function New-IBObject { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [Alias('type')] [string]$ObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [PSObject]$IBObject, [Alias('fields')] [string[]]$ReturnFields, [Alias('base')] [switch]$ReturnBaseFields, [ValidateScript({Test-NonEmptyString $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [Alias('host')] [string]$WAPIHost, [ValidateScript({Test-VersionString $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [Alias('version')] [string]$WAPIVersion, [PSCredential]$Credential, [switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [ValidateScript({Test-ValidProfile $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [string]$ProfileName ) Begin { # grab the variables we'll be using for our REST calls try { $opts = Initialize-CallVars @PSBoundParameters } catch { $PsCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } $APIBase = $script:APIBaseTemplate -f $opts.WAPIHost,$opts.WAPIVersion $opts.Remove('WAPIHost') | Out-Null $opts.Remove('WAPIVersion') | Out-Null $querystring = [String]::Empty # process the return fields if ($ReturnFields.Count -gt 0) { if ($ReturnBaseFields) { $querystring = "?_return_fields%2B=$($ReturnFields -join ',')" } else { $querystring = "?_return_fields=$($ReturnFields -join ',')" } } elseif ($ReturnBaseFields) { $querystring = "?_return_fields%2B" } } Process { $bodyJson = $IBObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 5 $bodyJson = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($bodyJson) Write-Verbose "JSON body:`n$($IBObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)" $uri = "$APIBase$($ObjectType)$($querystring)" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($uri, "POST")) { Invoke-IBWAPI -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $bodyJson @opts } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create an object in Infoblox. .DESCRIPTION Create an object by specifying the type and a PSObject with the required (and optional) fields for that type. .PARAMETER ObjectType Object type string. (e.g. network, record:host, range) .PARAMETER IBObject A PSObject with the required fields for the specified type. Optional fields may also be included. .PARAMETER ReturnFields The set of fields that should be returned in addition to the object reference. .PARAMETER ReturnBaseFields If specified, the standard fields for this object type will be returned in addition to the object reference and any additional fields specified by -ReturnFields. .PARAMETER WAPIHost The fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the Infoblox WAPI endpoint (usually the grid master). This parameter is required if not already set using Set-IBConfig. .PARAMETER WAPIVersion The version of the Infoblox WAPI to make calls against (e.g. '2.2'). .PARAMETER Credential Username and password for the Infoblox appliance. This parameter is required unless it was already set using Set-IBConfig. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck If set, SSL/TLS certificate validation will be disabled. Overrides value stored with Set-IBConfig. .OUTPUTS The object reference string of the created item or a custom object if -ReturnFields or -ReturnBaseFields was used. .EXAMPLE $mynetwork = @{network='';comment='my network'} PS C:\>New-IBObject -ObjectType 'network' -IBObject $mynetwork Create a basic new network with a comment. .EXAMPLE $myhost = @{name='myhost';comment='my host';configure_for_dns=$false} PS C:\>$myhost.ipv4addrs = @(@{ipv4addr='func:nextavailableip:'}) PS C:\>New-IBObject 'record:host' $myhost -ReturnFields 'comment','configure_for_dns' -ReturnBaseFields Create a new host record using an embedded function to get the next available IP in the specified network. Returns the basic host fields plus the comment and configure_for_dns fields. .EXAMPLE $template = @{name='dummy';configure_for_dns=$false;ipv4addrs=@(@{ipv4addr="func:nextavailableip:"})} PS C:\>1..5 | %{ $ = "myhost$_"; $template } | New-IBObject -ObjectType 'record:host' Create a template object. Then create 5 new host records with sequential names using the next 5 available IPs in the specified network based on the template. .EXAMPLE New-IBObject -IBObject @{method='POST';object='network';data=@{network=''}},@{method='POST';object='network';data=@{network=''}} -ObjectType 'request' Create two networks in bulk using request type, utilizing 1 API call instead of 2 in this example. .EXAMPLE New-IBObject -ObjectType 'network' -IBObject @{network='';extattrs=@{'Environment'=@{value='Production'} } } Create a network object that has extensibility attribute 'Environment' with value of 'Production' .EXAMPLE New-IBObject -ObjectType 'extensibleattributedef' -IBObject @{name='TestAttribute';flags = 'I';type='STRING';allowed_object_types='Network','NetworkContainer'} Create an extensible attribute of STRING type with name of 'TestAttribute' enabled for object types IPV4 Network and IPV4 NetworkContainer and enable inheritance Note that Network is a case sensitive string, this will not work if one would used 'network' or 'Networkcontainer'. .EXAMPLE New-IBObject -ObjectType 'extensibleattributedef' -IBObject @{comment = 'test'; name='TestAttribute';flags = 'I';type='STRING';allowed_object_types=,'Network'} Create an extensible attribute of STRING type with name of 'TestAttribute', comment of 'test', enabled for object type IPV4 Network and enable inheritance. Note that Network is a case sensitive string, this will not work if one would used 'network'. Note that when enabling extensible attribue only for 1 object type, it is still required to send an array object and not single string. .LINK Project: .LINK Get-IBObject #> } |