.Synopsis Searches for specified SysMon Events and retunrs the Event Data as a custom object. .DESCRIPTION Searches for specified SysMon Events and retunrs the Event Data as a custom object. .EXAMPLE Get-SysMonEventData -EventId 1 -MaxEvents 10 -EndTime (Get-Date) -StartTime (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) All process creation events in the last 24hr .EXAMPLE Get-SysMonEventData -EventId 3 -MaxEvents 20 -Path .\export.evtx last 20 network connection events from a exported SysMon log. #> function Get-SysmonEventData { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ID', HelpUri = '')] Param ( # Sysmon Event ID of records to show [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='ID', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateSet(1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,255)] [Int32[]] $EventId, # EventType that a Rule can be written against. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='Type', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [string[]] [ValidateSet('NetworkConnect', 'ProcessCreate', 'FileCreateTime', 'ProcessTerminate', 'ImageLoad', 'DriverLoad', 'CreateRemoteThread', 'RawAccessRead', 'ProcessAccess', 'Error', 'FileCreateStreamHash', 'RegistryValueSet', 'RegistryRename', 'RegistryAddOrDelete', 'FileCreate','ConfigChange','PipeCreated', 'PipeConnected', 'WmiFilter', 'WmiConsumer', 'WmiBinding')] $EventType, # Specifies the maximum number of events that Get-WinEvent returns. Enter an integer. The default is to return all the events in the logs or files. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] [int] $MaxEvents, # Specifies a path to one or more exported SysMon events in evtx format. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage='Path to one or more locations.')] [Alias('PSPath')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $Path, # Start Date to get all event going forward. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [datetime] $StartTime, # End data for searching events. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [datetime] $EndTime ) Begin { $EventTypeMap = @{ ProcessCreate = 1 FileCreateTime = 2 NetworkConnect = 3 ProcessTerminate = 5 DriverLoad = 6 ImageLoad = 7 CreateRemoteThread = 8 RawAccessRead = 9 ProcessAccess = 10 FileCreate = 11 RegistryAddOrDelete = 12 RegistryValueSet = 13 RegistryRename = 14 FileCreateStreamHash = 15 ConfigChange = 16 PipeCreated = 17 PipeConnected = 18 WmiFilter = 19 WmiConsumer = 20 WmiBinding = 21 Error = 255 } $EventIdtoType = @{ '1' = 'ProcessCreate' '2' = 'FileCreateTime' '3' = 'NetworkConnect' '5' = 'ProcessTerminate' '6' = 'DriverLoad' '7' = 'ImageLoad' '8' = 'CreateRemoteThread' '9' = 'RawAccessRead' '10' = 'ProcessAccess' '11' = 'FileCreate' '12' = 'RegistryAddOrDelete' '13' = 'RegistryValueSet' '14' = 'RegistryRename' '15' = 'FileCreateStreamHash' '16' = 'ConfigChange' '17' = 'PipeCreated' '18' = 'PipeConnected' '19' = 'WmiFilter' '20' = 'WmiConsumer' '21' = 'WmiBinding' '255' = 'Error' } } Process { # Hash for filtering $HashFilter = @{LogName='Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational'} # Hash for command paramteters $ParamHash = @{} if ($MaxEvents -gt 0) { $ParamHash.Add('MaxEvents', $MaxEvents) } if ($Path -gt 0) { $ParamHash.Add('Path', $Path) } switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ID' { $HashFilter.Add('Id', $EventId) } 'Type' { $EventIds = @() foreach ($etype in $EventType) { $EventIds += $EventTypeMap[$etype] } $HashFilter.Add('Id', $EventIds) } } if ($StartTime) { $HashFilter.Add('StartTime', $StartTime) } if ($EndTime) { $HashFilter.Add('EndTime', $EndTime) } $ParamHash.Add('FilterHashTable',$HashFilter) Get-WinEvent @ParamHash | ForEach-Object { [xml]$evtxml = $_.toxml() $ProcInfo = [ordered]@{} $ProcInfo['EventId'] = $evtxml.Event.System.EventID $ProcInfo['EventType'] = $EventIdtoType[$evtxml.Event.System.EventID] $ProcInfo['Computer'] = $evtxml.Event.System.Computer $evtxml.Event.EventData.Data | ForEach-Object { $ProcInfo[$] = $_.'#text' } New-Object psobject -Property $ProcInfo } } End {} } |