollection -replace 'Type(?:s)?$'
                                                                                    } elseif ($TypeOfExtensionCollection -match 'Cmdlet') {
                                                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name].CommandType = "(?&gt;Alias|Function|Filter|Cmdlet)"
                                                                            $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache[$ModuleInfo] = [PSCustomObject]$SortedExtensionTypes
                                                                            #endregion Find Extension Types
                                                                     } -Module $moduleInfo
                                            if (-not $ModuleExtensionTypes) { return }
                                            # With some clever understanding of Regular expressions, we can make match any/all of our potential command types.
                                            # Essentially: Regular Expressions can look ahead (matching without changing the position), and be optional.
                                            # So we can say "any/all" by making a series of optional lookaheads.
                                            # We'll go thru each pattern in order
                                            $combinedRegex = @(foreach ($categoryExtensionTypeInfo in @($ModuleExtensionTypes.psobject.properties)) {
                                                $categoryPattern = $categoryExtensionTypeInfo.Value.Pattern
                                                # ( and skip anyone that does not have a pattern)
                                                if (-not $categoryPattern) { continue }
                                                '(?=' + # Start a lookahead
                                                    '.{0,}' + # match any or no characters
                                                    # followed by the command pattern
                                                    "(?&lt;$Prefix$($categoryExtensionTypeInfo.Name -replace '\p{P}', '_')$Suffix&gt;$categoryPattern)" +
                                                    ')?' # made optional
                                            }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                                            # Now that we've combined the whole thing, make it a Regex and output it.
                                            [Regex]::new("$combinedRegex", 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace','00:00:01')
                                     } $ModuleInfo -Prefix $prefix -Suffix $Suffix
            $ModuleCommandTypes = # Aspect.ModuleExtensionType
                                    &amp; {
                                            Outputs a module's extension types
                                            Outputs the extension types defined in a module's manifest.
                                            # Outputs a PSObject with information about extension command types.
                                            # The two primary pieces of information are the `.Name` and `.Pattern`.
                                            Aspect.ModuleExtensionType -Module PipeScript # Should -BeOfType ([PSObject])
                                        # The name of a module, or a module info object.
                                        $validTypeList = [System.String],[System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]
                                        $thisType = $_.GetType()
                                        $IsTypeOk =
                                            $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
                                                if ($_ -as $validType) {
                                        if (-not $isTypeOk) {
                                            throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','psmoduleinfo'."
                                        return $true
                                        begin {
                                            $ExtensionCollectionNames =
                                                "Extension", "Command", "Cmdlet", "Function", "Alias", "Script", "Application", "File","Configuration"
                                            $ExtensionCollectionNames = @($ExtensionCollectionNames -replace '.+$','${0}Type') + @($ExtensionCollectionNames -replace '.+$','${0}Types')
                                        process {
                                            #region Resolve Module Info
                                            if ($Module -is [string]) {
                                                $Module = Get-Module $Module
                                            $ModuleInfo = $module
                                            if (-not $ModuleInfo) { return }
                                            #endregion Resolve Module Info
                                            #region Check Cache and Hopefully Return
                                            if (-not $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache) {
                                                $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache = @{}
                                            if ($script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache[$ModuleInfo]) {
                                                return $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache[$ModuleInfo]
                                            #endregion Check Cache and Hopefully Return
                                            #region Find Extension Types
                                            $modulePrivateData = $ModuleInfo.PrivateData
                                            $SortedExtensionTypes = [Ordered]@{}
                                            foreach ($TypeOfExtensionCollection in $ExtensionCollectionNames) {
                                                $moduleExtensionTypes =
                                                    if ($modulePrivateData.$TypeOfExtensionCollection) {
                                                    } elseif ($modulePrivateData.PSData.$TypeOfExtensionCollection) {
                                                    } else {
                                                if (-not $moduleExtensionTypes) { continue }
                                                foreach ($commandType in @($ModuleExtensionTypes.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key)) {
                                                    if ($commandType.Value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                                                        if (-not $commandType.Value.Name) {
                                                            $commandType.Value["Name"] = $commandType.Key
                                                        if (-not $commandType.Value.PSTypeName) {
                                                            $commandType.Value["PSTypeName"] = "$($module.Name).ExtensionCommandType"
                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name] = $commandType.Value
                                                    } else {
                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name] = [Ordered]@{
                                                            PSTypeName = "$($module.Name).ExtensionCommandType"
                                                            Name = $commandType.Key
                                                            Pattern = $commandType.Value
                                                    if ($TypeOfExtensionCollection -notmatch '(?&gt;Extension|Command|Cmdlet)') {
                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name].CommandType = $TypeOfExtensionCollection -replace 'Type(?:s)?$'
                                                    } elseif ($TypeOfExtensionCollection -match 'Cmdlet') {
                                                        $SortedExtensionTypes[$commandType.Name].CommandType = "(?&gt;Alias|Function|Filter|Cmdlet)"
                                            $script:ModuleExtensionTypeCache[$ModuleInfo] = [PSCustomObject]$SortedExtensionTypes
                                            #endregion Find Extension Types
                                     } $ModuleInfo
            $commands =
                if ($PSBoundParameters['Commands']) {
                elseif ($PSBoundParameters['FilePath']) {
                    if (-not $commandType) {
                        $commandType = 'Application,ExternalScript'
                    foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem -File -Path $PSBoundParameters['FilePath'] -Recurse) {
                        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($file.FullName, $commandType)
                } else {
                    if (-not $CommandType) {
                        $commandType = 'Function,Alias,Filter,Cmdlet'
                    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*', $commandType, $true)
            :nextCommand foreach ($cmd in $commands) {
                $matched = $ModuleCommandPattern.Match("$cmd")
                if (-not $matched.Success) { continue }
                $NamedGroupMatch = $false
                :nextCommandType foreach ($group in $matched.Groups) {
                    if (-not $group.Success) { continue }
                    if ($null -ne ($group.Name -as [int])) { continue }
                    $CommandTypeName = $group.Name.Replace('_','.')
                    $ThisCommandsType = $ModuleCommandTypes.($group.Name -replace "^$prefix" -replace "$suffix$")
                    if ($ThisCommandsType) {
                        $ThisTypeFilter = @($ThisCommandsType.CommandType,$ThisCommandsType.CommandTypes -ne $null)[0]
                        if ($ThisTypeFilter -and ($cmd.CommandType -notmatch $ThisTypeFilter)) {
                            continue nextCommandType
                        $ThisExcludeFilter = @($ThisCommandsType.ExcludeCommandType,$ThisCommandsType.ExcludeCommandTypes -ne $null)[0]
                        if ($ThisExcludeFilter -and ($cmd.CommandType -match $ThisExcludeFilter)) {
                            continue nextCommandType
                    $NamedGroupMatch = $true
                    if ($PSTypeName) {
                        foreach ($psuedoType in $PSTypeName) {
                            if ($cmd.pstypenames -notcontains $psuedoType) {
                                $cmd.pstypenames.insert(0, $psuedoType)
                    if ($cmd.pstypenames -notcontains $CommandTypeName) {
                        $cmd.pstypenames.insert(0, $CommandTypeName)
                if ($NamedGroupMatch) {
     } -Module $module @Splat


    Filters errors by line wildcard
    Filters entries in $Error for items that a .Line like a wildcard.
# A wildcard pattern.

,@(foreach ($err in $this) {
    if ($err.InvocationInfo.Line -like $Like) {
    Filters errors by command pattern
    Filters entries in $Error for items that have a .CommandLine matching the pattern.
# A regular expression.

,@(foreach ($err in $this) {
    if ($err.InvocationInfo.Line -match $match) {
    Gets errors by line
    Gets all lines that produced errors
$errorsByLine =

foreach ($err in $this) {
    $errLine = $err.InvocationInfo.Line
    if (-not $errLine) { continue }
    if (-not $errorsByLine[$errLine]) {
        $errorsByLine[$errLine] = [Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
    $null = $errorsByLine[$errLine].Add($err)

    Gets Errors By Type
    Returns all errors, by type of error.
$errorsByType =

foreach ($err in $this) {
    $exceptionType = if ($err.Exception) {
    } else {
    if (-not $errorsByType[$exceptionType]) {
        $errorsByType[$exceptionType] = [Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
    $null = $errorsByType[$exceptionType].Add($err)

    Gets Error History
    Gets the history items associated with PowerShell Errors
$historyIDS = @(foreach ($err in $this) {
    if ($err.InvocationInfo.HistoryId -gt 0) {

Get-History -Id $historyIDS
                        $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.Cache' @() -Force
    Gets all items in an extension collection.
    Gets all items in a collection of extended commands.
if (-not $this.'.Cache') {
    if (-not $this.'.Module') { return @() }

    $findExtensionArgs = @($this.'.Module') + @($this.'.Path')
    $allExtensionsFound =
            foreach ($foundExtension in
            if ($this.'.CommandType') {
                foreach ($typename in $this.'.CommandType') {
                    if ($foundExtension.pstypenames -contains $typename) {
                        continue nextExtension
            } else {
    $this |
        Add-Member NoteProperty '.Cache' $allExtensionsFound -Force

return $this.'.Cache'
    Gets an extension collection's CommandType
    Gets the extended CommandTypes(s) that are stored in an extension collection.

    CommandTypes can be defined in a module's manifest.
return $this.'.CommandType'
    Sets an extension collection's command type
    Sets the extended command types in an extension collection.
# The path. If this is empty all extended commands will be present in the collection

Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.CommandType' -Value $CommandType -Force
    Gets the extension count.
    Gets the count of all extensions in a collection.
    Gets an extension collection's module
    Gets the module that defines extended types in an extension collection.
return $this.'.Module'
    Sets an extension collection's module
    Sets the module that defines extended command types in an extension collection.
# The module.

Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.Module' -Value $module -Force
    Gets an extension collection's Path
    Gets the Path(s) that store extensions in an extension collection.
return $this.'.Path'
    Sets an extension collection's path
    Sets the path that defines extended command types in an extension collection.
# The path. If this is empty, only extensions that are functions or aliases will be found.

Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.Path' -Value $Path -Force
    Gets a random extended command
    Gets a random extended command from an ExtensionCollection.
$this.All | Get-Random
    Prompts a choice
    Prompts a choice between multiple options.

    An option can be a string, hashtable, or scriptblock.
    Hashtables keys and arrays will become a list of possible choices.
    Strings will be outputted as a message.

    A boolean will indicate multiple items can be chosen.
        "Cake Or Death?",
        @("Cake", "Death")

$captionAndMessage = @()

$choiceList = @()

$defaultChoices = @()

$multiselect = $false

foreach ($argument in $args) {
    if ($argument -is [string]) {
        $captionAndMessage += $argument
    if ($argument -is [bool] -and $argument) {
        $multiselect = $true
    if ($argument -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        if ($argument -is [hashtable]) {
            $choiceList += @($argument.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key).Key
        } else {
            $choiceList += @($argument.GetEnumerator()).Key
    } elseif ($argument -is [object[]]) {
        if ($argument -as [int[]]) {
            $defaultChoices += $argument
        } else {
            $choiceList += $argument

$choiceList = @(
    foreach ($potentialChoice in $choiceList) {

if (-not $choiceList) { return }

$caption, $message = $captionAndMessage
if ($defaultChoices) {
    if (-not $multiselect) {
        $defaultChoices = $defaultChoices[0]
        $choice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($caption, $message, $choiceList, $defaultChoices)
    } else {
        $choice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($caption, $message, $choiceList, $defaultChoices)
} else {
    $choice =
    if ($multiselect) {
        $host.UI.PromptForChoice($caption, $message, $choiceList, [int[]]@(0))
    } else {
        $host.UI.PromptForChoice($caption, $message, $choiceList, 0)

if ($choice -ne -1) {

    Gets the cursor
    Gets the console cursor.
return ([PSCustomObject]@{PSTypeName='Posh.Host.Cursor'})
    Gets the height of the host
    Gets the height of the host (in characters).
    Gets the host's title
    Gets the host's window title.

    Sets the host's title
    Sets the host's window title.

    Unfortunately, this will be ignored if running in Visual Studio Code.
    $Posh.Title = "Sup?"
$this.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title

    Gets the Width of the host
    Gets the Width of the host (in characters).
    Moves the cursor back
    Moves the cursor N (default 1) cells back.
    If the cursor is already at the edge of the screen, this has no effect.
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).
    # How far the cursor should move.
    [int]$Distance = 1


    Moves the cursor down
    Moves the cursor N (default 1) cells down.
    If the cursor is already at the edge of the screen, this has no effect.
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).
    # How far the cursor should move
    [int]$Distance = 1


    Moves the cursor forward
    Moves the cursor N (default 1) cells back.
    If the cursor is already at the edge of the screen, this has no effect.
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).
    # How far the cursor should move
    [int]$Distance = 1


    Hides the cursor
    Hides the cursor. This is not supported in all terminals.
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).


    Pages the cursor down
    Pages the cursor N (default 1) pages down. New lines are added at the top.
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).
    # How far the cursor should move
    [int]$Distance = 1


    Pages the cursor up.
    Pages the cursor N (default 1) pages up. New lines are added at the bottom.
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).
    # How far the cursor should move
    [int]$Distance = 1


    Sets the cursor position.
    Sets the position of the cursor. This is not supported in all terminals.

    The position can be provided as a pair of integers.
    The first integer will be the row, the second integer will be the column.
    The position can also be provided as an object with any of the following properties:

    * X/Column/Left
    * Y/Row/Top
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).

$argList = @($args | . { process { $_ }})

$coordinates =
    if ($argList -as [int[]]) {
        $argList -as [int[]]
    elseif ($argList.Length -eq 1) {
        $arg = $args[0]
        if ($arg.Y) {
        elseif ($arg.Row) {
        elseif ($arg.Top) {

        if ($arg.X) {
        elseif ($arg.Column) {
        elseif ($arg.Left) {

if ($coordinates -and $coordinates.Length -eq 2) {

    Shows the cursor
    Shows the cursor. This is not supported in all terminals.
    This method returns an escape sequence (it should be invisible).


    Moves the cursor up
    Moves the cursor N (default 1) cells up.
    If the cursor is already at the edge of the screen, this has no effect.
    # How far the cursor should move
    [int]$Distance = 1


    Gets the cursor position
    Gets the cursor position

if ($host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition) {
    # In the "really" category, CursorPosition is zero-index, where as actual cursors in a terminal are 1-indexed.
        PSTypeName = 'Posh.Host.Cursor.Position'
        Row = ($host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y + 1)
        Column = ($host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.X + 1)

    Appends content to a stackable function

# The value to prepend.

$toAppend = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$this.Current = {@(. $currentFunction; . $toAppend) -join ''}.GetNewClosure()
    Clears a stackable function
    Clears a stackable function, resetting it to it's original state.
if ($this.Stack -and $this.Stack.Count) {
    $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.psvariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", @($this.Stack.ToArray())[-1])
    Pops the last value from a function stack
    Pops the latest value from a function stack, such as the prompt.

if ($this.Stack -and $this.Stack.Count) {
    $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.psvariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", $this.Stack.Pop())
    Prepends content to a stackable function.
    Prepends content to a stackable function.

    This takes the current entry and adds content to it's beginning.
# The value to prepend.

$toPrepend = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$this.Current = {@(. $toPrepend; . $currentFunction) -join ''}.GetNewClosure()
    Pushes an entry into a stackable function
    Pushes an entry into a stackable function.

    This overwrites the existing entry,
    and adds the previous value to the stack so it can be easily undone.
# The new value for the function

$this.Current = $Value
    Replaces content within a function
    Replaces content within a stackable function, such as the prompt.
    # Replace both ends of the prompt
    $Posh.Prompt.Replace('PS ', 0x27d6,$true).Replace('&gt;', 0x27d5, $true)
        if ($env:User) {
        } elseif ($env:UserName) {
# The content to replace

# The new value

$toReplace = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]

$passThru = $false
foreach ($arg in $args) {
    if ($arg -is [bool] -and $arg) {
        $passThru = $true
$newFunc = {
        $existingOutput =. $currentFunction
        $replaceRegex = [Regex]::new($Replace,'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace','00:00:02')
        $replaceRegex.Replace($existingOutput, $toReplace)
    ) -join ''

$this.Current = $newFunc
if ($passThru) {
    Converts into a stringified value
    Converts an item into a stringified value.

    This is used internally by stackable functions when they are prepending or appending.

if ($Prompt -is [ScriptBlock]) {
    ". {$prompt}"
} else {
    if ($Prompt -is [int]) {
        if ($Prompt -le 1000) {
            $Prompt -as [char] -as [string]
        } else {
            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.ExpandString('`u{'+("{0:x}" -f $Prompt) + '}')
    } else {
        ) -replace "'","''"
    Gets the value of a stackable function
    Gets the current value of a stackable function.
    Sets the current implementation of a function
    Sets the current imlementation of a stackable function.

    Stackable functions keep a stack of all prior entries for easy undo.
    $Posh.Prompt.Current = {"?"}
if (-not $this.FunctionName) { return }
$currentFunctionValue = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$newFunctionValue = $args[0]
if ($newFunctionValue -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
    $newFunctionValue = [ScriptBlock]::Create($this.Stringify($newFunctionValue))
$posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", $newFunctionValue)
        <Value>PowerShell has a robust input system.

There's a very useful module by the name of PSReadLine that helps handle advanced input.

Posh allows you to override the input function for PowerShell in a safe, stackable way.

Pipe `$posh.Input` into `Get-Member` to see what it can do.</Value>
    Clears default parameter values.
    Clears all default parameter values.
    Removes parameter default values.
    Removes the default values for a command.
# The name of the command.

# The command parameters.
# If this is a dictionary, each value will be used.
# Otherwise, this will be treated as the name of the parameter.

$DefaultValueKey =
    if ($command -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) {
        if ($command.Source) {
        } else {
    else {

if ($Parameter -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
    foreach ($parameterKeyValue in $Parameter.GetEnumerator()) {
        $null = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("${defaultValueKey}:$($parameterKeyValue.Key)")
} elseif ($Parameter) {
    $null = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues["${defaultValueKey}:$Parameter"] = $DefaultValue
} else {
    $toRemoveKeys = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Keys -like "${defaultValueKey}:*"
    foreach ($toRemove in $toRemoveKeys) {
        $null = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove($toRemove)
    Sets parameter default values.
    Sets the default value for a parameter.
    $Posh.Parameters.SetDefault("Out-Default", "OutVariable", 'LastOutput')
# The name of the command.

# The command parameters.
# If this is a dictionary, each value will be used.
# Otherwise, this will be treated as the name of the parameter.

# The default value.

$DefaultValueKey =
    if ($command -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) {
        if ($command.Source) {
        } else {
    else {

if ($Parameter -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
    foreach ($parameterKeyValue in $Parameter.GetEnumerator()) {
        $global:PSDefaultParameterValues["${defaultValueKey}:$($parameterKeyValue.Key)"] =
} else {
    $global:PSDefaultParameterValues["${defaultValueKey}:$Parameter"] = $DefaultValue
                        $defaultsByCommand = [Ordered]@{}
foreach ($key in $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Keys) {
    $commandName, $parameterName = $key -split ':',2
    if (-not $defaultsByCommand[$commandName]) {
        $defaultsByCommand[$commandName] = [Ordered]@{}
    $defaultsByCommand[$commandName][$parameterName] = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues[$key]
                        $argArray = @(
    foreach ($arg in $args) {

        <Value>One of the strengths of PowerShell is how it treats parameters.

You can find metadata about any command's parameters.

You can also provide default values for any command's parameters.

`$Posh.Parameters` helps you Find PowerShell parameters and manage their default values.</Value>
                        $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.Cache' @() -Force
    Gets all items in an extension collection.
    Gets all items in a collection of extended commands.
if (-not $this.'.Cache') {
    if (-not $this.'.Module') { return @() }

    $findExtensionArgs = @($this.'.Module') + @($this.'.Path')
    $allExtensionsFound =
            foreach ($foundExtension in
            if ($this.'.CommandType') {
                foreach ($typename in $this.'.CommandType') {
                    if ($foundExtension.pstypenames -contains $typename) {
                        continue nextExtension
            } else {
    $this |
        Add-Member NoteProperty '.Cache' $allExtensionsFound -Force

return $this.'.Cache'
    Gets an extension collection's CommandType
    Gets the extended CommandTypes(s) that are stored in an extension collection.

    CommandTypes can be defined in a module's manifest.
return $this.'.CommandType'
    Sets an extension collection's command type
    Sets the extended command types in an extension collection.
# The path. If this is empty all extended commands will be present in the collection

Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.CommandType' -Value $CommandType -Force
    Gets the extension count.
    Gets the count of all extensions in a collection.
    Gets an extension collection's module
    Gets the module that defines extended types in an extension collection.
return $this.'.Module'
    Sets an extension collection's module
    Sets the module that defines extended command types in an extension collection.
# The module.

Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.Module' -Value $module -Force
    Gets an extension collection's Path
    Gets the Path(s) that store extensions in an extension collection.
return $this.'.Path'
    Sets an extension collection's path
    Sets the path that defines extended command types in an extension collection.
# The path. If this is empty, only extensions that are functions or aliases will be found.

Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.Path' -Value $Path -Force
    Gets a random extended command
    Gets a random extended command from an ExtensionCollection.
$this.All | Get-Random
        <Value>## Posh Presets

Posh Presets provide a way to store and apply presets for a variable.

They are simply data files, where each key or property repesents a expression and it's value represents what it will be set to.

Preset files can be .psd1, .json, or .clixml.

To see what presets can do, use $Posh.Presets | Get-Member</Value>
    Uses a preset
    Uses or applies a Posh preset.

    Posh presets will take the data in a *.preset.* file and apply it to a variable.

$importedData =
    switch -regex ($this.Source) {
        '\.psd1$' {
            $importedAsLocalizedData = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory ($this.Source | Split-Path) -FileName ($this.Source | Split-Path -Leaf)
            if ($importedAsLocalizedData) {
                $replacedContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.Source) -replace '\@\{', '[Ordered]@{'
                &amp; ([ScriptBlock]::Create($replacedContent))
        '\.json$' {
            Get-Content $this.Source -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
        '.\clixml' {
            Import-Clixml $this.Source

if ($importedData -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
    $importedData = [PSCustomObject]$importedData

foreach ($importedProperty in $importedData.psobject.properties) {
    if ($importedProperty.Name -notmatch '^\$') { continue }
    $importedNameScript = [ScriptBlock]::Create($importedProperty.Name)
    $valueToImport = $importedProperty.Value
    if (-not $importedNameScript) { continue }
    $statements = $importedNameScript.Ast.EndBlock.Statements
    $currentValue = try { . $importedNameScript } catch {$null}

    # If we are importing a dictionary value, try to set each value within the dictionary
    if ($valueToImport -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        if ($currentValue -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
            foreach ($ToImport in $valueToImport.GetEnumerator()) {
                $currentValue[$ToImport.Key] = $ToImport.Value
    } elseif ($valueToImport.GetType -and (
        $valueToImport.GetType().IsPrimitive -or
        $valueToImport.GetType() -in [string], [DateTime], [timespan]
    )) {
            "$importedNameScript = $valueToImport"
    } elseif ($currentValue -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        foreach ($ToImport in $valueToImport.psobject.properties) {
            $currentValue[$ToImport.Name] = $ToImport.Value
    Adds content to a profile
    Adds content to a PowerShell profile
# The content to add to your profile.

# Which profile should the content be added to?
# The default is the current user's current host.
$WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost'

$profilePath = $PROFILE.$WhichProfile

$profileContent =
    if (Test-Path $profilePath) {
        Get-Content -Raw $profilePath
    } else {

if ($profileContent -like "*$Content*") {

$profileContent += [Environment]::NewLine
$profileContent += "$content"
$profileContent | Set-Content -Path $profilePath -PassThru

    Imports a module in a profile
    Adds code to import a module in your profile.
    This will ensure the module is loaded whenever you're running PowerShell.
# The name of the module to import.

# Which profile should the content be added to?
# The default is the current user's current host.
$WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost'

$AlreadyAdded = $this.Matches("Import-Module $Module", $WhichProfile)
if (-not $AlreadyAdded) {
        [scriptblock]::Create("Import-Module $module -Force$([Environment]::Newline)"),

    Matches patterns within profiles
    Matches a pattern within profile files.
    All places the pattern is found will be returned.
# The pattern to match.

# Which profile should the content be removed from?
# The default is the current user's current host.
$WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost'

@(foreach ($prof in $WhichProfile) {
    if (Test-Path ($profile.$prof)) {
        $pattern.Matches((Get-Content -Raw ($profile.$prof)))
    Creates a new profile
    Creates a new profile, or returns an existing profile.
# Which profile should be created?
# The default is the current user's current host.
$WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost'

$profilePath = $PROFILE.$WhichProfile

if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $profilePath) {
    Get-Item -LiteralPath $profilePath
} else {
    New-Item -ItemType File -Path $profilePath -Force
    Removes content from a profile
    Removes content from a PowerShell profile.
# The content to remove.
# If the content is a regular expression pattern, any matches will be removed.
# Otherwise, any case-insensitive occurances of the string will be removed.

# Which profile should the content be removed from?
# The default is the current user's current host.
$WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost'

$this.Replace($Content, '', $WhichProfile)
    Remove a module from a profile
    Remove code that imports a module in your profile.
# The name of the module to no longer import.

# Which profile should the content be added to?
# The default is the current user's current host.
$WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost'

$AlreadyAdded = $this.Matches("Import-Module $Module", $WhichProfile)
if ($AlreadyAdded) {
    $this.Remove("Import-Module $Module", $WhichProfile)

    Replaces content in a profile
    Replaces content in a PowerShell profile.
# The content to replace.
# If the content is a regular expression pattern, any matches will be replaced.
# Otherwise, any case-insensitive occurances of the string will be replaced.

# The content to replace.
# If content replaced was a regular expression,
# this will be treated as a [Regular Expression substitution](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/substitutions-in-regular-expressions).
$Replacement = '',

# Which profile should the content be removed from?
# The default is the current user's current host.
$WhichProfile = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost'

$profilePath = $PROFILE.$WhichProfile

$profileContent =
    if (Test-Path $profilePath) {
        Get-Content -Raw $profilePath
    } else {

if ($Content -is [regex]) {
    $profileContent = $Content.Replace($profileContent, $Replacement)
} else {
    $Content = "$content"
    if ($Content) {
        $profileContent =
                $content, $Replacement, [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase

$profileContent | Set-Content -Path $profilePath -PassThru
    Gets the current Profile
    Gets the current PowerShell Profile

    Gets the profile directory
    Gets the PowerShell profile's directory.
    The Profile Directory is a wonderful place to store data.
    ( It is almost always writeable )
($profile | Split-Path) -as [IO.DirectoryInfo]
    Gets the profile file
    Gets the profile file for the current user in the current host.
if (Test-Path "$profile") {
    Get-Item -LiteralPath "$profile"
    Gets the profile files
    Gets the FileInfo objects for each profile that exists.
foreach ($potentialPath in $profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost, $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts, $profile.AllUsersAllHosts, $profile.AllUsersCurrentHost) {
    if ([IO.File]::Exists($potentialPath)) {
        <Value>PowerShell has profiles!

Profiles run whenever PowerShell is loaded.

They're great if there's a module you want to always load, or a variable you always want defined.

To see how to manipulate PowerShell profiles with Posh, use $posh.Profiles | Get-Member</Value>
    Appends content to a stackable function

# The value to prepend.

$toAppend = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$this.Current = {@(. $currentFunction; . $toAppend) -join ''}.GetNewClosure()
    Clears a stackable function
    Clears a stackable function, resetting it to it's original state.
if ($this.Stack -and $this.Stack.Count) {
    $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.psvariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", @($this.Stack.ToArray())[-1])
    Pops the last value from a function stack
    Pops the latest value from a function stack, such as the prompt.

if ($this.Stack -and $this.Stack.Count) {
    $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.psvariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", $this.Stack.Pop())
    Prepends content to a stackable function.
    Prepends content to a stackable function.

    This takes the current entry and adds content to it's beginning.
# The value to prepend.

$toPrepend = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$this.Current = {@(. $toPrepend; . $currentFunction) -join ''}.GetNewClosure()
    Pushes an entry into a stackable function
    Pushes an entry into a stackable function.

    This overwrites the existing entry,
    and adds the previous value to the stack so it can be easily undone.
# The new value for the function

$this.Current = $Value
    Replaces content within a function
    Replaces content within a stackable function, such as the prompt.
    # Replace both ends of the prompt
    $Posh.Prompt.Replace('PS ', 0x27d6,$true).Replace('&gt;', 0x27d5, $true)
        if ($env:User) {
        } elseif ($env:UserName) {
# The content to replace

# The new value

$toReplace = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]

$passThru = $false
foreach ($arg in $args) {
    if ($arg -is [bool] -and $arg) {
        $passThru = $true
$newFunc = {
        $existingOutput =. $currentFunction
        $replaceRegex = [Regex]::new($Replace,'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace','00:00:02')
        $replaceRegex.Replace($existingOutput, $toReplace)
    ) -join ''

$this.Current = $newFunc
if ($passThru) {
    Converts into a stringified value
    Converts an item into a stringified value.

    This is used internally by stackable functions when they are prepending or appending.

if ($Prompt -is [ScriptBlock]) {
    ". {$prompt}"
} else {
    if ($Prompt -is [int]) {
        if ($Prompt -le 1000) {
            $Prompt -as [char] -as [string]
        } else {
            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.ExpandString('`u{'+("{0:x}" -f $Prompt) + '}')
    } else {
        ) -replace "'","''"
    Gets the value of a stackable function
    Gets the current value of a stackable function.
    Sets the current implementation of a function
    Sets the current imlementation of a stackable function.

    Stackable functions keep a stack of all prior entries for easy undo.
    $Posh.Prompt.Current = {"?"}
if (-not $this.FunctionName) { return }
$currentFunctionValue = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$newFunctionValue = $args[0]
if ($newFunctionValue -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
    $newFunctionValue = [ScriptBlock]::Create($this.Stringify($newFunctionValue))
$posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", $newFunctionValue)
        <Value>`prompt` is the function that is called before PowerShell prompts for input.

$Posh.Prompt allows you to customize the PowerShell prompt.

Prompts are a cool way to customize your shell.

Pipe $Posh.Prompt to Get-Member to see what it can do.</Value>
    Gets an article's date published
    Gets the date an article was published, as a `[DateTime]`.
$pubDateTime = $this.pubDate -as [DateTime]

if ($pubDateTime) {
else {
    Gets an article's name
    Gets the name of an article in an RSS feed.
if ($this.Title -and $this.Title -isnot [string]) {
    if ($this.Title.InnerText) {
    } elseif ($this.Title -is [object[]]) {
        $this.Title | Select-Object -Unique -First 1
} elseif ($this.Title) {
} elseif ($this.URL) {
    $thisURI = $this.URL -as [uri]
    $thisURI.Segments[-1] -replace '-', ' '
    Gets articles in a feed.
    Gets the articles in a RSS feed.

    Articles will be cached for performance.
    $Posh.News.Article # Get all articles from all feeds associated with Posh.
if (-not $this.'.Article') {
    Write-Progress "Getting Feeds" $this.Url
    Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.Article' -Value @(
        foreach ($feedItem in Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $this.Url) {
            $feedItem |
                Add-Member NoteProperty Source $this.Name -Force -PassThru
    ) -Force
    Gets recent articles
    Gets recent articles in an RSS feed.
$after = $this.Source.News.RecentDuration
if (-not $after) {

foreach ($article in $this.Article) {
    if (([DateTime]::Now - $article.DatePublished) -gt $after) {
    Gets feeds by name
    Gets all feeds in a collection by name.
$this.All | Group-Object Name -AsHashTable
    Gets a random feed
    Gets a random feed from a feed collection
$this.All | Get-Random
    Gets all recent articles
    Gets all recent articles in a feed collection, sorted by date published.
    How "Recent" is defined in the a feed collection's `.RecentDuration` property.
@(foreach ($feed in $this.All) {
}) | Sort-Object DatePublished -Descending
    Gets the duration considered recent
    Gets the duration that is used to determine how recent an article is.

    By default, this is 45 days.
if (-not $this.'.RecentDuration') {
    $this |
        Add-Member NoteProperty '.RecentDuration' (New-TimeSpan -Days 45) -Force

    Sets the duration considered recent
    Set the duration that is used to determine how recent an article is.

$this |
    Add-Member NoteProperty '.RecentDuration' $RecentDuration -Force
        <Value>Modules can put News in their module manifest.

Posh provides a simple RSS reader to help you stay up to date.

To view recent articles, use


To view all feeds, use


To view all articles from all feeds, use


To see a specific feed, use:

    $Posh.News.Feed["PowerShell Team"]
    Appends content to a stackable function

# The value to prepend.

$toAppend = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$this.Current = {@(. $currentFunction; . $toAppend) -join ''}.GetNewClosure()
    Clears a stackable function
    Clears a stackable function, resetting it to it's original state.
if ($this.Stack -and $this.Stack.Count) {
    $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.psvariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", @($this.Stack.ToArray())[-1])
    Pops the last value from a function stack
    Pops the latest value from a function stack, such as the prompt.

if ($this.Stack -and $this.Stack.Count) {
    $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.psvariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", $this.Stack.Pop())
    Prepends content to a stackable function.
    Prepends content to a stackable function.

    This takes the current entry and adds content to it's beginning.
# The value to prepend.

$toPrepend = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$this.Current = {@(. $toPrepend; . $currentFunction) -join ''}.GetNewClosure()
    Pushes an entry into a stackable function
    Pushes an entry into a stackable function.

    This overwrites the existing entry,
    and adds the previous value to the stack so it can be easily undone.
# The new value for the function

$this.Current = $Value
    Replaces content within a function
    Replaces content within a stackable function, such as the prompt.
    # Replace both ends of the prompt
    $Posh.Prompt.Replace('PS ', 0x27d6,$true).Replace('&gt;', 0x27d5, $true)
        if ($env:User) {
        } elseif ($env:UserName) {
# The content to replace

# The new value

$toReplace = if ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} else {

$currentFunction = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]

$passThru = $false
foreach ($arg in $args) {
    if ($arg -is [bool] -and $arg) {
        $passThru = $true
$newFunc = {
        $existingOutput =. $currentFunction
        $replaceRegex = [Regex]::new($Replace,'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace','00:00:02')
        $replaceRegex.Replace($existingOutput, $toReplace)
    ) -join ''

$this.Current = $newFunc
if ($passThru) {
    Converts into a stringified value
    Converts an item into a stringified value.

    This is used internally by stackable functions when they are prepending or appending.

if ($Prompt -is [ScriptBlock]) {
    ". {$prompt}"
} else {
    if ($Prompt -is [int]) {
        if ($Prompt -le 1000) {
            $Prompt -as [char] -as [string]
        } else {
            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.ExpandString('`u{'+("{0:x}" -f $Prompt) + '}')
    } else {
        ) -replace "'","''"
    Gets the value of a stackable function
    Gets the current value of a stackable function.
    Sets the current implementation of a function
    Sets the current imlementation of a stackable function.

    Stackable functions keep a stack of all prior entries for easy undo.
    $Posh.Prompt.Current = {"?"}
if (-not $this.FunctionName) { return }
$currentFunctionValue = $posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("`$function:$($this.FunctionName)")[0]
$newFunctionValue = $args[0]
if ($newFunctionValue -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
    $newFunctionValue = [ScriptBlock]::Create($this.Stringify($newFunctionValue))
$posh.ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set("function:$($this.FunctionName)", $newFunctionValue)
                        switch -regex ($this.Source) {
    '\.psd1$' {
        (Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory ($this.Source | Split-Path) -FileName ($this.Source | Split-Path -Leaf)).Content
    '\.json$' {
        (Get-Content $this.Source -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json).Content
    '\.md$' {
        Show-Markdown -LiteralPath $this.Source
    '\.ps1$' {
        $showDemoCommand = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Show-Demo', 'Function')
        if ($showDemoCommand) {
        } else {
            Get-Content $this.Source -Raw
    Returns a link list.
    Returns a list of links from one or more properties in a module's manifest.
    ), "Posh.Module.Screenshot")
# One or more inputs to the list.

# The name of each item in the list.
$PSTypeName = 'Posh.Module.Link',

# The name of a collection.
# If this is provided, a collection containing all items will be returned.

filter ToLink {
    if ($_ -is [string]) {
            PSTypeName = $PSTypeName
            Url = $_
            Source = $this
    } elseif ($_ -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        $_.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key | . ToLink
    } elseif ($_ -is [Collections.DictionaryEntry]) {
            PSTypeName = $PSTypeName
            Name = $_.key
            Url = $_.Value
            Source = $this

if ($CollectionTypeName) {
        PSTypeName = $CollectionTypeName
        All = @($inputObject | . ToLink)
} else {
    $inputObject | . ToLink

    Gets module demos
    Gets demo files related to a module.
$this |
    Split-Path |
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.demo.ps1 |
    Select-Object -Unique
    Gets a module's discussions URL.
    Gets the discussions URL related to a module.
    The Module must set it's ProjectURI, and it must be on GitHub, or this will return nothing.
if ($this.ProjectURI.Host -eq 'github.com') {
        Name = "$($this.Name) Discussions"
        Url = "$($this.ProjectURI)/discussions"
        PSTypeName = 'Posh.Module.Link'
    Gets a module's issue URL.
    Gets the issues URL related to a module.
    The Module must set it's ProjectURI, and it must be on GitHub, or this will return nothing.
if ($this.ProjectURI.Host -eq 'github.com') {
        Name = "$($this.Name) Issues"
        Url = "$($this.ProjectURI)/issues"
        PSTypeName = 'Posh.Module.Link'
    Gets Module Links
    Lists hyperlinks from this module.
), "Posh.Module.Link")

    Gets Module Logos
    Lists logos for this module.
), "Posh.Module.Logo")

    Gets a Module's News
    Lists RSS NewsFeeds from this module

if (-not $this.'.News') {
    $this |
        Add-Member NoteProperty '.News' @(
            ), "Posh.RSS.Feed", "Posh.RSS.FeedCollection") |
                Add-Member NoteProperty Module $this -Force -PassThru
        ) -Force

    Get's a module's presets
    Gets presets from a module.

    Any module can contain `*.preset(s)` files, of the extensions:
    * .psd1
    * .json
    * .clixml

    The collection of presets can be accessed in a Module's .Preset(s) properties
if (-not $this.'.Preset') {
    $PresetCollection =
            PSTypeName = 'Posh.ExtensionCollection'
            Module = $posh
            Path = @(Get-Module | Split-Path) -as [string[]]
            CommandType = 'Posh.Preset.Command'
    $this |
        Add-Member NoteProperty '.Preset' $PresetCollection -Force
    Gets a Module's README
    Gets the content of README.md file located at the module root.
if ($this.'.README') {
    return $this.'.README'

$readmeFileExists = $this |
    Split-Path |
    Get-ChildItem |
    Where-Object Name -eq 'README.md'

if ($readmeFileExists) {
    $this |
        Add-Member NoteProperty '.README' -Force (Get-Content -Raw $readmeFileExists)
    return $this.'.README'
    Gets Module Recommendations
    Lists other modules this module recommends.
    # $Posh.Recommends gets every loaded module's recommendations.
$module = $this


), "Posh.Recommendation")

    Gets Module Screenshots
    Lists screenshots from this module.
), "Posh.Module.Screenshot")

    Gets module tests
    Gets Pester Tests located within a module.
$this |
    Split-Path |
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.tests.ps1 |
    Select-Object -Unique
    Get's a module's tips
    Gets tips and tricks from a module.

    Any module can contain `*.tip(s)` or `*.trick(s)` files, of the extensions:

    * .md
    * .txt
    * .ps1
    * .psd1
    * .json
    * .clixml

    The collection of tips can be accessed in a Module's .Tip(s) or .Trick(s) properties
if (-not $this.'.Tip') {
    $tipCollection =
            PSTypeName = 'Posh.ExtensionCollection'
            Module = $posh
            Path = $this.Path | Split-Path
            CommandType = 'Posh.Tip.Command'

    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.Tip' $tipCollection -Force
    Gets Module Videos
    Lists videos about this module.
), "Posh.Module.Video")

    Gets the local time
    Gets the local time for a timezone.
    Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
    Get-TimeZone | Select LocalTime
[DateTime]::UTCNow + $this.GetUtcOffset([DateTime]::UtcNow)