function Import-IBConfig { [CmdletBinding()] param() # initialize empty profiles Set-CurrentProfile ([string]::Empty) $profiles = $script:Profiles = @{} # make sure session and schema caches are initialized if (-not $script:Sessions) { $script:Sessions = @{} } if (-not $script:Schemas) { $script:Schemas = @{} } # return early if there's no file to load $configFile = Get-ConfigFile if (-not (Test-Path $configFile -PathType Leaf)) { return } # load the json content on disk to a pscustomobject try { $json = Get-Content $configFile -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to parse existing config file: $($_.Exception.Message)" return } $propNames = @($json.PSObject.Properties.Name) $backup1x = $false # grab the current profile if ('CurrentProfile' -in $propNames) { Set-CurrentProfile $json.CurrentProfile } elseif ('CurrentHost' -in $propNames) { # allow for legacy 1.x config import Set-CurrentProfile $json.CurrentHost $backup1x = $true } # load the rest of the profiles if ('Profiles' -in $propNames) { $json.Profiles.PSObject.Properties.Name | ForEach-Object { $profiles.$_ = @{ WAPIHost = $json.Profiles.$_.WAPIHost WAPIVersion = $json.Profiles.$_.WAPIVersion Credential = $null SkipCertificateCheck = $false } if ('Credential' -in $json.Profiles.$_.PSObject.Properties.Name) { $profiles.$_.Credential = (Import-IBCred $json.Profiles.$_.Credential $_) } if ($json.Profiles.$_.SkipCertificateCheck) { $profiles.$_.SkipCertificateCheck = $true } } } elseif ('Hosts' -in $propNames) { # allow for legacy 1.x config import $json.Hosts.PSObject.Properties.Name | ForEach-Object { $profiles.$_ = @{ WAPIHost = $json.Hosts.$_.WAPIHost WAPIVersion = $json.Hosts.$_.WAPIVersion Credential = $null SkipCertificateCheck = $false } if ('Credential' -in $json.Hosts.$_.PSObject.Properties.Name) { $profiles.$_.Credential = (Import-IBCred $json.Hosts.$_.Credential $_) } if ($json.Hosts.$_.IgnoreCertificateValidation) { $profiles.$_.SkipCertificateCheck = $true } } $backup1x = $true } # backup the old 1.x config file and save the new version if ($backup1x) { Write-Verbose "Backing up imported v1 config file" Copy-Item $configFile "$configFile.v1" -Force Export-IBConfig } } |