
# * Add help and param block to Get-RuleWithFilter

 . "$PSScriptRoot\Filters.ps1"
 . "$PSScriptRoot\Config.ps1"

# Supporteted Sysmon schema versions.
$SysMonSupportedVersions = @(

# Table that maps schema version to Sysmon version.
$sysmonVerMap = @{
     '2.0' = '3.0'
     '3.0' = '4.0'
     '3.1' = '4.11'

function Get-RuleWithFilter
    $RuleObjOptions = @{}
    foreach ($rule in $Rules)
        $RuleObjOptions['EventType'] = $Rule.Name
        if ($Rule.onmatch -eq $null -or $Rule.onmatch -eq 'exclude')
               $RuleObjOptions['DefaultAction'] = 'Exclude'
            $RuleObjOptions['DefaultAction'] = 'Include'

        # Process individual filters
        $Nodes = $Rule.selectnodes('*')
        if ($Nodes.count -eq 0)
            $RuleObjOptions['Scope'] = 'All Events'
            $RuleObjOptions['Scope'] = 'Filtered'
            $Filters = @()
            foreach ($Node in $Nodes)
                $FilterObjProps = @{}
                $FilterObjProps['EventField'] = $Node.Name
                $FilterObjProps['Condition'] = &{if($Node.condition -eq $null){'is'}else{$Node.condition}}
                $FilterObjProps['Value'] =  $Node.'#text'
                $FilterObj = [psobject]$FilterObjProps
                $Filters += $FilterObj
            $RuleObjOptions['Filters'] = $Filters

        $RuleObj = [psobject]$RuleObjOptions

   Creates a filter for an event field for an event type in a Sysmon XML configuration file.
   Creates a filter for an event field for an event type in a Sysmon XML configuration file.
   New-nRuleFilter -Path .\pc_cofig.xml -EventType NetworkConnect -EventField image -Condition Is -Value 'iexplorer.exe' -Verbose
    VERBOSE: No rule for NetworkConnect was found.
    VERBOSE: Creating rule for event type with default action if Exclude
    VERBOSE: Rule created succesfully
    C:\PS>Get-GetSysmonRules -Path .\pc_cofig.xml -EventType NetworkConnect
    EventType : NetworkConnect
    Scope : Filtered
    DefaultAction : Exclude
    Filters : {@{EventField=image; Condition=Is; Value=iexplorer.exe}}
    Create a filter to capture all network connections from iexplorer.exe.

function New-RuleFilter
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
        # Path to XML config file.
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})]

        # Path to XML config file.
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})]

        # Event type to create filter for.
        [ValidateSet('NetworkConnect', 'ProcessCreate', 'FileCreateTime', 
                     'ProcessTerminate', 'ImageLoad', 'DriverLoad', 
                     'CreateRemoteThread', 'ProcessAccess','RawAccessRead', IgnoreCase = $false)]

        # Event type to create filter for.
        [ValidateSet('include', 'exclude')]

        # Condition for filtering against and event field.
        [ValidateSet('Is', 'IsNot', 'Contains', 'Excludes', 'Image',
                     'BeginWith', 'EndWith', 'LessThan', 'MoreThan')]

        # Event field to filter on.

        # Value of Event Field to filter on.

        # Check if the file is a valid XML file and if not raise and error.
                    [xml]$Config = Get-Content -Path $Path
                    $FileLocation = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).Path

                    [xml]$Config = Get-Content -LiteralPath $LiteralPath
                    $FileLocation = (Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $LiteralPath).Path
        catch [Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException]
            Write-Error -Message 'Specified file does not appear to be a XML file.'
        # Validate the XML file is a valid Sysmon file.
        if ($Config.SelectSingleNode('//Sysmon') -eq $null)
            Write-Error -Message 'XML file is not a valid Sysmon config file.'

         if ($Config.Sysmon.schemaversion -notin $SysMonSupportedVersions)
            Write-Error -Message 'This version of Sysmon Rule file is not supported.'

        $Rules = $Config.SelectSingleNode('//Sysmon/EventFiltering')

        # Select the proper condition string and make sure it is the proper case.
        switch ($Condition)
            'Is' {$ConditionString = 'is'}
            'IsNot' {$ConditionString = 'is not'}
            'Contains' {$ConditionString = 'contains'}
            'Excludes' {$ConditionString = 'excludes'}
            'Image' {$ConditionString = 'image'}
            'BeginWith' {$ConditionString = 'begin with'}
            'EndWith' {$ConditionString = 'end with'}
            'LessThan' {$ConditionString = 'less than'}
            'MoreThan' {$ConditionString = 'more than'}
            Default {$ConditionString = 'is'}

        # Check if the event type exists if not create it.
        $RuleData = $Rules.SelectNodes("//EventFiltering/$($EventType)")

        if($RuleData -eq $null)
            Write-Error -Message "No rule for $($EventType) was found."
        } # If only one element this will return null, more than one this will provide a value.
            if ($RuleData.count -eq $null)
                if ($RuleData.onmatch -eq $OnMatch)
                    Write-Verbose -Message 'Single node.'
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Creating filters for event type $($EventType)."
                    # For each value for the event type create a filter.
                    foreach($val in $value)
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating filter for event filed $($EventField) with condition $($Condition) for value $($val)."
                        $FieldElement = $Config.CreateElement($EventField)
                        $Filter = $RuleData.AppendChild($FieldElement)
                        $filter.InnerText = $val
                    write-error -Message "Event type $($EventType) with a on match condition of $($OnMatch) was not found."
                Write-Verbose -Message 'Mutiple nodes.'
                foreach ($rule in $RuleData)
                    if ($rule.onmatch -eq $OnMatch)
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Found rule for event type $($EventType) with $($OnMatch)"
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating filters for event type $($EventType)."
                        # For each value for the event type create a filter.
                        foreach($val in $value)
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Creating filter for event filed $($EventField) with condition $($Condition) for value $($val)."
                            $FieldElement = $Config.CreateElement($EventField)
                            $Filter = $rule.AppendChild($FieldElement)
                            $filter.InnerText = $val
                        $RuleData = $rule