function Get-ReadFieldsForType { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string]$ObjectType, [string]$WAPIHost, [string]$WAPIVersion, [PSCredential]$Credential, [switch]$SkipCertificateCheck ) $opts = [hashtable]::new($PSBoundParameters) $null = $opts.Remove('ObjectType') # grab the read fields cache for this host $rfCache = $script:Schemas.$WAPIHost.ReadFields # Return existing answer if we have one for this version/type combo $fieldKey = '{0}|{1}' -f $WAPIVersion,$ObjectType if ($readFields = $rfCache.$fieldKey) { Write-Debug "Using existing read fields cache for $fieldKey" return $readFields } Write-Verbose "Querying schema for $ObjectType fields on version $WAPIVersion" $schema = Get-IBSchema $ObjectType -Raw @opts # add the readable fields to the cache and return them $readFields = $schema.fields | Where-Object { $_.supports -like '*r*' -and $_.wapi_primitive -ne 'funccall' } | Select-Object -Expand name $rfCache.$fieldKey = $readFields return $readFields } |