[CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string]$uxhostname, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$2ndHostname, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$SBCuserName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$SBCPassword ) if (-not $credential ) { $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $SBCPassword -AsPlainText -Force $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($SBCuserName, $secpasswd) } $ProjectRoot = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\.." $ModuleRoot = Split-Path (Resolve-Path "$ProjectRoot\*.psd1") $ModuleName = Split-Path $ModuleRoot -Leaf $ModulePsd = (Resolve-Path "$ProjectRoot\Posh-Ribbon.psd1").Path $ModulePsm = (Resolve-Path "$ProjectRoot\Posh-Ribbon.psm1").Path #$DefaultsFile = Join-Path $ProjectRoot "Tests\$($ModuleName).Pester.Defaults.json" $ModuleLoaded = Get-Module $ModuleName If ($null -eq $ModuleLoaded) { Import-Module $ModulePSD -Force } ElseIf ($null -ne $ModuleLoaded -and $ModuleLoaded -ne $ModulePSM) { Remove-Module $ModuleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module $ModulePSD -Force } Describe "Connection" { Context "When Logging In with wrong hostname " { it 'uxSession return object should throw an error' { { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname "kkk.no.local" -credentials $Credential -ea stop } | should throw } } $1stSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -SkipCertCheck Context "When Logging In with Actual Credentials" { it 'uxSession return object should include the host name provided above' { $1stSession.host | Should -be $uxhostname } it 'uxSession return object should include a websession' { $1stSession.session | Should -be $true } it 'uxSession return object should include a credential' { $1stSession.credentials | Should -be $true } } Context "When Logging In with wrong credentials " { $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PlainTextPassword" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $secpasswd) it 'uxSession return object should throw an error' { { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -Credentials $mycreds -ea stop } | should throw } } if ($2ndHostname) { $2ndSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $2ndHostname -credentials $Credential -SkipCertCheck Context "Testing Connections Using two Sessions" { it 'uxSession return object for first session should include the host name provided' { $1stSession.host | Should -be $uxhostname } it 'uxSession return object for first session should include the host name provided' { $2ndSession.host | Should -be $2ndHostname } it "The First Session host Should not match the second session" { $1stSession.host -eq $2ndSession.host | Should -Be $false } } } } Describe "Getting Information Back from Get Cmdlets" { $1stSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop -SkipCertCheck if ($2ndHostname) { $2ndSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $2ndHostname -credentials $Credential -SkipCertCheck } Context "Testing the `"Engine`" cmdlet get-UXResource " { it "should not error if we ask for a valid resource" { { Get-UxResource -resource system -ReturnElement system -ea stop } | Should -Not -Throw } it "should return a valid XML response when asking for a return element" { Get-UxResource -resource system -ReturnElement system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it "should return a valid XML response when not asking for a return element" { Get-UxResource -resource system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it "should return a valid XML response when not asking for a return element from a declared session" { Get-UxResource -uxSession $1stSession -resource system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it "should return a valid XML response when not asking for a return element from a declared session" { Get-UxResource -uxSession $1stSession -resource system -ReturnElement system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it "should throw if we ask for an invalid resource" { { Get-UxResource -uxSession $1stSession -resource zzzz -ea stop } | Should -Throw } } Context "Getting System Info testing get-uxSystemInfo" { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop -SkipCertCheck it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxSystemInfo) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for vendor for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxSystemInfo).vendor | Should -beoftype String } $PrimarySBC = Get-UxSystemInfo -uxSession $1stSession it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for vendor for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC.vendor | Should -beoftype String } if ($2ndHostname) { $SecondSBC = Get-UxSystemInfo -uxSession $2ndSession it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' { $PrimarySBC.href -ne $SecondSBC.href | Should -be $true } } } Context "Getting System Info testing get-uxSystemCallStats" { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxSystemCallStats) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for href for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxSystemCallStats).href | Should -beoftype String } $PrimarySBC = Get-UxSystemCallStats -uxSession $1stSession it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for href for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC.href | Should -beoftype String } if ($2ndHostname) { $SecondSBC = Get-UxSystemCallStats -uxSession $2ndSession it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' { $PrimarySBC.href -ne $SecondSBC.href | Should -be $true } } } Context "Getting System Info testing get-UxSystemLog" { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxSystemLog) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for href for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxSystemLog).href | Should -beoftype String } $PrimarySBC = Get-UxSystemLog -uxSession $1stSession it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for href for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC.href | Should -beoftype String } if ($2ndHostname) { $SecondSBC = Get-UxSystemLog -uxSession $2ndSession it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' { $PrimarySBC.href -ne $SecondSBC.href | Should -be $true } } } Context "Getting System Info testing get-UxTransformationTable" { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxTransformationTable) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for href element of the first object for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxTransformationTable)[0].href | Should -beoftype String } $PrimarySBC = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $1stSession it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } it 'A string object Should be returned for href element of the first object for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC[0].href | Should -beoftype String } if ($2ndHostname) { $SecondSBC = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' { $PrimarySBC[0].href -ne $SecondSBC[0].href | Should -be $true } } } Context "Testing get-UxTransformationTable and getting detailed entries for the first table" { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable)[0].id if (-not $1stTable) { $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable)[1].id } it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' { (Get-UxTransformationTable $1stTable) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } $PrimarySBC = Get-UxTransformationTable $1stTable -uxSession $1stSession it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' { $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement } if ($2ndHostname) { $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession)[0].id if (-not $1stTable) { $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession)[1].id } $SecondSBC = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession $1stTable = $SecondSBC[0].id if ($null -eq $1stTable) { $1stTable = $SecondSBC[1].id } it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' { $PrimarySBC[0].href -ne $SecondSBC[0].href | Should -be $true } } } } Describe "Creating New Sip Server Tables and Entires" { # Lets setup some variables that we can use to keep track of the new entries. $testTableName1 = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % { [char]$_ }) $testTableName2 = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % { [char]$_ }) $testTableName3 = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % { [char]$_ }) $TableDescription1 = "[!PSTR#] Test For {0}" -f $testTableName1 $TableDescription2 = "[!PSTR#] Test For {0}" -f $testTableName2 $TableDescription3 = "[!PSTR#] Test For {0}" -f $testTableName3 $idTracker = 0 Context "Creating A New SIP Server Table `'New-UXSipServerTable`' and it's Entries" { it "Should Not Throw an Error when creating & Deleting a table" { # We create this indivdual object just for testing for errors { $return = New-UxSipServerTable -Description $TableDescription1 -confirm:$false -ea stop Remove-UxResource -resource "sipservertable/$($return.id)" -confirm:$false -ea stop } | Should -Not -Throw } $returnObj = New-UxSipServerTable -Description $TableDescription2 -confirm:$false it "Should return a table with the same description" { $ReturnObj.Description -eq $TableDescription2 | Should -Be $true } it "Should return a table with an ID." { $ReturnObj.id | Should -not -Be $null } # Cleaning UP it "Should delete a table with an ID." { { Remove-UxResource -resource "sipservertable/$($ReturnObj.id)" -confirm:$false -ea stop } | Should -not -Throw } } Context "Creating an Entry in A Generated Table" { # Lets Create a blank table to add Entries to. $returnObj = New-UxSipServerTable -Description $TableDescription3 -confirm:$false # Lets Set Some Common Parameters $ParamsToSend = @{ ServerLookup = 0 ServerType = 0 Weight = 0 Host = "" HostIpVersion = 0 DomainName = "Domain.com" ServiceName = "sip" Port = 5060 TransportSocket = 4 ReuseTransport = 1 ReuseTimeout = 0 Protocol = 2 Monitor = 1 KeepAliveFrequency = 30 RecoverFrequency = 5 LocalUserName = 'Anonymous' PeerUserName = 'Anonymous' Priority = 0 RemoteAuthorizationTableID = 0 ContactRegistrantTableID = 0 StaggerRegistration = 0 ClearRemoteRegistrationOnStartup = 0 SessionURIValidation = 0 ContactURIRandomizer = 0 RetryNonStaleNonce = 1 TLSProfileID = 0 AuthorizationOnRefresh = 1 } It "Should create a new entry in the the new table" { { New-UxSipServerEntry @ParamsToSend -SipServerTableId $ReturnObj.id -confirm:$false -ea stop } | Should -Not -Throw } # Cleaning UP it "Should delete a entry with an ID of 1 in the Dynamically created table." { # We are deleting the first one as there should only ever be on in this dynamic entry { Remove-UxResource -resource "sipservertable/$($ReturnObj.id)/sipserver/1" -confirm:$false -ea stop } | Should -not -Throw } # Cleaning UP table it "Should delete a table after the entry has been deleted." { { Remove-UxResource -resource "sipservertable/$($ReturnObj.id)" -confirm:$false -ea stop } | Should -not -Throw } } } |