.SYNOPSIS RibbonSBCEdge Powershell module allows access to Ribbon SBC Edge via PowerShell using REST API's. .DESCRIPTION For the module to run correctly following pre-requisites should be met: 1) PowerShell v4.0 2) Ribbon SBC Edge on R3.0 or higher ( Tested on SBC R8.0 ) 3) Create REST logon credentials (http://www.allthingsuc.co.uk/accessing-sonus-ux-with-rest-apis/) Once you have created the account use help Connect-UxGateway to get started. .NOTES Name: RibbonEdge V2 Author: Chris Burns (GCIcom) V1 Author: Vikas Jaswal (Modality Systems Ltd) Additional cmdlets added by: Kjetil Lindløkken Additional cmdlets added by: Adrien Plessis Version History: Version 2.1 - 25/04/19 - Updated with some more Get and New Commands especially Call Routing Table - Chris Burns Version 2.0 - 15/04/19 - *NEW Version* - Rewrite for modern module design, better use of [XML] accelerator and details switch, a new custom uxSession Object to allow for access to multiple SBC's at once and a Custom XML -> PSObject Parser - Chris Burns Version 1.7 - 20/12/18 - Match Ribbon rebranding, Update link to Ribbon Docs - Adrien Plessis Version 1.6 - 04/10/18 - Added new-uxsipprofile cmdlet - Kjetil Lindløkken Version 1.5 - 03/10/18 - Added optional parameter to the get-uxsipprofile cmdlet to add id directly - Kjetil Lindløkken Version 1.4 - 03/10/18 - Added new-uxsipserverentry cmdlet - Kjetil Lindløkken Version 1.3 - 02/10/18 - Added get-uxsipprofile, Get-uxsipprofileid, get-uxsipservertableentry cmdlets - Kjetil Lindløkken Version 1.2 - 02/10/16 - Added get-uxsipservertable, new-uxsippservertable cmdlets - Kjetil Lindløkken Version 1.1 - 03/12/13 - Added new-ux*, restart-ux*, and get-uxresource cmdlets - Vikas Jaswal Version 1.0 - 30/11/13 - Module Created - Vikas Jaswal Please use the script at your own risk! .LINK http://www.posh.dev http://www.allthingsuc.co.uk #> Function Connect-UxGateway { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet connects to the Ribbon SBC and extracts the session token and places it into a custom PS Object called uxSession .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet connects to the Ribbon SBC and extracts the session token required for subsequent cmdlets. All other cmdlets will fail if this command is not successfully executed. .PARAMETER uxhostname Enter here the hostname or IP address of the Ribbon SBC .PARAMETER credentials Pass a secure credential to the cmdlet, this should be your REST API credentials. .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential connect-uxgateway -uxhostname -Credentials $Creds .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Session1 = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds $Session2 = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc02.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds .OUTPUT The cmdlet will return a uxSession variable which can be stored and used with multiple cmdlets. - This object includes the name, websession and credentials. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$uxhostname, # The Rest API Credentials to get into the SBC [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [pscredential]$Credentials ) if (!($TrustAllCertsPolicy)) { #Ignore SSL, without this GET commands dont work with SBC Edge add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy #Force TLS1.2 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 } $null = $Session #Login to SBC Edge $AuthenticationString = "Username={0}&Password={1}" -f $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().username, $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password $url = "https://$uxhostname/rest/login" Try { $uxcommand1output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $AuthenticationString -SessionVariable Session -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { throw "$uxhostname - Unable to connect to $uxhostname. Verify $uxhostname is accessible on the network. The error message returned is $_" } $Result = ([xml]$uxcommand1output.trim()).root $Success = $Result.status.http_code Write-verbose "Response Code = $Success" #Check if the Login was successfull.HTTP code 200 is returned if login is successful If ( $Success -ne "200") { #Unable to Login Write-verbose $uxcommand1output.trim() throw "$uxhostname - Login unsuccessful, logon credentials are incorrect OR you may not be using REST Credentials.` For further information check `"http://www.allthingsuc.co.uk/accessing-sonus-ux-with-rest-apis`"" } Write-Information "Successfully connected to $uxhostname" Write-verbose $uxcommand1output.trim() $script:DefaultSession = [PSCustomObject]@{ host = $uxhostname session = $Session credentials = $Credentials DefaultSessionType = $true } $DefaultSession.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "UX.SBCSessionObject") $ReturnObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ host = $uxhostname session = $Session credentials = $Credentials DefaultSessionType = $false # Setting this will tell future scripts if the session has been passed to them OR if it is the default session } $ReturnObject.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "UX.SBCSessionObject") Return $ReturnObject } #Function to grab SBC Edge system information Function Get-UxSystemInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet collects System information from Ribbon SBC. .EXAMPLE get-uxSystemInfo Gets System information from the last connected SBC. .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential PS:>$Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds PS:>get-uxSystemInfo -uxSession $obj This example stores the credential in a credential object and uses that credential to store a uxSession Object. With this object we can now call the get-uxSystemInfo for any session object. Therby allowing us to get information from any amount of SBC's. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "system" ReturnElement = "system" } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } get-uxresource @ResourceSplat } #Function to grab UX Global Call counters Function Get-UxSystemCallStats { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet reports Call statistics from Ribbon SBC. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet report Call statistics (global level only) from Ribbon SBC eg: Calls failed, Calls Succeeded, Call Currently Up, etc. .EXAMPLE get-uxsystemcallstats .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential PS:>$Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds PS:>get-UxSystemCallStats -uxSession $obj This example stores the credential in a credential object and uses that credential to store a uxSession Object. With this object we can now call the get-UxSystemCallStats for any session object. Therby allowing us to get call stats from any amount of SBC's. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "systemcallstats" ReturnElement = "systemcallstats" } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } get-uxresource @ResourceSplat } Function Get-UxSystemLog { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet reports the call logging level for a specified SBC. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet report Call statistics (global level only) from Ribbon SBC eg: Calls failed, Calls Succeeded, Call Currently Up, etc. .EXAMPLE get-UxSystemLog .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential PS:> $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds PS:> get-UxSystemLog -uxSession $Obj #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "systemlog" ReturnElement = "systemlog" detail = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } get-uxresource @ResourceSplat } #Function to backup UX. When the backup succeeds there is no acknowledgement from UX.Best way to verify backup was successful is to check the backup file size Function Invoke-UxBackup { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet performs backup of Ribbon SBC .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet performs backup of Ribbon SBC. Ensure to check the size of the backup file to verify the backup was successful as Ribbon does not acknowledge this.If a backup file is 1KB it means the backup was unsuccessful. .PARAMETER backupdestination Enter here the backup folder where the backup file will be copied. Ensure you have got write permissions on this folder. .PARAMETER backupfilename Enter here the Backup file name. The backup file will automatically be appended with .tar.gz extension. .EXAMPLE invoke-uxbackup -backupfilename c:\backup\lyncgw01backup01.tar.gz #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateScript( { $Path = Split-path $_; if (!($Path | Test-path)) { Throw "Folder Must Exist" } return $true })] [string]$backupfilename ) if ($uxSession) { $uxSessionObj = $uxSession $uxHost = $uxSession.host $SessionVar = $uxSession.Session } else { $uxSessionObj = $DefaultSession $uxHost = $DefaultSession.host $SessionVar = $DefaultSession.session } # This script can be updated to use the latest Send-Command cmdlet. TODO. #Refeshing the token, if needed $ResponseCode = $((get-uxsysteminfo -uxSession $uxSessionObj).status.http_code) Write-verbose "Response code from Gateway $ResponseCode" if ($ResponseCode -ne "200") { Throw "Session Expired or problem connecting to Box - Rerun Connect-uxGateway" } $args1 = "" $url = "https://$uxHost/rest/system?action=backup" if ($backupfilename -notmatch "(\.tar.gz)") { $backupfilename = $backupfilename -replace "\..+" Write-warning "The output file must be of a type tar.gz - replacing filename to $backupfilename.tar.gz" $FileLocation = "{0}.tar.gz" -f $backupfilename } else { $FileLocation = $backupfilename } # Lets Get the backup File and output it. Try { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method POST -Body $args1 -WebSession $sessionvar -OutFile $FileLocation -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } } #Function to return any resource (using GET) Function Get-UxResource { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet makes a GET request to any valid UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet makes a GET request to any valid UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC. The cmdlet is one of the most powerful as you can query pretty much any UX resource which supports GET requests! .PARAMETER resource Enter a valid resource name here. For valid resource names refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .EXAMPLE This example queries a "timing" resource get-uxresource -resource timing .EXAMPLE This example queries a "certificate" resource get-uxresource -resource certificate After you know the certificate id URL using the above cmdlet, you can perform second query to find more details: get-uxresource -resource certificate/1 .LINK To find all the resources which can be queried, please refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession = $DefaultSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string]$resource, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$ReturnElement, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [string]$Arguments, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)] [switch]$Details, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [pscredential]$Credentials ) <# #Region Getting Session if ($uxSession) { $uxSessionObj = $uxSession $uxHost = $uxSession.host $SessionVar = $uxSession.Session } else { if ($DefaultSession) { $uxSessionObj = $DefaultSession $uxHost = $DefaultSession.host $SessionVar = $DefaultSession.session } Else { Throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity)." } } #endregion #Region Refeshing the token, if needed #$ResponseCode = $((get-uxsysteminfo -uxSession $uxSessionObj).status.http_code) #Write-verbose "Response code from Gateway $ResponseCode" # #if ($ResponseCode -ne "200") { # Throw "Session Expired or problem connecting to Box - Rerun Connect-uxGateway" #} #endregion #> $url = "https://$($uxSession.host)/rest/$resource" if ($Details) { $url += "?details=true" } Write-verbose "Connecting to $url" Try { $uxrawdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method GET -WebSession $($uxSession.Session) } Catch { Try { if ($uxSession.DefaultSessionType) { Write-Warning "Session Expired - Trying to renew session to $($uxSession.host)" Connect-UxGateway -uxhostname $DefaultSession.host -Credentials $DefaultSession.Credentials $uxrawdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method GET -WebSession $($uxSession.Session) -ErrorAction Stop } } catch { #Write-Verbose $uxrawdata if ($_.Exception -like "*(404) Not Found*") { Throw "404 Returned - Unable to find Resource Are you requesting a valid resource?" } else { throw "$_" } } } $Result = ([xml]$uxrawdata.trim()).root $Success = $Result.status.http_code #Check if connection was successful.HTTP code 401 is returned which means the session has expired If ( $Success -eq "401") { # Lets Try again if it is the default session Try { if ($uxSession.DefaultSessionType) { Write-Warning "Session Expired - Trying to renew session to $($uxSession.host)" Connect-UxGateway -uxhostname $DefaultSession.host -Credentials $DefaultSession.Credentials $uxrawdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method GET -WebSession $($DefaultSession.Session) -ErrorAction Stop } } catch { #Unable to Login again throw "We tried to reauthenticate and run your command again but failed, Try to rerun your command, OR use Connect-UxGateWay cmdlet again" } $Result = ([xml]$uxrawdata.trim()).root $Success = $Result.status.http_code } #Check if connection was successful.HTTP code 200 is returned If ( $Success -ne "200") { #Unable to Login throw "Error Code $Success : Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } # Return data and raw data in the verbose stream if needed. Write-Verbose $uxrawdata if ($ReturnElement) { Return $Result.$ReturnElement } Return $Result } #Function to create a new resource on UX Function New-UxResource { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet initiates a PUT request to create a new UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet initiates a a PUT request to create a new UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC. Using this cmdlet you can create any resource on UX which supports PUT request! .PARAMETER resource Enter a valid resource name here. For valid resource names refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .EXAMPLE This example creates a new "sipservertable" resource Grab the SIP Server table resource and next free available id Get-UxResource -resource sipservertable | Select -ExpandProperty sipservertable_list | Select -ExpandProperty sipservertable_pk Create new SIP server table and specify a free resource ID (15 here) New-UxResource -Arguments "Description=SkypeMedServers" -resource sipservertable -index 15 OR New-UxResource -Arguments "Description=SkypeMedServers" -resource sipservertable/15 .LINK To find all the resources which can be queried, please refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( # The Session Object used if wanting to connect to multiple servers [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession = $DefaultSession, # The Resource you wish to hit, such as sipservertable [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string]$resource, # Used with other cmdlets to help tidy up the XML return so the tree is not too deep. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$ReturnElement, # Pass any argument that you wish to be built, such as Description=Skype [Alias("Args", "Options", "Settings")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [string]$Arguments, # If using a tidier method or planning on looping, you could use the Index Tag which will add to the end of the resource name /1 [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4)] [Int]$Index, # Currently not used, Will be used infuture for automatic refesh tokens. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [pscredential]$Credentials ) #Region Refeshing the token, if needed #$ResponseCode = $((get-uxsysteminfo -uxSession $uxSessionObj).status.http_code) #Write-verbose "Response code from Gateway $ResponseCode" # #if ($ResponseCode -ne "200") { # Throw "Session Expired or problem connecting to Box - Rerun Connect-uxGateway" #} #endregion $url = "https://$($uxSession.host)/rest/$resource/$Index" Write-verbose "Connecting to $url" Write-verbose "Adding: $Arguments " # Lets check the User Actually wants to make this change $msg = "Adding A New Entry to $resource on the $($uxSession.host) Gateway with ID $Index" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { Try { $uxrawdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method PUT -Body $Arguments -WebSession $($uxSession.Session) -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } $Result = ([xml]$uxrawdata.trim()).root $Success = $Result.status.http_code switch ( $Success) { "200" { Write-Verbose "Happy with the response" } "401" { throw "Error creating the new entry, is there an existing record at $url? .The error message is $_" } "500" { Write-Verbose -Message $uxrawdata; throw "Unable to create a new resource. Ensure you have entered a unique resource id.Verify this using `"get-uxresource`" cmdlet" } default { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } } # Return data and raw data in the verbose stream if needed. Write-Verbose $uxrawdata if ($ReturnElement) { Return $Result.$ReturnElement } Return $Result } } Function Send-UxCommand { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet initates a POST request to send commands to the UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC/Resource+-+system .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet initates a POST request to modify existing UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC/Resource+-+system .PARAMETER resource Enter a valid resource name here. For valid resource names refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .EXAMPLE Send-UxCommand -command reboot .EXAMPLE Send-UxCommand -command reboot -uxSession $1stGateway .LINK To find all the resources which can be queried, please refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession = $DefaultSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$Arguments, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [ValidateScript( { $Path = Split-path $_; if (!($Path | Test-path)) { Throw "Folder Must Exist" } return $true })] [string]$OutPutFilename, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)] [string]$ReturnElement, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [pscredential]$Credentials ) #Region Refeshing the token, if needed #$ResponseCode = $((get-uxsysteminfo -uxSession $uxSessionObj).status.http_code) #Write-verbose "Response code from Gateway $ResponseCode" # #if ($ResponseCode -ne "200") { # Throw "Session Expired or problem connecting to Box - Rerun Connect-uxGateway" #} #endregion # The Command MUST be in lowercase so converting $url = "https://$($uxSession.host)/rest/system?action=$($command.ToLower())" Write-verbose "Connecting to $url" Write-verbose "Adding: $Arguments" # Lets check the User Actually wants to make this change $msg = "Running $Command on the $($uxSession.host) Gateway" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { Try { $options = @{ uri = $url Method = "POST" Body = $Arguments WebSession = $uxSession.Session ErrorAction = "Stop" } if ($OutPutFilename) { $options.OutFile = $OutPutFilename } $uxrawdata = Invoke-RestMethod @options } Catch { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } $Result = ([xml]$uxrawdata.trim()).root $Success = $Result.status.http_code switch ( $Success) { "200" { Write-Verbose "Happy with the response" } "401" { throw "Error creating the new entry, is there an existing record at $url? .The error message is $_" } "500" { Write-Verbose -Message $uxrawdata; throw "Unable to create a new resource. Ensure you have entered a unique resource id.Verify this using `"get-uxresource`" cmdlet" } default { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } } # Return data and raw data in the verbose stream if needed. Write-Verbose $uxrawdata if ($ReturnElement) { Return $Result.$ReturnElement } Return $Result } } #Function to delete a resource on UX. 200OK is returned when a resource is deleted successfully. 500 if resource did not exist or couldn't delete it Function Remove-UxResource { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet initates a DELETE request to remove a UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .DESCRIPTION Whilst primarily used by the internal functions, you can use this function with your own scripts. As this is likely to overwrite some of your SBC settings the ConfirmPreferences have been set to HIGH! If you would like to prevent the confirm prompt use -confirm:$false when calling this function. This can be dangerous if you are looping consider yourself WARNED. :-) You can delete any resource which supports DELETE request. .PARAMETER resource Enter a valid resource name here. For valid resource names refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .EXAMPLE Extract the transformation table id of the table you want to delete get-uxtransformationtable Now execute remove-uxresource cmdlet to delete the transformation table remove-uxresource -resource transformationtable/13 .EXAMPLE Same as Above but if you are scripting it use -confirm:$false get-uxtransformationtable Now execute remove-uxresource cmdlet to delete the transformation table remove-uxresource -resource transformationtable/13 -confirm:$false .EXAMPLE Extract the SIP Server table resource and find the id of the table you want to delete ((get-uxresource -resource sipservertable).sipservertable_list).sipservertable_pk Now execute remove-uxresource cmdlet remove-uxresource -resource sipservertable/10 .LINK To find all the resources which can be queried, please refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession = $DefaultSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string]$resource, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$ReturnElement, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [string]$Arguments, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)] [Int]$Index, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [pscredential]$Credentials ) if ($resource -contains "http://") { Throw "Resource is not properly formatted. Please only pass the resource you wish to remove not the whole address such as transformationtable then index of the entry" } #The URL which will be passed to the UX $url = "https://$($uxSession.host)/rest/$resource" if ($index) { $url += "/$index" } Write-verbose "Removing $url" Write-verbose "With: $Arguments " $msg = "Deleting A New Entry to $resource on the $($uxSession.host) Gateway" if ($index) { $msg += "with ID $Index" } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { Try { $uxrawdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method DELETE -Body $Arguments -WebSession $uxSession.Session -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } $Result = ([xml]$uxrawdata.trim()).root $Success = $Result.status.http_code switch ( $Success) { "200" { Write-Verbose "Happy with the response" } "401" { throw "Error creating the new entry, is there an existing record at $url? .The error message is $_" } "500" { Write-Verbose -Message $uxrawdata; throw "Unable to create a new resource. Ensure you have entered a unique resource id.Verify this using `"get-uxresource`" cmdlet" } default { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } } # Return data and raw data in the verbose stream if needed. Write-Verbose $uxrawdata if ($ReturnElement) { Return $Result.$ReturnElement } Return $Result } } #Function to create a modify and existing resource on the UX Function Set-UxResource { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet initates a POST request to modify existing UX resource. For full list of valid resources refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .DESCRIPTION Whilst primarily used by the internal functions, you can use this function with your own scripts. As this is likely to overwrite some of your SBC settings the ConfirmPreferences have been set to HIGH! If you would like to prevent the confirm prompt use -confirm:$false when calling this function. This can be dangerous if you are looping consider yourself WARNED. :-) .PARAMETER resource Enter a valid resource name here. For valid resource names refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC .EXAMPLE Assume you want to change the description of one of the SIPServer table. Using Get find the ID of the sip server table ((get-uxresource -resource sipservertable).sipservertable_list).sipservertable_pk Once you have found the ID, issue the cmdlet below to modify the description set-uxresource -args Description=SBA2 -resource sipservertable/20 .EXAMPLE Assume you want to change Description of the transformation table. Extract the transformation table id of the table you want to modify get-uxtransformationtable Once you have found the ID, issue the cmdlet below to modify the description set-uxresource -args "Description=Test5" -resource "transformationtable/12" .LINK To find all the resources which can be queried, please refer to https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession = $DefaultSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$resource, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [string]$ReturnElement, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [string]$Arguments, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [Int]$Index, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)] [pscredential]$Credentials ) #The URL which will be passed to the UX $url = "https://$($uxSession.host)/rest/$resource/$index" Write-verbose "Editing $url" Write-verbose "With: $Arguments " $msg = "Deleting A New Entry to $resource on the $($uxSession.host) Gateway with ID $Index" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { Try { $uxrawdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method POST -Body $Arguments -WebSession $uxSession.Session -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } $Result = ([xml]$uxrawdata.trim()).root $Success = $Result.status.http_code switch ( $Success) { "200" { Write-Verbose "Happy with the response" } "401" { throw "Error creating the new entry, is there an existing record at $url? .The error message is $_" } "500" { Write-Verbose -Message $uxrawdata; throw "Unable to create a new resource. Ensure you have entered a unique resource id.Verify this using `"get-uxresource`" cmdlet" } default { throw "Unable to process this command.Ensure you have connected to the gateway using `"connect-uxgateway`" cmdlet or if you were already connected your session may have timed out (10 minutes of no activity).The error message is $_" } } # Return data and raw data in the verbose stream if needed. Write-Verbose $uxrawdata if ($ReturnElement) { Return $Result.$ReturnElement } Return $Result } } Function Get-UxTransformationTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet reports The Transformation from Ribbon SBC. .DESCRIPTION TBC .EXAMPLE get-uxtransformationtable .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds get-uxtransformationtable -uxSession $Obj #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #To find the ID of the transformation table execute "get-uxtransformationtable" cmdlet' [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$uxTransformationTableId ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "transformationtable" ReturnElement = "transformationtable_list" Details = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } $TopLevel = (get-uxresource @ResourceSplat).transformationtable if ($uxTransformationTableId) { # We Need to pull the top Level First $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "transformationtable/$uxtransformationtableid/transformationentry" ReturnElement = "transformationentry_list" Details = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } $SubLevel = (get-uxresource @ResourceSplat).transformationentry #Lets Get The Sequence $Seq = $TopLevel | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $uxTransformationTableId } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sequence $OrderedList = Get-UxOrderedList -Sequence $Seq -List $SubLevel # Lets Build a Temp object where we can store the top level then the entires. #$TempReturn = [PSCustomObject]@{ # Table = $TopLevel.transformationtable | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $uxTransformationTableId } # Entries = $OrderedList #} # Lets Finally Build the Return Object return $OrderedList } else { return $TopLevel } } Function Copy-UxTransformationTables { <# .SYNOPSIS This Cmdlet will take a list of transformation tables from one SBC and Copy them to another .DESCRIPTION Copying data from one SBC to another is tedious work, this cmdlet will take a list of transformation tables and will build them on the destination SBC. To ensure we prevent unitntended results the rules will be disabled unless the -enabled switch is used. The cmdlet will enumerate through the entries unless you use the -confirm:$false parameter Unless specified all entries will be marked as disabled when moved to other SBC. We will also update the description on the destination SBC with a small tag which shows what the order they were in on the source AND the enabled status at time of copying. .EXAMPLE $SourceCreds = Get-Credential PS:> $DestinationCreds = Get-Credential PS:> $SourceGateWay = Connect-uxGateway -uxhostname -credentials $SourceCreds PS:> $DestinationGateway = Connect-uxGateway -uxhostname -credentials $DestinationCreds PS:> Copy-UxTransformationTables -SourceSession $SourceGateWay -DestinationSession $DestinationGateway This example is a basic copy all entries. #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( # This is the source session where you want to copy the rules from [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$SourceSession, # This is the destination session See help how to create a session variable [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$DestinationSession, #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [int]$TableID, #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [switch]$Enabled ) Write-Verbose "Source SBC $($SourceSession.host)" Write-Verbose "Destination SBC $($DestinationSession.host)" Write-verbose "Checking Both Sessions" try { $null = Get-UxSystemInfo -uxSession $SourceSession -Verbose:$false } catch { Throw "$($SourceSession.host) Session has problems, please ensure both sessions have been accessed in the last 10 mins." } try { $null = Get-UxSystemInfo -uxSession $DestinationSession -Verbose:$false } catch { Throw "$($DestinationSession.host) Session has problems, please ensure both sessions have been accessed in the last 10 mins." } Write-verbose "Both Sessions Appear to be ok, continuing" if ($TableID) { $SourceTransformationTable = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $SourceSession -Verbose:$false | Where-object { $_.id -eq $TableID } Write-Verbose "Getting $($SourceTransformationTable.description) Only" } Else { $SourceTransformationTable = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $SourceSession -Verbose:$false } foreach ($Entry in $SourceTransformationTable) { $EntryObject = ($Entry | New-UxURLandPSObject).posh $EntryObject.Description += " - Copy from $($SourceSession.host)" # Lets get the Transformation Rules $TransformationRules = Get-UxTransformationTable $EntryObject.id -Verbose:$false Write-verbose "Removing Uncopyable attributes" $EntryObject.psobject.properties.remove('href') $EntryObject.psobject.properties.remove('id') $EntryObject.psobject.properties.remove('sequence') Write-verbose "Copying Item:" Write-Verbose $EntryObject $HTMLFormated = ($EntryObject | New-UxURLandPSObject).HtmlStr Write-Verbose $HTMLFormated # Lets Get the next id on the Destination box [int]$NewTransformationTableId = (get-uxtransformationtable -uxSession $DestinationSession -verbos:$false | select-object -ExpandProperty id | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 # Lets Get Ready to add $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "transformationtable" index = $NewTransformationTableId ReturnElement = "transformationtable" Arguments = $HTMLFormated uxSession = $DestinationSession Verbose = $false } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-Verbose "Adding $($EntryObject.Description) to Transformation Table on the $($DestinationSession.host) Gateway with ID $NewTransformationTableId" $msg = "Adding $($EntryObject.Description) to Transformation Table on the $($DestinationSession.host) Gateway with ID $NewTransformationTableId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $NewTableResult = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') Write-Verbose "Returned Table id $($NewTableResult.id)" # Time to add the entries $TransformationRules | ForEach-Object { # Again we do this as it is easier to manipulate a PSobject rather than an XmlElement $PoshObject = ($_ | New-UxURLandPSObject).posh # As back up to ordering, and to help SBC engineers we add (# Number to the description) $PoshObject.description = "(#{0}-En{1}) {2}" -f $PoshObject.ListOrder, $PoshObject.ConfigIEState, $PoshObject.description # Now we see if the enabled switch has been applied, if not we then tell the rule to be disabled. if (-not $Enabled) { $PoshObject.ConfigIEState = 0 } #Now we remove stuff that cannot apply on a different box $PoshObject.psobject.properties.remove('href') $PoshObject.psobject.properties.remove('id') $PoshObject.psobject.properties.remove('ListOrder') $HTMLFormated = ($PoshObject | New-UxURLandPSObject).HtmlStr # Lets Get the next Entr ID [int]$NewTransformationEntryId = (get-uxtransformationentry -uxTransformationTableId $NewTableResult.id -uxSession $DestinationSession -verbose:$false | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | ForEach-Object { $_.split(":")[1] } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 Write-Verbose "Gonna Add this" Write-Verbose $HTMLFormated Write-Verbose "To the New SBC in table $($NewTableResult.id)" $EntrySplat = @{ resource = "transformationtable/$($NewTableResult.id)/transformationentry" index = $NewTransformationEntryId ReturnElement = "transformationtable" uxSession = $DestinationSession Arguments = $HTMLFormated verbose = $false confirm = $false } try { $EntryReturn = new-uxresource @EntrySplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') } catch { Write-Error "Failed to Add : $HTMLFormated" } Write-verbose $EntryReturn } } } } <# Function Copy-UxTransformationEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS This Cmdlet will take a list of transformation entry from one SBC and Copy them to another .DESCRIPTION Copying data from one SBC to another is tedious work, this cmdlet will take a list of transformation tables and will build them on the destination SBC. To ensure we prevent unitntended results the rules will be disabled unless the -enabled switch is used. The cmdlet will enumerate through the entries unless you use the -ALL parameter .EXAMPLE Copy-UxTransformationTables -SourceSession $SourceGateWay -DestinationSession $DestinationGateway [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$SourceSession, #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$DestinationSession, #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [switch]$ALL, #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [switch]$Enabled ) } #> Function Get-UxOrderedList { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet orders a list based on a sequence provided. .DESCRIPTION This function is mainly used internally to get a list of entries and sort the list based on their parent's sequence. We add a XML entry, called ListOrder to each Entry which the user can then sort upon using the following command $Results | Sort Listorder .EXAMPLE Get-UxOrderedList -Sequence $Seq -List $List #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( # This parameter needs a string in the format '1,3,2,8' The function will then split tis internally to create an array [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String]$Sequence, # This parameter needs a List of entries from the SBC with an id element. Ideally in the "5:1" format. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] $List ) $SeqArray = $Sequence.Split(",") for ($i = 0; $i -lt $SeqArray.Count; $i++) { #$SearchFilter = "{0}:{1}" -f $uxtransformationtableid, $SeqArray[$i] $CurrentEntry = $List | Where-object { $_.id -like "*:$($SeqArray[$i])" } $child = $CurrentEntry.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("ListOrder") $child.InnerText = $($i + 1) # This is Really funky... If you don't void the return, you will not get an output For $CurrentEntry. [void]$CurrentEntry.AppendChild($child) } return $($List | Sort-Object ListOrder) } Function Get-UxTransformationEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet reports The Transformation from Ribbon SBC. .DESCRIPTION Gets all the entries but in an unordered form. As the sequence is stored at the level above use get-UxTransformationTable 'TableID' to get ordered list as per sequence. .EXAMPLE get-uxtransformationEntry -uxTransformationTableId 4 .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds get-uxtransformationtable -uxSession $Obj -uxTransformationTableId 4 #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #To find the ID of the transformation table execute "get-uxtransformationtable" cmdlet' [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$uxTransformationTableId ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "transformationtable/$uxtransformationtableid/transformationentry" ReturnElement = "transformationentry_list" Details = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } #Further filtering of the object for this option - Here we want to see the whole details of the object. $Return = get-uxresource @ResourceSplat Write-Output $return.transformationentry } Function New-UxTransformationTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates a new transformation table (not transformation table entry) .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a transformation table (not transformation table entry). .PARAMETER Description Enter here the Description (Name) of the Transformation table.This is what will be displayed in the Ribbon GUI .EXAMPLE new-uxtransformationtable -Description "LyncToPBX" #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #Description of the new tablle [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateLength(1, 64)] [string]$Description ) # First thing we need to do is get a new TableId try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$NewTransformationTableId = (get-uxtransformationtable -uxSession $uxSession | select-object -ExpandProperty id | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$NewTransformationTableId = (get-uxtransformationtable | select-object -ExpandProperty id | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Unable to get a new table id" } #Lets create the information to upload, this nees to be in HTTP format for the PUT $HTTPDescription = "Description=$Description" $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "transformationtable" index = $NewTransformationTableId ReturnElement = "transformationtable" Arguments = $HTTPDescription } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to Transformation Table on the Gateway with ID $NewTransformationTableId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return } #Function to create new transformation table entry Function New-UxTransformationEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates transformation entries in existing transformation table .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates transformation entries in existing transformation table.You need to specify the transformation table where these transformation entries should be created. .PARAMETER TransformationTableId Enter here the TransformationTableID of the transformation table where you want to add the transformation entry. This can be extracted using "get-uxtransformationtable" cmdlet .PARAMETER InputFieldType Enter here the code (integer) of the Field you want to add, eg:If you want to add "CalledNumber" add 0. Full information on which codes maps to which field please refer http://bit.ly/SBC-TransfomationCodes .PARAMETER InputFieldValue Enter the value which should be matched.eg: If you want to match all the numbers between 2400 - 2659 you would enter here "^(2([45]\d{2}|6[0-5]\d))$" .PARAMETER OutputFieldType Enter here the code (integer) of the Field you want to add, eg:If you want to add "CalledNumber" add 0. Full information on which codes maps to which field please refer http://bit.ly/SBC-TransfomationCodes .PARAMETER OutputFieldValue Enter here the output of the Input value.eg: If you want to change input of "^(2([45]\d{2}|6[0-5]\d))$" to +44123456XXXX, you would enter here +44123456\1 .PARAMETER Description Enter here the Description (Name) of the Transformation entry. This is what will be displayed in the Ribbon GUI .PARAMETER MatchType Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .EXAMPLE Assume you want to create a new transformation table. First determine the ID of the transformation table in which you want to create the new transformation entry. get-uxtransformationtable This example creates an Optional (default) transformation entry converting Called Number range 2400 - 2659 to Called Number +44123456XXXX new-uxtransformationentry -TransformationTableId 6 -InputFieldType 0 -InputFieldValue '^(2([45]\d{2}|6[0-5]\d))$' -OutputFieldType 0 -OutputFieldValue '+44123456\1' -Description "ExtToDDI" .EXAMPLE This example creates an Optional transformation entry converting Calling Number beginning with 0044xxxxxx to Calling Number +44xxxxxx new-uxtransformationentry -TransformationTableId 3 -InputFieldType 3 -InputFieldValue '00(44\d(.*))' -OutputFieldType 3 -OutputFieldValue '+\1' -Description "UKCLIToE164" .EXAMPLE This example creates a Mandatory CLI (Calling Number)passthrough new-uxtransformationentry -TransformationTableId 9 -InputFieldType 3 -InputFieldValue '(.*)' -OutputFieldType 3 -OutputFieldValue '\1' -Description "PassthroughCLI" -MatchType 0 .LINK For Input/Output Field Value Code mappings, please refer to http://bit.ly/SBC-TransfomationCodes #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [int]$TransformationTableId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Refer http://bit.ly/SBC-TransfomationCodes for further detail")] [ValidateRange(0, 38)] [int]$InputFieldType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)] [ValidateLength(1, 256)] [string]$InputFieldValue, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Refer http://bit.ly/SBC-TransfomationCodes for for further detail")] [ValidateRange(0, 38)] [string]$OutputFieldType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 5)] [ValidateLength(1, 256)] [string]$OutputFieldValue, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 6)] [ValidateLength(1, 64)] [string]$Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7)] [ValidateSet(0, 1)] [int]$MatchType = 1 ) # First thing we need to do is get a new TableId for the entry #DEPENDENCY ON get-uxtransformationentry FUNCTION TO GET THE NEXT AVAILABLE TRANSFORMATIONTABLEID try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$NewTransformationEntryId = (get-uxtransformationentry -uxTransformationTableId $TransformationTableId -uxSession $uxSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | ForEach-Object { $_.split(":")[1] } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$NewTransformationEntryId = (get-uxtransformationentry -uxTransformationTableId $TransformationTableId | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | ForEach-Object { $_.split(":")[1] } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Command failed when trying to execute the Transformationtableentryid using `"get-uxtransformationentry`" cmdlet.The error is $_" } #Replace "+" with "%2B" as + is considered a Space in HTTP/S world, so gets processed as space when used in a command $InputFieldValue = $InputFieldValue.replace("+", '%2B') $OutputFieldValue = $OutputFieldValue.replace("+", '%2B') #Variable which contains all the information we require to create a transformation table. $args2 = "Description=$Description" $args2 += "&InputField=$InputFieldType" $args2 += "&InputFieldValue=$InputFieldValue" $args2 += "&OutputField=$OutputFieldType" $args2 += "&OutputFieldValue=$OutputFieldValue" $args2 += "&MatchType=$MatchType" $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "transformationtable/$TransformationTableId/transformationentry" index = $NewTransformationEntryId ReturnElement = "transformationtable" Arguments = $args2 } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to transformationtable/$TransformationTableId/transformationentry Table on the Gateway with ID $NewTransformationTableId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return } #Function to get sipserver table Function Get-UxSipServerTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet displays all the sipserver table names and ID's .EXAMPLE get-uxsipservertable .EXAMPLE get-uxsipservertable 3 .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds get-uxsipservertable -uxSession $Obj #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSipServerTableId ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand if ($uxSipServerTableId) { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipservertable/$uxSipServerTableId/sipserver" ReturnElement = "sipserver_list" Details = $true } } else { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipservertable" ReturnElement = "sipservertable_list" detail = $true } } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } #Further filtering of the object for this option - Here we want to see the whole details of the object. $Return = get-uxresource @ResourceSplat if ($uxSipServerTableId) { Write-Output $return.sipserver } else { Write-Output $return.sipservertable } } #Function to create new sipserver table Function New-UxSipServerTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates a new sipserver table (not sipserver table entry) .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a sipserver table (not sipserver table entry). .PARAMETER Description Enter here the Description (Name) of the sipserver table.This is what will be displayed in the Ribbon GUI .EXAMPLE new-uxsipservertable -Description "LyncToPBX" #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #Description of the new tablle [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateLength(1, 64)] [string]$Description ) # First thing we need to do is get a new TableId try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$sipservertableid = (get-uxsipservertable -uxSession $uxSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$sipservertableid = (get-uxsipservertable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Unable to get a new table id" } #Lets create the information to upload, this nees to be in HTTP format for the PUT $HTTPDescription = "Description=$Description" $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipservertable" index = $sipservertableid ReturnElement = "sipservertable" Arguments = $HTTPDescription } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to sipservertable Table on the Gateway with ID $sipservertableid" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return.transformationtable } #Function to create new sipserver entry Function New-UxSipServerEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates a new host/domain in existing sipserver table .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a new host in an existing sipserver table.You need to specify the sipserver table where these transformation entries should be created. .PARAMETER SipServerTableId Enter here the SIPServer ID of the sipserver table where you want to add a new host entry. This can be extracted using "get-uxsipservertable" cmdlet .PARAMETER ServerLookup Enter here the SIPServer ID of the sipserver table where you want to add a new host entry. This can be extracted using "get-uxsipservertable" cmdlet .PARAMETER Priority Enter here the code (integer) of the Field you want to add, eg:If you want to add "CalledNumber" add 0. Full information on which codes maps to which field please refer http://bit.ly/Iy7JQS .PARAMETER Host Enter the value which should be matched.eg: If you want to match all the numbers between 2400 - 2659 you would enter here "^(2([45]\d{2}|6[0-5]\d))$" .PARAMETER HostIpVersion Enter here the code (integer) of the Field you want to add, eg:If you want to add "CalledNumber" add 0. Full information on which codes maps to which field please refer http://bit.ly/Iy7JQS .PARAMETER Port Enter here the output of the Input value.eg: If you want to change input of "^(2([45]\d{2}|6[0-5]\d))$" to +44123456XXXX, you would enter here +44123456\1 .PARAMETER Protocol Enter here the Description (Name) of the Transformation entry. This is what will be displayed in the Ribbon GUI .PARAMETER TLSProfile Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER KeepAliveFrequency Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER RecoverFrequency Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER LocalUserName Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER PeerUserName Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER RemoteAuthorizationTable Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER ContactRegistrantTable Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER SessionURIValidation Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER ReuseTransport Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER TransportSocket Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .PARAMETER ReuseTimeout Enter here if the Transformation entry you will create will be Mandatory(0) or Optional(1). If this parameter is not specified the transformation table will be created as Optional .EXAMPLE .EXAMPLE .EXAMPLE .LINK #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [int]$SipServerTableId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Specifies the protocol to use for sending SIP messages")] [ValidateSet(0, 1)] [int]$ServerLookup = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Specifies the priority of this server")] [ValidateRange(0, 16)] [int]$Priority, [Alias("ComputerName", "Server", "FQDN")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4, HelpMessage = "Specifies the IP address or FQDN where this Signaling Group sends SIP messages")] [ValidateLength(1, 256)] [string]$Hostname, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5, HelpMessage = "Specifies IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses")] [int]$HostIpVersion = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6, HelpMessage = "Specifies the port number to send SIP messages")] [ValidateRange(1024, 65535)] [string]$Port = 5061, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7, HelpMessage = "Specifies the protocol to use for sending SIP messages")] [ValidateRange(0, 9)] [string]$Protocol = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8, HelpMessage = "Specifies the TLS Profile ID")] [ValidateRange(0, 9)] [string]$TLSProfileid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 9, HelpMessage = "Specifies the method to monitor server. None(0), SIP Options(1)")] [ValidateSet(0, 1)] [int]$Monitor = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10)] [ValidateSet(0, 1)] [int]$ReuseTimeout = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 19)] [ValidateSet(1, 4)] [string]$TransportSocket = 4 <# [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=9)] [ValidateRange(0,2)] [int]$ServerType = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=10)] [ValidateLenght(1,256)] [string]$DomainName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=11)] [ValidateRange(0,65535)] [int]$Weight = 0 Parameters to be added later if needed [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=11)] [ValidateRange(30,300)] [string]$KeepAliveFrequency, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=12)] [ValidateRange(5,500)] [string]$RecoverFrequency, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=13)] [ValidateLength(1,256)] [string]$LocalUserName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=14)] [ValidateLenght(1,256)] [string]$PeerUserName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=15)] [ValidateRange(0,16)] [string]$RemoteAuthorizationTable, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=16)] [ValidateRange(0,16)] [string]$ContactRegistrantTable, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=17)] [ValidateSet(0,1)] [string]$SessionURIValidation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=18)] [ValidateSet(0,1)] [string]$ReuseTransport, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=19)] [ValidateSet(1,4)] [string]$TransportSocket, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=20)] [ValidateSet(0,1)] [int]$ReuseTimeout #> ) # First thing we need to do is get a new TableId try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$sipserverentryid = (get-uxsipservertableentry -uxSipServerTableId $SipServerTableId -uxSession $uxSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | ForEach-Object { $_.split(":")[1] } | measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$sipserverentryid = (get-uxsipservertableentry -uxSipServerTableId $SipServerTableId | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | ForEach-Object { $_.split(":")[1] } | measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Unable to get a new entry id" } # Setting Default Variables $ServerType = 0 $DomainName = "" $Weight = 0 $args2 = "ServerLookup=$ServerLookup" $args2 += "&ServerType=$ServerType" $args2 += "&Priority=$Priority" $args2 += "&Host=$Hostname" $args2 += "&Port=$Port" $args2 += "&Protocol=$Protocol" $args2 += "&DomainName=$DomainName" $args2 += "&Weight=$Weight" If ($TLSProfileid) { $args2 += "&TLSProfileID=$TLSProfileid" } If ($Monitor) { $args2 += "&Monitor=$Monitor" } $args2 += "&ReuseTimeout=$ReuseTimeout" $args2 += "&TransportSocket=$TransportSocket" Write-Verbose "Submitting the following Arguments: $args2" $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipservertable/$SipServerTableId/sipserver" index = $sipserverentryid ReturnElement = "sipserver" Arguments = $args2 } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to sipservertable/$SipServerTableId/sipserver Table on the Gateway with ID $sipserverentryid" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return } Function New-UxCallRoutingEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates Call Routing Entries entries in existing Call Routing table .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates Call Routing Entries entries in existing Call Routing table.You need to specify the Call Routing table where these Call Routing entries should be created. .PARAMETER Parameter Name Description .PARAMETER ConfigIEState Specifies the Administrative State of the resource. .PARAMETER TransformationTable Sets the Transformation table to use for this call route. .PARAMETER RoutePriority Priority of the route, 1 is the highest, 10 the lowest. Higher priority routes are matched against before lower priority routes regardless of the order of the routes in the table. .PARAMETER CallPriority Priority of the call. Used for emergency call identification by dial plan in routing table .PARAMETER QualityMetricCalls Specifies the number of calls over which the quality metrics are calculated. .PARAMETER QualityMetricTime Specifies the time in minutes after which a route is tried again after failing quality metrics. .PARAMETER QualityMinASRThreshold Specifies the minimum answer/seizure ratio for this rule to be considered for use. .PARAMETER QualityMaxRoundTripDelayThreshold Specifies the maximum average round trip (R/T) delay for this rule to be considered for use. .PARAMETER QualityMaxJitterThreshold Specifies the maximum average jitter for this rule to be considered for use. .PARAMETER QualityMinLQMOSThreshold Specifies the minimum average MOS (mean opinion score) value for this rule to be considered for use, in tenths (e.g.: "2.5" is configured as "25"). Setting this value to 0 disables the Minimum MOS threshold. Otherwise, the allowed values are between 10 and 50 (1.0 - 5.0). .PARAMETER DestinationType Specifies the type of destination for calls. .PARAMETER DenyCauseCode Specifies the cause code to use for Deny type destionations. .PARAMETER MediaSelection Specifies the Media List Profile to use for this Call Route. .PARAMETER MediaMode Determines Audio media mode for SIP calls. Note that when choosing Direct Mode, the valid Video/Application Stream Mode can only be Direct/Disabled. .PARAMETER VideoMediaMode Determines Video media mode for SIP calls. Note that when choosing Direct Mode, the valid Audio/Fax Stream Mode can only be Direct/Disabled. .PARAMETER MediaTranscoding Controls whether or not to use Media Transcoding. Transcoding requires a specific Transcoding License. Do not enable Media Transcoding unless your calling configuration requires it and the SBC Edge is licensed for the transcoding feature. If this option is enabled without a trancoding license, a Critical Alarm will be generated even if the calls being routed don't need to be transcoded. .PARAMETER CancelOthersUponForwarding Controls whether forked calls should clear when one of the forked calls is forwarded. .PARAMETER CallForked Controls whether to fork a call if this route is selected. .PARAMETER ReRouteTable Specifies which Cause Code Reroute Table to use. None means no cause code rerouting is used. .PARAMETER MessageTranslationTable Specifies which Message Translation Table to use. None means no message translation is used. .PARAMETER SignalingGroupList Specifies the Signaling Groups used as the destination of calls provided as a comma-separated string of the Signaling Group IDs. Not applicable when the Destination Type is Deny or Trunk Group. .PARAMETER Description Describes the Call Route Table Entry so that it is easily identifiable when re-sequencing Entries. .PARAMETER MaximumCallDuration Specifies the maximum duration that a call can stay connected in minutes. A zero value will disable this timer. .PARAMETER TimeOfDay Specifies which Time Of Day restrictions apply to this call route. None means there is no time of day restriction. .EXAMPLE get-uxtransformationtable Assume you want to create a new transformation table. First determine the ID of the transformation table in which you want to create the new transformation entry. .EXAMPLE new-uxtransformationentry -TransformationTableId 6 -InputFieldType 0 -InputFieldValue '^(2([45]\d{2}|6[0-5]\d))$' -OutputFieldType 0 -OutputFieldValue '+44123456\1' -Description "ExtToDDI" This example creates an Optional (default) transformation entry converting Called Number range 2400 - 2659 to Called Number +44123456XXXX .EXAMPLE new-uxtransformationentry -TransformationTableId 3 -InputFieldType 3 -InputFieldValue '00(44\d(.*))' -OutputFieldType 3 -OutputFieldValue '+\1' -Description "UKCLIToE164" This example creates an Optional transformation entry converting Calling Number beginning with 0044xxxxxx to Calling Number +44xxxxxx .EXAMPLE new-uxtransformationentry -TransformationTableId 9 -InputFieldType 3 -InputFieldValue '(.*)' -OutputFieldType 3 -OutputFieldValue '\1' -Description "PassthroughCLI" -MatchType 0 This example creates a Mandatory CLI (Calling Number)passthrough .LINK For Input/Output Field Value Code mappings, please refer to http://bit.ly/SBC-TransfomationCodes #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 20)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, # Sets the Transformation table to use for this call route. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [validateRange(0, 65534)] [int]$CallRoutingTable, # Specifies the Administrative State of the resource. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [Alias('Enabled')] [validateRange(0, 1)] [int]$ConfigIEState = 0, # Sets the Transformation table to use for this call route. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [validateRange(0, 65534)] [int]$TransformationTable = 1, # Priority of the route, 1 is the highest, 10 the lowest. Higher priority routes are matched against before lower priority routes regardless of the order of the routes in the table. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [validateRange(1, 10)] [int]$RoutePriority = 1, # Priority of the call. Used for emergency call identification by dial plan in routing table [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)] [validateRange(0, 3)] [int]$CallPriority = 1, # Specifies the number of calls over which the quality metrics are calculated. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [validateRange(1, 100)] [int]$QualityMetricCalls = 10, # Specifies the time in minutes after which a route is tried again after failing quality metrics. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)] [validateRange(1, 60)] [int]$QualityMetricTime = 10, # Specifies the minimum answer/seizure ratio for this rule to be considered for use. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7)] [validateRange(0, 100)] [int]$QualityMinASRThreshold = 0, # Specifies the maximum average round trip (R/T) delay for this rule to be considered for use. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8)] [validateRange(0, 65535)] [int]$QualityMaxRoundTripDelayThreshold = 65535, # Specifies the maximum average jitter for this rule to be considered for use. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 9)] [validateRange(0, 3000)] [int]$QualityMaxJitterThreshold = 3000, # Specifies the minimum average MOS (mean opinion score) value for this rule to be considered for use, in tenths (e.g.: "2.5" is configured as "25"). Setting this value to 0 disables the Minimum MOS threshold. Otherwise, the allowed values are between 10 and 50 (1.0 - 5.0). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 10)] [validateRange(0, 50)] [int]$QualityMinLQMOSThreshold = 0, # Specifies the type of destination for calls. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 11)] [validateRange(0, 3)] [int]$DestinationType = 0, # Specifies the cause code to use for Deny type destionations. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 12)] [validateRange(0, 127)] [int]$DenyCauseCode = 16, # Specifies the Media List Profile to use for this Call Route. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 13)] [validateRange(0, 65534)] [int]$MediaSelection = 0, # Determines Audio media mode for SIP calls. Note that when choosing Direct Mode, the valid Video/Application Stream Mode can only be Direct/Disabled. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 14)] [validateRange(0, 5)] [int]$MediaMode = 0, # Determines Video media mode for SIP calls. Note that when choosing Direct Mode, the valid Audio/Fax Stream Mode can only be Direct/Disabled. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 15)] [validateRange(0, 2)] [int]$VideoMediaMode = 0, # Controls whether or not to use Media Transcoding. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 16)] [validateRange(0, 1)] [int]$MediaTranscoding = 0, # Controls whether forked calls should clear when one of the forked calls is forwarded. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 17)] [validateRange(0, 1)] [int]$CancelOthersUponForwarding = 0, # Controls whether to fork a call if this route is selected. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 18)] [validateRange(0, 1)] [int]$CallForked = 0, # Specifies which Cause Code Reroute Table to use. None means no cause code rerouting is used. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 19)] [validateRange(0, 65534)] [int]$ReRouteTable = 0, # Specifies which Message Translation Table to use. None means no message translation is used. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 20)] [validateRange(0, 65534)] [int]$MessageTranslationTable = 0, # Specifies the Signaling Groups used as the destination of calls provided as a comma-separated string of the Signaling Group IDs. Not applicable when the Destination Type is Deny or Trunk Group. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 21)] [validateRange(0, 40)] [string]$SignalingGroupList = "1", # Describes the Call Route Table Entry so that it is easily identifiable when re-sequencing Entries. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 22)] [ValidateLength(0, 64)] [String]$Description, # Specifies the maximum duration that a call can stay connected in minutes. A zero value will disable this timer. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 23)] [validateRange(0, 10080)] [int]$MaximumCallDuration = 0, # Specifies which Time Of Day restrictions apply to this call route. None means there is no time of day restriction. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 24)] [validateRange(0, 65534)] [int]$TimeOfDay = 0 ) # First thing we need to do is get a new EntryId for the entry # DEPENDENCY ON get-uxtransformationentry FUNCTION TO GET THE NEXT AVAILABLE TRANSFORMATIONTABLEID try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$NewUxCallRoutingEntry = (Get-UxCallRoutingEntry -CallRoutingTableId $CallRoutingTable -uxSession $uxSession -verbose:$false | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | ForEach-Object { $_.split(":")[1] } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$NewUxCallRoutingEntry = (Get-UxCallRoutingEntry -CallRoutingTableId $CallRoutingTable -verbose:$false | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | ForEach-Object { $_.split(":")[1] } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Command failed when trying to execute the UxCallRoutingEntry using `"get-UxCallRoutingEntry`" cmdlet.The error is $_" } $NewPSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'SBC.Object' } Write-Verbose "Adding as table number $NewUxCallRoutingEntry" $parametersList = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys)[1..25] # We limit the keys to exclude uxSession and the standard advanved cmdlets parameters with [1..25] foreach ($parameter in $parametersList ) { $Value = (Get-Variable $parameter -ea SilentlyContinue).value $NewPSObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $parameter -Value $Value } $ReturnTransformationTable = Get-UxTransformationTable -Verbose:$false | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $NewPSObject.TransformationTable } Write-verbose "Using Transformation Table $($ReturnTransformationTable.Description)" $ReturnReRoutingTable = Get-UxReRouteTable -Verbose:$false | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $NewPSObject.ReRouteTable } Write-verbose "Using ReRouting Table $($ReturnReRoutingTable.Description)" $SignalingGroups = Get-UxSignalGroup -Verbose:$false $SipSignalIDList = $SignalingGroupList.split(",") $i = 1 ForEach ($SignalID in $SipSignalIDList ) { $ReturnSignalingTable = $SignalingGroups | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $SignalID } Write-verbose "Using Signaling Groups in order [$i] $($ReturnSignalingTable.Description)" $i ++ } # Now We have built the object We need to get it into html format $Arguments = (New-UxURLandPSObject $NewPSObject).htmlstr $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "routingtable/$CallRoutingTable/routingentry" index = $NewUxCallRoutingEntry ReturnElement = "routingentry_list" Arguments = $Arguments } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to Transformation Table on the Gateway with ID $NewUxCallRoutingEntry" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return.routingtable_list } Function Get-uxTableToParameter { <# .SYNOPSIS A small helper function which parses the Ribbon Wiki to create a list of parameters .DESCRIPTION Creating a parameter list is a pain in the ass, so i created a small function that will query the wiki and copy a parameter list to the clip board Just pass the wiki page you want it to create a parameter list from #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( # Pass the page of the SBC wiki entry - We make the assumption that it is the second table [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [string]$Page = "https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC/Resource+-+routingentry", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [switch]$helpsection ) # $ParsedPage = Invoke-WebRequest "https://support.sonus.net/display/UXAPIDOC/Resource+-+routingentry" $ParsedPage = Invoke-WebRequest $page $Table = $ParsedPage.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('TABLE')[1] $count = -1; $Table.rows | ForEach-Object { $count = $count + 1 if (-not $helpsection) { Write-Output "" Write-output "`# $($_.cells[6].innertext.trim())" Write-output "[Parameter(Mandatory=`$false,Position=$count)]" Write-output "[validateRange(0,100)]" $type = $_.cells[3].innertext.trim() if ($type -eq "enum") { $type = "int" } $str = "[{2}]`${0} = {1}," -f $_.cells[0].innertext.trim(), $_.cells[4].innertext.trim(), $type Write-output $str } else { Write-Output "" Write-output ".PARAMETER $($_.cells[0].innertext.trim())" Write-output " $($_.cells[6].innertext.trim())" } } } Function New-UxCallRoutingTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates a new Call Routing Table (not routing table entry) .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a new Call Routing Table (not routing table entry) .PARAMETER Description Enter here the Description (Name) of the Call Routing table.This is what will be displayed in the Ribbon GUI .EXAMPLE new-UxCallRoutingTable -Description "LyncToPBX" #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #Description of the new tablle [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateLength(1, 64)] [string]$Description ) # First thing we need to do is get a new TableId try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$NewCallRoutingTableId = (get-UxCallRoutingTable -uxSession $uxSession | select-object -ExpandProperty id | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$NewCallRoutingTableId = (get-UxCallRoutingTable | select-object -ExpandProperty id | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Unable to get a new table id" } #Lets create the information to upload, this nees to be in HTTP format for the PUT $HTTPDescription = "Description=$Description" $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "routingtable" index = $NewCallRoutingTableId ReturnElement = "routingtable_list" Arguments = $HTTPDescription } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to Transformation Table on the Gateway with ID $NewCallRoutingTableId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return.routingtable_list } Function Get-UxCallRoutingTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet displays all the sipprofile names and ID's .EXAMPLE get-UxSipProfile .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds get-UxSipProfile -uxSession $Obj #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #If you want to filter send a profile id. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [int]$CallRoutingTableId ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "routingtable" ReturnElement = "routingtable_list" detail = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } $TopLevel = (get-uxresource @ResourceSplat).routingtable if ($CallRoutingTableId) { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "routingtable/$CallRoutingTableId/routingentry" ReturnElement = "routingentry_list" detail = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } $SubLevel = (get-uxresource @ResourceSplat).routingentry $Seq = $TopLevel | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $CallRoutingTableId } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sequence $OrderedList = Get-UxOrderedList -Sequence $Seq -List $SubLevel # Lets Build a Temp object where we can store the top level then the entires. #$TempReturn = [PSCustomObject]@{ # Table = $TopLevel | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $CallRoutingTableId } # Entries = $OrderedList #} # Lets Finally Build the Return Object return $OrderedList } else { return $TopLevel } } Function Get-UxReRouteTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet displays all the sipprofile names and ID's .EXAMPLE get-UxSipProfile .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds get-UxSipProfile -uxSession $Obj #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #If you want to filter send a profile id. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [int]$ReRoutingTableId ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "reroutetable" ReturnElement = "reroutetable_list" detail = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } $TopLevel = (get-uxresource @ResourceSplat).reroutetable if ($ReRoutingTableId) { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "reroutetable/$CallRoutingTableId" ReturnElement = "reroutetable_list" detail = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } $SubLevel = (get-uxresource @ResourceSplat).reroutetable $Seq = $TopLevel | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $CallRoutingTableId } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sequence $OrderedList = Get-UxOrderedList -Sequence $Seq -List $SubLevel # Lets Build a Temp object where we can store the top level then the entires. #$TempReturn = [PSCustomObject]@{ # Table = $TopLevel | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $CallRoutingTableId } # Entries = $OrderedList #} # Lets Finally Build the Return Object return $OrderedList } else { return $TopLevel } } Function Get-UxCallRoutingEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet reports The Transformation from Ribbon SBC. .DESCRIPTION Gets all the entries but in an unordered form. As the sequence is stored at the level above use get-UxTransformationTable 'TableID' to get ordered list as per sequence. .EXAMPLE get-uxtransformationEntry -uxTransformationTableId 4 .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds get-uxtransformationtable -uxSession $Obj -uxTransformationTableId 4 #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #To find the ID of the transformation table execute "get-uxtransformationtable" cmdlet' [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$CallRoutingTableId ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "routingtable/$CallRoutingTableId/routingentry" ReturnElement = "routingentry_list" Details = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } #Further filtering of the object for this option - Here we want to see the whole details of the object. $Return = get-uxresource @ResourceSplat Write-Output $return.routingentry } #Function to get sipprofile Function Get-UxSipProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet displays all the sipprofile names and ID's .EXAMPLE get-UxSipProfile .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential $Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds get-UxSipProfile -uxSession $Obj #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #If you want to filter send a profile id. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [int]$sipprofileid ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand if ($sipprofileid) { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipprofile/$sipprofileid" #ReturnElement = "sipprofile" detail = $true } } else { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipprofile" ReturnElement = "sipprofile_list" detail = $true } } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } #Further filtering of the object for this option - Here we want to see the whole details of the object. $Return = get-uxresource @ResourceSplat Write-Output $return.sipprofile } #Function to get sipserver table entries from a specified sipserver table Function Get-UxSipServerTableEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet displays the sipserver table entries of a specified sipserver table. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet displays the sipserver table entries if a sipserver table id is specified. To extract the sipserver table id execute "get-uxsipservertable" cmdlet The output of the cmdlet contains InputField/OutputFields which are displayed as integer. To map the numbers to friendly names refer: bit.ly/Iy7JQS .PARAMETER uxsipservertableid Enter here the sipserver table id of the sipserver table.To extract the sipserver table id execute "get-uxsipservertable" cmdlet .EXAMPLE get-uxsipservertableentry -uxsipservertableid 4 #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #To find the ID of the sipserver table execute "get-uxsipservertable" cmdlet [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$uxSipServerTableId ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipservertable/$uxSipServerTableId/sipserver" ReturnElement = "sipserver_list" Details = $true } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } #Further filtering of the object for this option - Here we want to see the whole details of the object. $Return = get-uxresource @ResourceSplat Write-Output $return.sipserver } Function New-UxSipProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates a new sip profile (not sipserver table entry) .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a sip profile (not sipserver table entry). .PARAMETER Description Enter here the Description (Name) of the sipserver table.This is what will be displayed in the Ribbon GUI .EXAMPLE new-uxsipservertable -Description "LyncToPBX" #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)] [ValidateLength(1, 64)] [string]$Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [ValidateLength(1, 255)] [string]$StaticHost , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [ValidateLength(1, 64)] [string]$OriginFieldUserName , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)] [ValidateRange(0, 3)] [int]$FQDNinFromHeader, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [ValidateRange(0, 3)] [int]$FQDNinContactHeader ) # First thing we need to do is get a new TableId try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$sipprofileid = (get-uxsipprofile -uxSession $uxSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$sipprofileid = (get-uxsipprofile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Unable to get a new table id" } #URL for the new sipserver table $args1 = "Description=$Description" If ($statichost) { $args1 += "&StaticHost=$StaticHost" } If ($OriginFieldUserName) { $args1 += "&OriginFieldUserName=$OriginFieldUserName" } If ($FQDNinFromHeader) { $args1 += "&FQDNinFromHeader=$FQDNinFromHeader" } If ($FQDNinContactHeader) { $args1 += "&FQDNinContactHeader=$FQDNinContactHeader" } $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipprofile" index = $sipprofileid ReturnElement = "sipprofile" Arguments = $args1 } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to sipprofile Table on the {0} Gateway with ID {1}" -f $uxSession.host , $sipprofileid if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return } #Function to get signalgroup Function Get-UxSignalGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet displays all the signalgroup names and ID's .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet can be used to pull either the how signalling group or an individual entry by passing the signaling group id. .EXAMPLE get-UxSignalGroup This pulls all the signaling groups from the last connected box. .EXAMPLE get-UxSignalGroup 2 This pulls the individual signal group. .EXAMPLE $Creds = Get-credential PS C:\>$Obj = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname lyncsbc01.COMPANY.co.uk -Credentials $Creds PS C:\>get-UxSignalGroup -uxSession $Obj This Example uses the uxSession object to pull entries just from that session rather than the last default session. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, #If you want to filter send a group id. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [int]$signalgroupid ) Write-verbose "Called $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #$resource = Get-UxResourceName -functionname $MyInvocation.MyCommand if ($signalgroupid) { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipsg/$signalgroupid" #ReturnElement = "sipsg" detail = $true } } else { $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipsg" ReturnElement = "sipsg_list" detail = $true } } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } #Further filtering of the object for this option - Here we want to see the whole details of the object. $Return = get-uxresource @ResourceSplat Write-Output $return.sipsg } Function New-UxURLandPSObject { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] $Object ) $NewPSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'SBC.Object' } ForEach ($Prop in $($Object | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select-object -exp name) ) { $Str += "{0}={1}&" -f $prop, $Object.$Prop $NewPSObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Prop -Value $Object.$Prop } # Lets remove the last '&' character $NewPSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Posh = $NewPSObject HtmlStr = $($str.Substring(0, $Str.Length - 1)).replace("+", '%2B') } Return $NewPSObject } #Function to create new signalgroup Function New-UxSignalGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet creates a new signalgroup .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a sip new signalgroup .PARAMETER Description Enter here the Description (Name) of the sipserver table.This is what will be displayed in the Ribbon GUI .EXAMPLE new-uxsignalgroup -Description "LyncToPBX" #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 20)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'Short description/name of the SG')] [ValidateLength(1, 64)] [string]$Description , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'Enable or Disable this signaling group')] [ValidateSet(0, 1)] [int]$CustomAdminState = 1 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the SIP Profile to#> be used by this Signaling Group')] [ValidateRange(1, 65534)] [int]$ProfileID , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the SIP Server Table to be used by this Signaling Group')] [ValidateRange(1, 65534)] [int]$ServerClusterId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the number of SIP channels available for call')] [ValidateRange(1, 960)] [int]$Channels = 10 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the Media List to be used by this Signaling Group')] [ValidateRange(1, 65534)] [int]$MediaConfigID , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the Call Routing Table to be used by this Signalling Group')] [ValidateRange(1, 65534)] [int]$RouteTableID , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the local listen port 1 on which SG can receive message. This needs to be provided if Protocol_1 is present')] [ValidateRange(0, 65535)] [int]$ListenPort_1 = 5067 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6, HelpMessage = 'Protocol type used by the listener. Currently only 1 (UDP),2 (TCP) and 4 (TLS) are being used. This needs to be provided if ListenPort_1 is present')] [ValidateRange(0, 9)] [int]$Protocol_1 = 2 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7, HelpMessage = 'If protocol is TLS this is the id of TLS profile in use')] [ValidateRange(0, 65534)] [int]$TLSProfileID_1 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 8, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the interface name followed by -1 for primary, followed by -2 for secondary IP')] [ValidateLength(7, 60)] [string]$NetInterfaceSignaling , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 9, HelpMessage = 'Comma separated list of remote IPs or subnet from which SG can receive requests')] [ValidateLength(7, 2500)] [string]$RemoteHosts , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 10, HelpMessage = 'Comma separated list of subnet masks for the IP Addresses specified in RemoteHosts above')] [ValidateLength(7, 2500)] [string]$RemoteMasks = "" ) # First thing we need to do is get a new TableId try { if ($uxSession) { [int]$newSipSigid = (get-uxsignalgroup -uxSession $uxSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } else { [int]$newSipSigid = (get-uxsignalgroup | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id | measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 } } catch { Throw "Unable to get a new Signaling Group ID" } #Setting required variables $RelOnQckConnect = 0 $RTPMode = 1 $RTPProxyMode = 1 $RTPDirectMode = 1 $VideoProxyMode = 0 $VideoDirectMode = 0 $HuntMethod = 4 $ProxyIpVersion = 0 $DSCP = 40 $NATTraversalType = 0 $ICESupport = 0 $ICEMode = 0 $InboundNATTraversalDetection = 0 <# #Default for non required parameters $ServerSelection = 0 $RelOnQckConnectTimer = 1000 $ToneTableID = 0 $ActionSetTableID = 0 $RingBack = 0 $Direction = 2 $PlayCongestionTone = 0 $Early183 = 0 $AllowRefreshSDP = 1 $OutboundProxy = "" $OutboundProxyPort = 5060 $NoChannelAvailableId = 34 $TimerSanitySetup = 180000 $TimerCallProceeding = 180000 $ChallengeRequest = 0 $NotifyCACProfile = 0 $NonceLifetime = 600 $Monitor = 2 $AuthorizationRealm = "" #> #Signalling ID Parameters $args1 = "Description=$Description" If ($customadminstate) { $args1 += "&customadminstate=$customadminstate" } If ($ProfileID) { $args1 += "&profileid=$ProfileID" } If ($channels) { $args1 += "&channels=$channels" } If ($mediaconfigid) { $args1 += "&mediaconfigid=$mediaconfigid" } If ($routetableid) { $args1 += "&routetableid=$routetableid" } If ($ListenPort_1) { $args1 += "&ListenPort_1=$ListenPort_1" } If ($Protocol_1) { $args1 += "&Protocol_1=$Protocol_1" } If ($TLSProfileID_1) { $args1 += "&TLSProfileID_1=$TLSProfileID_1" } If ($netinterfacesignaling) { $args1 += "&netinterfacesignaling=$netinterfacesignaling" } If ($remotehosts) { $args1 += "&remotehosts=$remotehosts" } If ($remotemasks) { $args1 += "&remotemasks=$remotemasks" } If ($relonqckconnect) { $args1 += "&relonqckconnect=$relonqckconnect" } If ($rtpmode) { $args1 += "&rtpmode=$rtpmode" } If ($rtpproxymode) { $args1 += "&rtpproxymode=$rtpproxymode" } If ($rtpdirectmode) { $args1 += "&rtpdirectmode=$rtpdirectmode" } If ($videoproxymode) { $args1 += "&videoproxymode=$videoproxymode" } If ($videodirectmode) { $args1 += "&videodirectmode=$videodirectmode" } If ($huntmethod) { $args1 += "&huntmethod=$huntmethod" } If ($proxyipversion) { $args1 += "&proxyipversion=$proxyipversion" } If ($dscp) { $args1 += "&dscp=$dscp" } If ($nattraversaltype) { $args1 += "&nattraversaltype=$nattraversaltype" } If ($icesupport) { $args1 += "&icesupport=$icesupport" } If ($inboundnattraversaldetection) { $args1 += "&inboundnattraversaldetection=$inboundnattraversaldetection" } If ($icemode) { $args1 += "&icemode=$icemode" } # Okay Lets Build the Spalt $ResourceSplat = @{ resource = "sipsg" index = $newSipSigid ReturnElement = "sipsg" Arguments = $args1 } if ($uxSession) { $ResourceSplat.uxSession = $uxSession } Write-Verbose "Submitting Data" Write-verbose "Returning the updated table" $msg = "Adding A New Entry to SipSignaling Table on the Gateway with ID $newSipSigid" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($msg))) { $Return = new-uxresource @ResourceSplat -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -Confirm:$false } Write-Output $return } #Function to restartUX Function Restart-UxGateway { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet restarts Ribbon gateway .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet restarts Ribbon gateway .EXAMPLE restart-uxgateway #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #If using multiple servers you will need to pass the uxSession Object created by connect-uxGateway #Else it will look for the last created session using the command above [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCustomObject]$uxSession = $DefaultSession ) $Status = Send-UxCommand -uxSession $uxSessionObj -Command reboot -ReturnElement status If ($status.http_code -eq "200") { Write-Output "Reboot initiated and completed succesfully" } } |