<###### UCS Provisioning Configuration Utilities ######> <#### PARAMETERS ####> $Script:LocalStorageLocation = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\UCS" $Script:ProvConfigFileName = 'UcsProvConfig.xml' $Script:DisabledSuffix = '-disabled' $Script:ProvConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:LocalStorageLocation -ChildPath $Script:ProvConfigFileName $Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse = $false Function New-UcsProvConfigServer { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][Alias('CN','ComputerName')][String]$ProvServerAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory)][Alias('Type','Protocol')][String][ValidateSet('FTP','FileSystem')]$ProvServerType, [PsCredential]$Credential = $null, [Int]$Priority = 100, [Parameter(Mandatory)][String]$DisplayName ) $ThisNewServer = 1 | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'DisplayName' Expression = { $DisplayName } }, @{ Name = 'ProvServerAddress' Expression = { $ProvServerAddress } }, @{ Name = 'ProvServerType' Expression = { $ProvServerType } }, @{ Name = 'Credential' Expression = { $Credential } }, @{ Name = 'Priority' Expression = { $Priority } } Add-UcsProvConfigServer -UcsProvConfigServer $ThisNewServer } Function Get-UcsProvConfig { $ThisResult = $Script:ProvConfig | Sort-Object -Property Priority, Index Return $ThisResult } Function Add-UcsProvConfigServer { #Internal use only. Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)]$UcsProvConfigServer ) $ToAddObject = $UcsProvConfigServer $Index = [Int](Get-UcsProvConfig | Measure-Object -Property ProvServerIndex -Maximum).Maximum $Index++ $ToAddObject = $ToAddObject | Select-Object -Property *, @{ Name = 'ProvServerIndex' Expression = { $Index } } $null = $Script:ProvConfig.Add($ToAddObject) Update-UcsProvConfigStorage } Function Set-UcsProvConfigServer { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Int]$ProvServerIndex, [Alias('CN','ComputerName')][String]$ProvServerAddress = '', [Alias('Type','Protocol')][String][ValidateSet('FTP','FileSystem')]$ProvServerType = '', [PsCredential]$Credential = $null, [Nullable[Int]]$Priority = $null, [String]$DisplayName = '' ) $WorkingConfig = Get-UcsProvConfig | Where-Object -Property Index -EQ -Value $ProvServerIndex if($ProvServerAddress.Length -gt 0) { $WorkingConfig.ProvServerAddress = $ProvServerAddress } if($ProvServerType.length -gt 0) { $WorkingConfig.ProvServerType = $ProvServerType } if($Credential -ne $null) { $WorkingConfig.Credential = $Credential } if($Priority -ne $null) { $WorkingConfig.Priority = $Priority } if($DisplayName.Length -gt 0) { $WorkingConfig.DisplayName = $DisplayName } Foreach($ThisConfig in $Script:ProvConfig) { if($ThisConfig.Index -eq $ProvServerIndex) { $ThisConfig = $WorkingConfig Break } } Update-UcsProvConfigStorage } Function Remove-UcsProvConfigServer { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Int[]]$ProvServerIndex ) Process { Foreach($ThisIndex in $ProvServerIndex) { $NewConfig = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList Foreach($ThisConfig in $Script:ProvConfig) { if($ThisConfig.ProvServerIndex -ne $ThisIndex) { $null = $NewConfig.Add($ThisConfig) } } $Script:ProvConfig = $NewConfig } } End { Update-UcsProvConfigStorage } } <## Config storage ##> Function Import-UcsProvConfigStorage { Param ( [String]$Path = $Script:ProvConfigPath ) if((Test-Path $Path) -eq $false) { Write-Error -Message "Could not find file at $Path." -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Debug -Message "Importing $Path to UcsConfig." $Imported = Import-Clixml -Path $Path $Script:ProvConfig = New-Object Collections.ArrayList Foreach($ThisConfig in $Imported) { $null = $Script:ProvConfig.Add($ThisConfig) } $Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse = $true } Function Update-UcsProvConfigStorage { Param ( [String]$Path = $Script:ProvConfigPath ) $Directory = Split-Path $Path if( (Test-Path $Directory) -eq $false) { Write-Debug -Message "Path $Directory not found. Creating..." $null = New-Item -Path $Directory -ItemType Directory -Force } if($Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse) { Write-Debug -Message "Writing XML file to $Path." $Script:ProvConfig | Export-Clixml -Path $Path -Depth 1 } else { Write-Debug -Message 'Imported config not currently in use, not updating.' } } Function Enable-UcsProvConfigStorage { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param() if($Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse -eq $true) { Write-Error -Message 'Config storage already in use.' Break } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:ProvConfigPath)) { $Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse = $true Update-UcsConfigStorage } } Function Disable-UcsProvConfigStorage { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param() if($Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse -ne $true) { Write-Error -Message 'Config storage not in use.' Break } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:ProvConfigPath)) { $Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse = $false $ThisItem = Get-Item -Path $Script:ProvConfigPath $NewName = ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $ThisItem.BaseName, $Script:DisabledSuffix, $ThisItem.Extension) $NewPath = Join-Path -Path $ThisItem.Directory -ChildPath $NewName $null = Rename-Item -Path $Script:ProvConfigPath -NewName $NewPath -Force } } Function Get-UcsProvConfigStorageIsEnabled { Return $Script:ImportedProvConfigInUse } <### INITIALIZATION ###> $Script:ProvConfig = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList <#### Check for preferences ####> if( Test-Path $Script:ProvConfigPath ) { Write-Debug -Message "Found config file at $Script:ProvConfigPath." Import-UcsProvConfigStorage } |