#1. Welcome to Posh #.Silent Clear-Host # Posh improves the PowerShell experience. # It enhances PowerShell formatting, and makes the shell easier to script. # For a simple example, just echo the variable $Posh $Posh # Let's take a quick tour of some of the ways Posh makes PowerShell cooler. #2. Enhanced Formatting #.Silent Clear-Host #2.1. File Colorization and Icons # Posh shows files in color with (hopefully) helpful icons and clickable links. Get-Module Posh | Split-Path | Get-ChildItem # Posh's icons do not require NerdFonts, and will be ignored in favor of Terminal-Icons, if that's what you prefer. #.Silent Clear-Host #2.2 Get-Command in Color # Posh also updates the formatter for Get-Command. # It slims the output to just the Name and the Module, # and colorizes the Name based off the verb. Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.* #.Silent Clear-Host #2.3. Get-Member in Color # Get-Member is one of the three most useful commands in PowerShell # Posh lets you see it in color: Get-Command | Get-Member #.Silent Clear-Host #2.4 Reflection formatting # Posh also makes it easy to explore reflection. # Just pipe a type to Format-Custom. [int] | Format-Custom # By default, this only shows you short set of information about just that type. # To see _everything_ about an object, use something like [int] | Format-Custom -View System.Type.Full # This also works for generic types. [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, PSObject]] | Format-Custom -View System.Type.Full #2.5 Colorized XML #.Silent Clear-Host # Posh also makes XML more colorful in the console. Invoke-RestMethod #2.6 Colorized Regular Expressions #.Silent Clear-Host # Regular Expressions are also syntax highlighted, helping us all hopefully understand them better. [Regex]::new(' (?<NameOfCaputre>Pattern) # Comment ','IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace') #2.7 Get-Process heatmap # Posh also makes the formatter for Get-Process show a heatmap of various properties. Get-Process -id $pid #2.8 TimeSpans and TimeZones #.Silent Clear-Host # Posh also simplifies the display for TimeZones and Timespans New-TimeSpan -Hours 24 -Minutes 30 -Seconds 15 # We can also display timespans in their ISO format! New-TimeSpan -Hours 24 -Minutes 30 -Seconds 15 | Format-Custom -View ISO-8601 # TimeZones also get more readable by trimming the number of displayed properties. Get-TimeZone # We only show the ID and DisplayName. # We also add a .LocalTime for ease of use. # This makes a simple PowerShell command console World Clock. Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable |