Import-Module .\Posh-SSH.psd1 Describe "Remove-SSHSession" { Context "Parameters" { } Context "Action" { $Global:SshSessions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $session = New-Object SSH.SshSession $session.host = "dummy" $session.SessionId = 0 $session.Session = New-Object Renci.SshNet.SshClient -ArgumentList "localhost","user","pass" $Global:SshSessions.Add($session) It "Should remove a session by index" { Remove-SSHSession -Index 0 $sessions = Get-SSHSession $sessions | should be $null } It "Removing a non-existing session should not throw" { { Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 0 } | Should not throw } $Global:SshSessions.Add($session) It "Should remove a session submitted through the pipeline" { $session | Remove-SSHSession $sessions = Get-SSHSession $sessions | Should be $null } $Global:SshSessions.Add($session) It "Should remove a session by parameter" { Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $session $sessions = Get-SSHSession $sessions | Should be $null } } } Remove-Module Posh-SSH -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Variable sshsessions -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |