<###### UCS Configuration Utilities ######> <#### PARAMETERS ####> $Script:LocalStorageLocation = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\UCS" $Script:CredentialFileName = 'UcsCredential.xml' $Script:ConfigFileName = 'UcsConfig.xml' $Script:DisabledSuffix = '-disabled' $Script:ConfigPath = Join-Path $Script:LocalStorageLocation $Script:ConfigFileName $Script:CredentialPath = Join-Path $Script:LocalStorageLocation $Script:CredentialFileName $Script:ImportedConfigInUse = $false $Script:ImportedCredentialInUse = $false # Storage initilization at end, after function definitions. <#### Function definitions ####> <## INTERNAL ##> Function New-UcsConfig { <# .NOTES For internal use only - used to create initial config objects. .PARAMETER Priority The item with the lowest numerical value priority goes first in order. In case of a tie, APIs are ranked alphabetically. #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet('REST','SIP','Poll','Push','Web','Provisioning')][String]$API, [Nullable[Timespan]]$Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 3), [Nullable[Int]][ValidateRange(1,100)]$Retries = 2, [Nullable[Int]][ValidateRange(0,65535)]$Port = 80, [Nullable[bool]]$EnableEncryption = $false, [Nullable[Int]]$Priority = 50, [Nullable[bool]]$Enabled = $true ) if($Timeout.TotalSeconds -le 0) { Write-Error "Couldn't create options because timeout was set to 0 or less." -ErrorAction Stop -Category InvalidArgument } $OutputObject = $API | Select-Object @{Name='API';Expression={$API}}, @{Name='Timeout';Expression={$Timeout}}, @{Name='Retries';Expression={$Retries}}, @{Name='Port';Expression={$Port}}, @{Name='EnableEncryption';Expression={$EnableEncryption}}, @{Name='Priority';Expression={$Priority}}, @{Name='Enabled';Expression={$Enabled}} Return $OutputObject } Function Get-UcsConfig { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet('REST','SIP','Poll','Push','Web','Provisioning')][String]$API ) $RequestedConfig = $Script:MasterConfig | Where-Object -Property API -EQ -Value $API Return $RequestedConfig } Function Get-UcsConfigPriority { $AllConfigs = $Script:MasterConfig $EnabledConfigs = $AllConfigs | Where-Object -Property Enabled -EQ -Value $true $SortedConfigs = $EnabledConfigs | Sort-Object -Property Priority,API $SortedConfigNames = $SortedConfigs | Select-Object -ExpandProperty API Return $SortedConfigNames } Function Set-UcsConfig { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet('REST','SIP','Poll','Push','Web','Provisioning')][String]$API, [Nullable[Timespan]]$Timeout = $null, [Nullable[Int]][ValidateRange(1,100)]$Retries = $null, [Nullable[Int]][ValidateRange(0,65535)]$Port = $null, [Nullable[bool]]$EnableEncryption = $null, [Nullable[Int]]$Priority = $null, [Nullable[bool]]$Enabled = $null ) Process { $WorkingConfig = Get-UcsConfig -API $API if($null -ne $Retries) { $WorkingConfig.Retries = $Retries } if($null -ne $Timeout) { if($Timeout.TotalSeconds -lt 0) { Write-Error "Couldn't create options because timeout was set to less than 0." -ErrorAction Stop -Category InvalidArgument } else { $WorkingConfig.Timeout = $Timeout } } if($null -ne $Port) { $WorkingConfig.Port = $Port } if($null -ne $EnableEncryption) { if($null -eq $WorkingConfig.EnableEncryption) { Write-Error ('Encryption is not supported by the {0} API.' -f $API) } else { $WorkingConfig.EnableEncryption = $EnableEncryption } } if($null -ne $Priority) { $MatchingPriority = $Script:MasterConfig | Where-Object -Property Priority -eq $Priority | Measure-Object if($MatchingPriority.Count -gt 0) { Write-Warning ('Cannot set priority of {0} to {1} because that priority level is in use on one or more other APIs.' -f $WorkingConfig.API,$Priority) } else { $WorkingConfig.Priority = $Priority } } if($null -ne $Enabled) { $WorkingConfig.Enabled = $Enabled } Foreach($Configuration in $Script:MasterConfig) { if($Configuration.API -eq $API) { $Configuration = $WorkingConfig } } } End { Update-UcsConfigStorage } } Function New-UcsConfigCredential { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet('REST','Poll','Push','Web')][String]$API, [Parameter(Mandatory)][PSCredential]$Credential, [String]$DisplayName = '', [Int]$Priority = 50, [String]$Identity = '*', [Boolean]$Enabled = $true ) $OutputObject = $API | Select-Object @{Name='API';Expression={$API}}, @{Name='Identity';Expression={$Identity}}, @{Name='DisplayName';Expression={$DisplayName}}, @{Name='Credential';Expression={$Credential}}, @{Name='Priority';Expression={$Priority}}, @{Name='Enabled';Expression={$Enabled}} Add-UcsConfigCredential $OutputObject } Function New-UcsConfigCredentialPlaintext { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", 'Password', Justification='This cmdlet takes a plaintext password and converts it to SecureString.')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", '', Justification='This cmdlet takes a plaintext password and converts it to SecureString.')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory)][String]$Password ) [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", '', Scope='Function')] #TODO: This doesn't successfully suppress the error. Why? $SecureStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force $Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($Username,$SecureStringPassword) Return $Credential } Function Get-UcsConfigCredential { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateSet('REST','Poll','Push','Web')][String]$API, [Switch]$IncludeDisabled, [Switch]$CredentialOnly ) $AllCredentials = $Script:MasterCredentials if(!$IncludeDisabled) { $AllCredentials = $AllCredentials | Where-Object -Property Enabled -EQ -Value $true } $ThisAPICredentials = $AllCredentials | Where-Object -Property API -EQ -Value $API $SortedCredentials = $ThisAPICredentials | Sort-Object -Property Priority,API,Index if($CredentialOnly) { Return $SortedCredentials.Credential } else { Return $SortedCredentials } } Function Add-UcsConfigCredential { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", 'UcsConfigCredential', Justification='The type of object this accepts contains a PsCredential object.')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][Object]$UcsConfigCredential ) Process { if($UcsConfigCredential.Credential.GetType().Name -ne 'PSCredential' -or $null -eq $UcsConfigCredential.Priority) { Write-Error "Invalid UcsConfigCredential supplied." } $HighestIndex = $Script:MasterCredentials | Sort-Object -Property Index -Descending ` | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Index $ThisIndex = $HighestIndex + 1 $IndexRemoved = $UcsConfigCredential | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Index $CredentialToSave = $IndexRemoved | Select-Object -Property *,@{Name='Index';Expression={$ThisIndex}} $null = $Script:MasterCredentials.Add($CredentialToSave) } End { Update-UcsConfigCredentialStorage } } Function Remove-UcsConfigCredential { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Int[]]$Index ) Process { Foreach($ThisIndex in $Index) { #We must rebuild the arraylist because doing a simple filter on the arraylist turns it into a collection of fixed size. $NewMasterCredentials = New-Object Collections.ArrayList Foreach($Credential in $Script:MasterCredentials) { if($Credential.Index -ne $ThisIndex) { $null = $NewMasterCredentials.Add($Credential) } } } } End { $Script:MasterCredentials = $NewMasterCredentials Update-UcsConfigCredentialStorage } } Function Set-UcsConfigCredential { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Int[]]$Index, [AllowEmptyString()][ValidateSet('REST','Poll','Push','Web')][String]$API = '', [PsCredential]$Credential = $null, [String]$DisplayName = '', [Nullable[Int]]$Priority = $null, [String]$Identity = '', [Nullable[Boolean]]$Enabled = $null ) Process { Foreach($ThisIndex in $Index) { $WorkingCredential = $Script:MasterCredentials | Where-Object -Property Index -EQ -Value $ThisIndex if($null -eq $WorkingCredential) { Write-Error "Invalid index $ThisIndex." Continue } if($API.Length -gt 0) { $WorkingCredential.API = $API } if($null -ne $Credential) { if($Credential.GetType().Name -eq 'PSCredential') { $WorkingCredential.Credential = $Credential } } if($DisplayName.Length -gt 0) { $WorkingCredential.DisplayName = $DisplayName } if($null -ne $Priority) { $WorkingCredential.Priority = $Priority } if($Identity.Length -gt 0) { $WorkingCredential.Identity = $Identity } if($null -ne $Enabled) { $WorkingCredential.Enabled = $Enabled } Foreach($Credential in $Script:MasterCredentials) { if($Credential.Index -eq $ThisIndex) { $Credential = $WorkingCredential Break } } } } End { Update-UcsConfigCredentialStorage } } <## Config storage ##> Function Import-UcsConfigStorage { Param ( [String]$Path = $Script:ConfigPath ) if((Test-Path $Path) -eq $false) { Write-Error "Could not find file at $Path." -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Debug "Importing $Path to UcsConfig." $Imported = Import-Clixml -Path $Path $Script:MasterConfig = $Imported $Script:ImportedConfigInUse = $true } Function Update-UcsConfigStorage { Param ( [String]$Path = $Script:ConfigPath ) $Directory = Split-Path $Path if( (Test-Path $Directory) -eq $false) { Write-Debug "Path $Directory not found. Creating..." $null = New-Item -Path $Directory -ItemType Directory -Force } if($Script:ImportedConfigInUse) { Write-Debug "Writing XML file to $Path." $Script:MasterConfig | Export-Clixml -Path $Path -Depth 1 } else { Write-Debug "Imported config not currently in use, not updating." } } Function Enable-UcsConfigStorage { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param() if($Script:ImportedConfigInUse -eq $true) { Write-Error "Config storage already in use." Break } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:ConfigPath)) { $Script:ImportedConfigInUse = $true Update-UcsConfigStorage } } Function Disable-UcsConfigStorage { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param() if($Script:ImportedConfigInUse -ne $true) { Write-Error "Config storage not in use." Break } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:ConfigPath)) { $Script:ImportedConfigInUse = $false $ThisItem = Get-Item -Path $Script:ConfigPath $NewName = ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $ThisItem.BaseName,$Script:DisabledSuffix,$ThisItem.Extension) $NewPath = Join-Path $ThisItem.Directory $NewName $null = Rename-Item -Path $Script:ConfigPath -NewName $NewPath -Force } } Function Get-UcsConfigStorageIsEnabled { Return $Script:ImportedConfigInUse } <## Credential storage ##> Function Import-UcsConfigCredentialStorage { Param ( [String]$Path = $Script:CredentialPath ) if((Test-Path $Path) -eq $false) { Write-Error "Could not find file at $Path." -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Debug "Importing $Path to UcsConfig." $Imported = Import-Clixml -Path $Path $Script:MasterCredentials = New-Object Collections.ArrayList Foreach($Cred in $Imported) { $null = $Script:MasterCredentials.Add($Cred) } $Script:ImportedCredentialInUse = $true } Function Update-UcsConfigCredentialStorage { Param ( [String]$Path = $Script:CredentialPath ) $Directory = Split-Path $Path if( (Test-Path $Directory) -eq $false) { Write-Debug "Path $Directory not found. Creating..." $null = New-Item -Path $Directory -ItemType Directory -Force } if($Script:ImportedCredentialInUse) { Write-Debug "Writing XML file to $Path." $Script:MasterCredentials | Export-Clixml -Path $Path -Depth 1 } else { Write-Debug "Imported credentials not currently in use, not updating." } } Function Enable-UcsConfigCredentialStorage { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param() if($Script:ImportedCredentialInUse -eq $true) { Write-Error "Credential storage already in use." Break } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:CredentialPath)) { $Script:ImportedCredentialInUse = $true Update-UcsConfigCredentialStorage } } Function Disable-UcsConfigCredentialStorage { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param() if($Script:ImportedCredentialInUse -ne $true) { Write-Error "Credential storage not in use." Break } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:CredentialPath)) { $Script:ImportedCredentialInUse = $false $ThisItem = Get-Item -Path $Script:CredentialPath $NewName = ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $ThisItem.BaseName,$Script:DisabledSuffix,$ThisItem.Extension) $NewPath = Join-Path $ThisItem.Directory $NewName $null = Rename-Item -Path $Script:CredentialPath -NewName $NewPath -Force } } Function Get-UcsConfigCredentialStorageIsEnabled { Return $Script:ImportedCredentialInUse } <#### Create Credential Storage ####> $Script:MasterCredentials = New-Object Collections.ArrayList <#### Initialize default credentials ####> New-UcsConfigCredential -API REST -Credential (New-UcsConfigCredentialPlaintext -Username 'Polycom' -Password '456') -DisplayName "Polycom default REST credential" -Priority 1000 New-UcsConfigCredential -API Web -Credential (New-UcsConfigCredentialPlaintext -Username 'Polycom' -Password '456') -DisplayName "Polycom default Web credential" -Priority 1000 New-UcsConfigCredential -API Poll -Credential (New-UcsConfigCredentialPlaintext -Username 'UCSToolkit' -Password 'UCSToolkit') -DisplayName "Script default Polling credential" -Priority 1000 New-UcsConfigCredential -API Push -Credential (New-UcsConfigCredentialPlaintext -Username 'UCSToolkit' -Password 'UCSToolkit') -DisplayName "Script default Push credential" -Priority 1000 <#### Define defaults for configs ####> $Script:MasterConfig = ( (New-UcsConfig -API REST -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 2) -Retries 1 -Port 80 -EnableEncryption $false -Priority 1 -Enabled $true), (New-UcsConfig -API SIP -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 5) -Retries 2 -Port 5060 -EnableEncryption $null -Priority 90 -Enabled $true), (New-UcsConfig -API Poll -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 2) -Retries 2 -Port 80 -EnableEncryption $null -Priority 30 -Enabled $true), (New-UcsConfig -API Push -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 2) -Retries 2 -Port 80 -EnableEncryption $false -Priority 40 -Enabled $true), (New-UcsConfig -API Web -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 2) -Retries 2 -Port 80 -EnableEncryption $null -Priority 20 -Enabled $true), (New-UcsConfig -API Provisioning -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 5) -Retries 1 -Port 0 -EnableEncryption $null -Priority 100 -Enabled $true) ) <#### Check for preferences ####> if( Test-Path $Script:ConfigPath ) { Write-Debug "Found config file at $Script:ConfigPath." Import-UcsConfigStorage } if( Test-Path $Script:CredentialPath ) { Write-Debug "Found credential file at $Script:CredentialPath." Import-UcsConfigCredentialStorage } |