@{ ModuleVersion = '0.1.3' FormatsToProcess = 'Posh.format.ps1xml' TypesToProcess = 'Posh.types.ps1xml' RootModule = 'Posh.psm1' Description = 'PowerShell made Posh - Spice up Your Shell' Guid = 'd4d3a0b9-0c65-4474-bcfc-5b85b2670312' Author = 'James Brundage' CompanyName = 'Start-Automating' Copyright = '2023 Start-Automating' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ ProjectURI = 'https://github.com/StartAutomating/Posh' LicenseURI = 'https://github.com/StartAutomating/Posh/blob/main/LICENSE' IconURI = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/Posh.png' Tags = 'Posh', '.ps1xml', 'Format','Output','Types', 'Colorized', 'Prompt', 'Customization' ReleaseNotes = @' ## Posh 0.1.3: Posh Tips and Tricks * New Formatting: * Adding Select-XML Formatter (#107) * Posh.Preset.Collection (#153) * Posh.Tip.Command (#166) * Updated Formatting: * Making DirectoryIcon customizable / changing default to triangle (#169) * Integrating Tips/Links into Posh Formatting (#165) * Improving Formatting of Select-String (#109) (thanks @mdgrs-mei ! ) * Added Tips and Tricks to Modules (#118) and added the first round of tips/tricks: * NegativeIndexingFibonacci Trick (#168) * GenericTypes Tip (#167) * Ordered Hashtables Tip (#156) * Hashtables Tip (#155) * AssigningLoopOutput Tip (#145) * RangeOperator Tip (#151) * NegativeIndex Tip (#150) * TernaryOperator Tip (#148) * Creating PsuedoObjects Trick (#144) * AssigningIfStatements Tip (#144) * Tip - Trinity of Discoverability (#142) * Tip - You Can Get Help On a Script (#147) * Tip - Everything Is An Object (#140) * Trick - The Parameter Set That Was Not There (#141) * Multiple Assignment Tip (#143) * LoopLabels Tip (#146) * see issues #166 * New Extended Types: * Posh.Preset.Collection (#153) * Posh.Preset.Command (#154) * Posh.ExtensionCollection * .Count (#162) * .Refresh() (#123) * .Random (#124) * .All (#128) * get/set .CommandType (#127) * get/set .Path (#126) * get/set Module (#125) * Updated Extended Types * PSModuleInfo.Link (#64/#157/#158/#159/#160) * PSModuleInfo.Preset (#64/#153) * PSModuleInfo.Tip(s)/Trick(s) (#119, #120) * $Posh.Host.get/set_Title (#130) * Fixing stackable functions (#110, thanks @mdgrs-mei !) * Updating Posh.Preset.Command.Use help (#154) * Adding FileIcons Preset (#163) * Making TabExpansion Stackable (#116) --- ## Posh 0.1.2: * New Demos * Posh.demo.ps1 (#95) * Posh.Prompt.demo.ps1 (#96) * Posh Profile Customization (#97) * New formatters: * Adding Formatting for Match (#100) * Adding Variable Formatting (#102) * Extending Modules * Adding PSModuleInfo.Test(s) (#104) * Prompt Customization: * Posh.Prompt.Undo() (#103) * Profile Customization: * Posh.Profiles.RemoveModule (#105) * Posh.Profiles.New() (#101) * Posh.Profile.ImportModule (#93) * Posh.Profile.Matches (#99) * Posh.Profile.Replace (#92) * Posh.Profile.get_File (#76) --- ## Posh 0.1.1: * Posh can be sponsored (please show your support) (#77) * Added $Posh.Recommends (#65) * Added LinkedIn to $Posh.Resources (#66) * Added Logo (#67) * Expanding $Posh.Parameters (#68) * Adding LocalTime to TimeZone formatting (#84, #85) * $LastOutput/$LastOutputError (#74) * Adding $profile.Directory (#75) * Expanding PSModuleInfo * Recommendations (#65) * Screenshots (#79) * Videos (#80) * Demos (#81) * Logo (#89) --- ## Posh 0.1: * Initial Version of Posh, including: * Customizable prompts * Easier access to PowerShell Error history * Formatting: * Reflection formatter * Get-Member in Color * Colorized XML * Colorized File View (with Icons!) (no NerdFonts required) * Colorized Regex * Process HeatMap '@ } FileTypes = @{ "Posh.Prompt" = @{ Pattern = '(?>^prompt|\.prompt\.ps1$)' Description = "A function that defines a prompt" } "Posh.Prompt.Widget" = @{ Pattern = '(?>^prompt\.widget|\.prompt\.widget\.ps1$)' Description = "A function that defines a prompt widget" } "Posh.Preset" = @{ Pattern = '\.(?>PowerShell|Posh)\.Preset\.(?>psd1|json|clixml)$' Description = "A data file that defines a PowerShell preset." } "Posh.Tip" = @{ Pattern = ' (?:\.(?>PowerShell|Posh))? # Optional Posh or PowerShell \.(?>Tips?|Tricks?|Trivia) # dot followed by Tip(s), Tricks(s), or Trivia (?:\.(?>psd1|ps1|txt|md|json|clixml)$) # match the extension ' } } Recommends = "EZOut", "PipeScript", "HelpOut", "PSSVG", "Splatter", "ShowDemo" Links = @{ 'PowerShell Guide' = 'https://PowerShellGuide.com/' 'PowerShell.Org' = 'https://powershell.org/' 'PowerShell Discord' = 'https://discord.com/invite/powershell' 'PowerShell Project' = 'https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell' 'PowerShell GitHub' = 'https://github.com/topics/powershell' 'PowerShell Twitter' = 'https://twitter.com/search?q=%23PowerShell' 'PowerShell Facebook' = 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/powershell/' 'PowerShell LinkedIn' = 'https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?keywords=powershell' } Screenshot = @{ "Improved-File-Formatting" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/Improved-File-Formatting.gif" "Get-Command-In-Color" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/Get-Command-In-Color.gif" "Get-Member-In-Color" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/Get-Member-In-Color.gif" "Reflection-Formatting" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/Reflection-Formatting.gif" "Regex-In-Color" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/Regex-In-Color.gif" "XML-In-Color" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/XML-In-Color.gif" }, @{ "Logo" = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StartAutomating/Posh/main/Assets/Posh.png' } ExtendedDescription = " Posh is a PowerShell module that improves the shell experience. It : * Helps you to customize the shell. * Improves built-in formatting * Extends built-in types * Helps you learn PowerShell " } } |