<#### FUNCTION DEFINITONS ####> <## Phone cmdlets ##> Function Start-UcsPushCall { <# .SYNOPSIS Start a call on a VVX. .DESCRIPTION Sends a call to the phone via the Push API. .PARAMETER IPv4Address The network address in IPv4 notation, such as .PARAMETER PassThru Returns an object with call status for this phone. Uses Get-UcsCall, so either REST or Poll APIs must be available. .NOTES Additional configuration is required to run this. The phone's "Push" credentials must be set (this script defaults to using "UCSToolkit" for both), "Allow Push Messages" must be set to "Critical" or lower, and "Application Server Root URL" must be specified. HTTPS must be enabled using Set-UcsPushConnectionSettings. Additionally, in Skype for Business deployments, the script must be run from a pool server. #> Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String]$IPv4Address, [ValidateSet('Critical','Important','High','Normal')][String]$Priority = 'Critical', [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'Add help message for user')][String]$Destination, [Int][ValidateRange(1,24)]$LineId = 1, [Switch]$PassThru) Begin { $OutputArray = New-Object Collections.Arraylist } Process { $ThisIPv4Address = $IPv4Address #Calls to numbers need to be prefixed with \\, all other calls need to be \\ prefix free. if($Destination -match '^\+?\d+$') { $ThisDestination = ('\\{0}' -f $Destination) } else { $ThisDestination = $Destination } $MessageHTML = ('tel:{0};line{1}' -f $ThisDestination, $LineId) Try { $null = Invoke-UcsPushWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Body $MessageHTML -ContentType 'application/x-com-polycom-spipx' -Priority $Priority -ErrorAction Stop if($PassThru -eq $true) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $ThisCall = Get-UcsCall -IPv4Address $IPv4Address -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $null = $OutputArray.Add($ThisCall) } } Catch { Write-Error "Couldn't start call to $Destination on $ThisIPv4Address." } } End { Return $OutputArray } } Function Send-UcsPushMessage { <# .SYNOPSIS Send a message to a VVX. .DESCRIPTION Sends an HTML webpage with a title and a message to the VVX for display. The function is currently hardcoded to restrict the length of the output to the amount a VVX 300 series phone can show. .PARAMETER IPv4Address The network address in IPv4 notation, such as .PARAMETER Title The part of the message in large text. .PARAMETER Message The part of the message in small text. Message can be up to 69 characters. .PARAMETER Priority Defaults to 'Critical.' Lower priorities may not be shown on some phones. .EXAMPLE Send-Message -IPv4Address -Title "Test" -Message "Message" -Priority Critical A message with the title "Test" and the message "Message" appears on .NOTES Additional configuration is required to run this. The phone's "Push" credentials must be set (this script defaults to using "UCSToolkit" for both), "Allow Push Messages" must be set to "Critical" or lower, and "Application Server Root URL" must be specified. HTTPS must be enabled using Set-UcsPushConnectionSettings. Additionally, in Skype for Business deployments, the script must be run from a pool server. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'A message in large text at the top')][String]$Title, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'Additional information to be displayed')][String]$Message, [ValidateSet('Critical','Important','High','Normal')][String]$Priority = 'Critical') #TODO: You can fit more content on the 400+ series because of their higher resolution. Heading up to 18 characters, message up to 69 on 310, heading up to 18, message up to 200 on 400+. #I only wrote code for the 300 series because whatever #I've just put this here so I remember it's an option. Begin { $MessageHTML = ("<h1>{0}</h1>{1}" -f $Title, $Message) } Process { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0}' -f $ThisIPv4Address))) { Try { $Output = Invoke-UcsPushWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Method Post -Body $MessageHTML -ContentType 'text/xml' -Priority $Priority -ErrorAction Stop Write-Debug $Output } Catch { Write-Error "Failed to send a Push message to $ThisIPv4Address." } } } } } Function Send-UcsPushCallAction { <# .SYNOPSIS Send a callaction to a VVX. .DESCRIPTION Sends a callaction to the phone via the Push API. Requires a functional REST API to retrieve the call's handle. Check this is working by running Get-UcsPushCallStatus. .PARAMETER IPv4Address The network address in IPv4 notation, such as .PARAMETER CallAction One or more CallActions from this list: 'EndCall','Answer','Reject','Ignore','MicMute','Hold','Resume','Transfer','Conference','Join','Split','Remove.' .NOTES Additional configuration is required to run this. The phone's "Push" credentials must be set (this script defaults to using "UCSToolkit" for both), "Allow Push Messages" must be set to "Critical" or lower, and "Application Server Root URL" must be specified. HTTPS must be enabled using Set-UcsPushConnectionSettings. Additionally, in Skype for Business deployments, the script must be run from a pool server. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String]$IPv4Address, [ValidateSet('Critical','Important','High','Normal')][String]$Priority = 'Critical', [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'Add help message for user')][ValidateSet('EndCall','Answer','Reject','Ignore','MicMute','Hold','Resume','Transfer','Conference','Join','Split','Remove')][String]$CallAction, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][String][ValidatePattern('^0x[a-f0-9]{7,8}$')]$CallHandle) $ThisIPv4Address = $IPv4Address if($CallHandle -match '^0x[a-f0-9]{7,8}$') { $ThisCallRef = $CallHandle } else { $ThisCallRef = (Get-UcsCall -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address).CallHandle } $MessageHTML = ('CallAction:{0};nCallReference={1}' -f $CallAction, $ThisCallRef) Try { if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0}' -f $ThisIPv4Address))) { $null = Invoke-UcsPushWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Method Post -Body $MessageHTML -ContentType 'application/x-com-polycom-spipx' -Priority $Priority -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Error "Couldn't send $CallAction to $ThisIPv4Address." } } Function Send-UcsPushKeyPress { <# .SYNOPSIS Send a keypress to a VVX. Multiple keypresses can be strung together in an array and sent in the same command. .PARAMETER IPv4Address The network address in IPv4 notation, such as .PARAMETER Priority The HTTP WebRequest API provides support for a "Priority" flag. The lower the setting, the less likely it is to be sent to the phone. .PARAMETER Key One or more keys from the following list: 'Line1','Line2','Line3','Line4','Line5','Line6','Line7','Line8','Line9','Line10', 'Line11','Line12','Line13','Line14','Line15','Line16','Line17','Line18','Line19','Line20','Line21','Line22','Line23', 'Line24','Line25','Line26','Line27','Line28','Line29','Line30','Line31','Line32','Line33','Line34','Line35','Line36', 'Line37','Line38','Line39','Line40','Line41','Line42','Line43','Line44','Line45','Line46','Line47','Line48','Dialpad0', 'Dialpad1','Dialpad2','Dialpad3','Dialpad4','Dialpad5','Dialpad6','Dialpad7','Dialpad8','Dialpad9','DialPadStar', 'DialPadPound','Softkey1','Softkey2','Softkey3','Softkey4','Softkey5','VolDown','VolUp','Headset','Handsfree', 'MicMute','Menu','Messages','Applications','Directories','Setup','ArrowUp','ArrowDown','ArrowLeft','ArrowRight', 'Backspace','DoNotDisturb','Select','Conference','Transfer','Redial','Hold','Status','CallList'. .EXAMPLE Send-KeyPress -IPv4Address -Key ('Dialpad4','Dialpad1','Dialpad1','Softkey2') Presses "411 (send)" on the remote phone in sequence. .NOTES Additional configuration is required to run this. The phone's "Push" credentials must be set (this script defaults to using "UCSToolkit" for both), "Allow Push Messages" must be set to "Critical" or lower, and "Application Server Root URL" must be specified. HTTPS must be enabled using Set-UcsPushConnectionSettings. Additionally, in Skype for Business deployments, the script must be run from a pool server. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String]$IPv4Address, [ValidateSet('Critical','Important','High','Normal')][String]$Priority = 'Critical', [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'VolDown')][ValidateSet('Line1','Line2','Line3','Line4','Line5','Line6','Line7','Line8','Line9','Line10', 'Line11','Line12','Line13','Line14','Line15','Line16','Line17','Line18','Line19','Line20','Line21','Line22','Line23', 'Line24','Line25','Line26','Line27','Line28','Line29','Line30','Line31','Line32','Line33','Line34','Line35','Line36', 'Line37','Line38','Line39','Line40','Line41','Line42','Line43','Line44','Line45','Line46','Line47','Line48','Dialpad0', 'Dialpad1','Dialpad2','Dialpad3','Dialpad4','Dialpad5','Dialpad6','Dialpad7','Dialpad8','Dialpad9','DialPadStar', 'DialPadPound','Softkey1','Softkey2','Softkey3','Softkey4','Softkey5','VolDown','VolUp','Headset','Handsfree', 'MicMute','Menu','Messages','Applications','Directories','Setup','ArrowUp','ArrowDown','ArrowLeft','ArrowRight', 'Backspace','DoNotDisturb','Select','Conference','Transfer','Redial','Hold','Status','CallList','Home','Back','Exit', 'Cancel','Refresh')][String[]]$Key) BEGIN { $ResultArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $SoftKeys = ('Home','Back','Exit','Cancel','Refresh') #Need to start by building out the series of commands to run. [String]$KeysToPress = '' Foreach($ThisKey in $Key) { if($ThisKey -in $SoftKeys) { #Certain keys require a different prefix. Softkeys are noted in the documentation to not work on VVX phones. $KeysToPress += ("SoftKey:{0}`n" -f $ThisKey) } else { $KeysToPress += ("Key:{0}`n" -f $ThisKey) } } #$KeysToPress = $KeysToPress.Substring(0,(($KeysToPress.Length) - 2)) $MessageHTML = $KeysToPress Write-Debug -Message ('Will send {0}.' -f $MessageHTML) } PROCESS { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { Try { if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0}' -f $ThisIPv4Address))) { $ThisResult = Invoke-UcsPushWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Body $MessageHTML -ContentType 'application/x-com-polycom-spipx' -Priority $Priority -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Error ("Couldn't send {0} to {1}" -f ($Key -join ", "),$ThisIPv4Address) } $null = $ResultArray.Add($ThisResult) } } } Function Start-UcsPushAudioFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Send an audio file stored on the Push server to a phone to play immediately. .PARAMETER IPv4Address The network address in IPv4 notation, such as .PARAMETER Priority Defaults to 'Critical.' Lower priorities may not be shown on some phones. .PARAMETER Path A network path, such as http://server/directory/audiofile.wav .NOTES Additional configuration is required to run this. The phone's "Push" credentials must be set (this script defaults to using "UCSToolkit" for both), "Allow Push Messages" must be set to "Critical" or lower, and "Application Server Root URL" must be specified. HTTPS must be enabled using Set-UcsPushConnectionSettings. Additionally, in Skype for Business deployments, the script must be run from a pool server. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'Path to an audio file, relative to the parameter ''apps.push.serverRootURL''.')][String]$Path, [ValidateSet('Critical','Important','High','Normal')][String]$Priority = 'Critical') Begin { $MessageHTML = ('Play:{0}' -f $Path) } Process { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0}' -f $ThisIPv4Address))) { Try { $Output = Invoke-UcsPushWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Method Post -Body $MessageHTML -ContentType 'application/x-com-polycom-spipx' -Priority $Priority -ErrorAction Stop Write-Debug $Output } Catch { Write-Error "Failed to send an audio file to $ThisIPv4Address." } } } } } Function Update-UcsPushConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Forces the device to check for configuration updates from its provisioning server, and reboot if required. .PARAMETER IPv4Address The network address in IPv4 notation, such as .PARAMETER Priority Defaults to 'Critical.' Lower priorities may not be shown on some phones. .NOTES Additional configuration is required to run this. The phone's "Push" credentials must be set (this script defaults to using "UCSToolkit" for both), "Allow Push Messages" must be set to "Critical" or lower, and "Application Server Root URL" must be specified. HTTPS must be enabled using Set-UcsPushConnectionSettings. Additionally, in Skype for Business deployments, the script must be run from a pool server. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] Param([Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [ValidateSet('Critical','Important','High','Normal')][String]$Priority = 'Critical') Begin { $MessageHTML = ('Action:UpdateConfig') } Process { Foreach($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0}' -f $ThisIPv4Address))) { Try { $Output = Invoke-UcsPushWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Method Post -Body $MessageHTML -ContentType 'application/x-com-polycom-spipx' -Priority $Priority -ErrorAction Stop Write-Debug $Output } Catch { Write-Error "Failed to request update for $ThisIPv4Address." } } } } } Function Get-UcsPushScreenCapture { <# .SYNOPSIS Captures the main screen of the phone and returns the result as an image object. .LINK Syntax source http://community.polycom.com/t5/VoIP/FAQ-How-can-I-create-a-Screen-Capture-of-the-phone-GUI/td-p/4713 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String[]]$IPv4Address, [ValidateSet('Main','EM1','EM2','EM3','EM4','EM5','EM6','EM7','EM8','EM9')][String]$ScreenToCapture = 'Main' ) BEGIN { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing $ImageArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $ScreencaptureParameterName = 'up.screenCapture.enabled' #Select which screen to get using the API endpoint. $ThisApiEndpoint = 'captureScreen' if($ScreenToCapture -eq 'All') { #This option was removed because the page is HTML, not just an image. $ThisApiEndpoint = $ThisApiEndpoint #No Change } elseif($ScreenToCapture -eq 'Main') { $ThisApiEndpoint += '/mainScreen' } else { $ThisEMScreen = $ScreenToCapture.Substring(2,1) $ThisApiEndpoint += ('/em/{0}' -f $ThisEMScreen) } } PROCESS { Foreach ($ThisIPv4Address in $IPv4Address) { $CurrentScreenCaptureSetting = Get-UcsParameter -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Parameter $ScreencaptureParameterName if(($CurrentScreenCaptureSetting | Where-Object -Property Parameter -EQ -Value $ScreencaptureParameterName).Value -ne '1') { Set-UcsRestParameter -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -Parameter $ScreencaptureParameterName -Value $true } Try { #This needs to be rewritten to take advantage of the credential arrays. $ScreenCapture = Invoke-UcsPushWebRequest -IPv4Address $ThisIPv4Address -ApiEndpoint $ThisApiEndpoint -Credential (Get-UcsConfigCredential -API REST -CredentialOnly)[0] [Drawing.Image]$Image = $ScreenCapture.Content $null = $ImageArray.Add($Image) } Catch { Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't get a screen capture. Check if screen capture is enabled in phone settings: Settings->Basic->Preferences->Screen Capture" Write-Debug -Message ('Error was: {0}' -f $_) } } } END { Return $ImageArray } } |