Write-FormatView -TypeName System.Type -Property FullName, BaseType, IsPublic, IsSerializable -AutoSize Write-FormatView -TypeName n/a -AsControl -Name TypeInheritanceControl -Action { Write-FormatViewExpression -Newline Write-FormatViewExpression -ScriptBlock { ' ' * 1 } Write-FormatViewExpression -Style 'Formatting.Verbose' -ScriptBlock { $_ } -ControlName TypeNameControl Write-FormatViewExpression -ScriptBlock { ' ' * 1 } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.BaseType -and -not $_.IsValueType } -ScriptBlock { ':' } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.BaseType -and -not $_.IsValueType -and $_.BaseType -ne [Object] } -Property BaseType -ControlName TypeBase Write-FormatViewExpression -Newline Write-FormatViewExpression -ScriptBlock { '=' * ($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 1) } } $TypeGrouping = [Ordered]@{ GroupByScript = { " ... | Format-Custom -View Full # To show public and private members ... | Format-Custom -View Public # To show public members ... | Format-Custom -View Private # To show private members ... | Format-Custom -View Interfaces # To show interfaces " } } Write-FormatView -TypeName System.Type -Action { Write-FormatViewExpression -ControlName TypeInheritanceControl -ScriptBlock { $_ } } -GroupLabel 'Type Inheritance' @TypeGrouping -Name Inheritance Write-FormatView -TypeName System.Type -Action { Write-FormatViewExpression -ControlName TypeInheritanceControl -ScriptBlock { $_ } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.GetInterfaces() } -ScriptBlock { $_.GetInterfaces() | Sort-Object Name} -Enumerate -ControlName TypeInterfaceControl } -GroupLabel 'Type Inheritance' @TypeGrouping -Name Interfaces foreach ($viewName in 'Public','Private','Full') { $bindingFlags = switch ($viewName) { Public { 'Public' } Private { 'NonPublic' } Full { 'Public,NonPublic' } } $assignView = [ScriptBlock]::Create(" `$_ | Add-Member NoteProperty '.View' '$viewName' -PassThru -Force | Add-Member NoteProperty '.BindingFlags' ([Reflection.BindingFlags]'$bindingFlags') -Force ") Write-FormatView -TypeName System.Type -Action { Write-FormatViewExpression -If $assignView -ScriptBlock { "" } Write-FormatViewExpression -ControlName TypeInheritanceControl -ScriptBlock { $_ } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.GetInterfaces() } -ScriptBlock { $_.GetInterfaces() | Sort-Object Name } -Enumerate -ControlName TypeInterfaceControl Write-FormatViewExpression -ControlName TypeConstructorsControl -ScriptBlock { if ($_.'.BindingFlags') { @{Type=$_;BindingFlags="Instance,$($_.'.BindingFlags')"} } else { $_ } } Write-FormatViewExpression -ControlName TypeEventsControl -ScriptBlock { if ($_.'.BindingFlags') { @{Type=$_;BindingFlags="Instance,$($_.'.BindingFlags')"} } else { $_ } } Write-FormatViewExpression -ControlName TypePropertiesControl -ScriptBlock { if ($_.'.BindingFlags') { @{Type=$_;BindingFlags="$($_.'.BindingFlags')"} } else { $_ } } Write-FormatViewExpression -ControlName TypeMethodsControl -ScriptBlock { if ($_.'.BindingFlags') { @{Type=$_;BindingFlags="$($_.'.BindingFlags')"} } else { $_ } } } -Name "$ViewName" -GroupLabel "Type $ViewName" @TypeGrouping } |