Function Invoke-UcsPollRequest { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = '',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidatePattern('^([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}([0-2]?[0-9]{1,2})$')][String]$IPv4Address, [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'polling/example')][String]$ApiEndpoint, [ValidateSet('Get')][String]$Method = 'Get', [Timespan]$Timeout = (Get-UcsConfig -API Poll).Timeout, [PsCredential[]]$Credential = (Get-UcsConfigCredential -API Poll -CredentialOnly), [int][ValidateRange(1,100)]$Retries = (Get-UcsConfig -API Poll).Retries, [int][ValidateRange(1,65535)]$Port = (Get-UcsConfig -API Poll).Port, [Nullable[boolean]]$UseHTTPS = (Get-UcsConfig -API Poll).EnableEncryption ) #TODO: Support for HTTPS $Protocol = "http" $ThisIPv4Address = $IPv4Address $ThisHost = $ThisIPv4Address $ThisUri = ('{0}://{1}:{2}/{3}' -f $Protocol, $ThisHost, $Port, $ApiEndpoint) #The retry system works by try/catching the command multiple times $RetriesRemaining = $Retries While($RetriesRemaining -gt 0) { Try { $ThisCredential = $Credential[0] #TODO: We don't yet support credential arrays, so for now, we get the first one. Write-Debug -Message ("Invoking webrequest for `"{0}`", no body to send." -f $ThisUri) $RestOutput = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ThisUri -TimeoutSec $Timeout.TotalSeconds -Method $Method -Credential $ThisCredential -ErrorAction Stop Break #We only break if the previous thing didn't fail. } Catch { $RetriesRemaining-- #Deincrement the counter so we remember our state. $ErrorStatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ #Returns null if it timed out. if($ErrorStatusCode -eq '403') { #No number of retries will fix an authentication error. Write-Debug "403 error returned - wrong credentials. Skipping retries." $RetriesRemaining = 0 } elseif($ErrorStatusCode -eq '404') { Write-Debug "404 error returned - API is disabled on phone. Skipping retries." $RetriesRemaining = 0 } if($RetriesRemaining -le 0) { Write-Debug -Message ('Returned error was "{0}".' -f $_) Write-Error -Message ("Couldn't connect to IP {0}." -f $IPv4Address) } else { Write-Debug -Message ("Couldn't connect to IP {0} with error message `"{1}`" {2} retries remaining." -f $IPv4Address, $_, $RetriesRemaining) } } } $Content = [XML]$RestOutput.Content $Content = $Content.PolycomIPPhone $ContentMainProperty = $Content | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $Content = $Content.$ContentMainProperty Return $Content } |