
    Returns a link list.
    Returns a list of links from one or more properties in a module's manifest.
    ), "Posh.Module.Screenshot")

# One or more inputs to the list.

# The name of each item in the list.
$PSTypeName = 'Posh.Module.Link',

# The name of a collection.
# If this is provided, a collection containing all items will be returned.

filter ToLink {
    if ($_ -is [string]) {
            PSTypeName = $PSTypeName
            Url        = $_
            Source     = $this
    } elseif ($_ -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        $_.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key | . ToLink
    } elseif ($_ -is [Collections.DictionaryEntry]) {
            PSTypeName = $PSTypeName
            Name = $_.key
            Url = $_.Value
            Source = $this

if ($CollectionTypeName) {
        PSTypeName = $CollectionTypeName
        All = @($inputObject | . ToLink)
} else {
    $inputObject | . ToLink