<# .SYNOPSIS Uses a preset .DESCRIPTION Uses or applies a Posh preset. Posh presets will take the data in a *.preset.* file and apply it to a variable. #> $importedData = switch -regex ($this.Source) { '\.psd1$' { $importedAsLocalizedData = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory ($this.Source | Split-Path) -FileName ($this.Source | Split-Path -Leaf) if ($importedAsLocalizedData) { $replacedContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.Source) -replace '\@\{', '[Ordered]@{' & ([ScriptBlock]::Create($replacedContent)) } } '\.json$' { Get-Content $this.Source -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json } '.\clixml' { Import-Clixml $this.Source } } if ($importedData -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $importedData = [PSCustomObject]$importedData } foreach ($importedProperty in $importedData.psobject.properties) { if ($importedProperty.Name -notmatch '^\$') { continue } $importedNameScript = [ScriptBlock]::Create($importedProperty.Name) $valueToImport = $importedProperty.Value if (-not $importedNameScript) { continue } $statements = $importedNameScript.Ast.EndBlock.Statements $currentValue = try { . $importedNameScript } catch {$null} # If we are importing a dictionary value, try to set each value within the dictionary if ($valueToImport -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { if ($currentValue -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { foreach ($ToImport in $valueToImport.GetEnumerator()) { $currentValue[$ToImport.Key] = $ToImport.Value } } } elseif ($valueToImport.GetType -and ( $valueToImport.GetType().IsPrimitive -or $valueToImport.GetType() -in [string], [DateTime], [timespan] )) { $global:ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript( "$importedNameScript = $valueToImport" ) } elseif ($currentValue -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { foreach ($ToImport in $valueToImport.psobject.properties) { $currentValue[$ToImport.Name] = $ToImport.Value } } } |