function Get-IBSchema { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias('type')] [string]$ObjectType, [switch]$Raw, [switch]$LaunchHTML, [string[]]$Fields, [string[]]$Operations, [switch]$NoFields, [string[]]$Functions, [switch]$NoFunctions, [switch]$Detailed, [ValidateScript({Test-NonEmptyString $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [Alias('host')] [string]$WAPIHost, [ValidateScript({Test-VersionString $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [Alias('version')] [string]$WAPIVersion, [PSCredential]$Credential, [switch]$SkipCertificateCheck, [ValidateScript({Test-ValidProfile $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [string]$ProfileName ) # grab the variables we'll be using for our REST calls try { $opts = Initialize-CallVars @PSBoundParameters } catch { $PsCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } $APIBase = $script:APIBaseTemplate -f $opts.WAPIHost,$opts.WAPIVersion $WAPIHost = $opts.WAPIHost $WAPIVersion = $opts.WAPIVersion $opts.Remove('WAPIHost') | Out-Null $opts.Remove('WAPIVersion') | Out-Null # add a schema cache for this host if it doesn't exist if (-not $script:Schemas.$WAPIHost) { $script:Schemas.$WAPIHost = @{} } $sCache = $script:Schemas.$WAPIHost # make sure we can actually query schema stuff for this WAPIHost if (-not $sCache.HighestVersion) { $sCache.HighestVersion = (HighestVer $WAPIHost $opts.Credential -SkipCertificateCheck:$opts.SkipCertificateCheck) Write-Verbose "Set highest version: $($sCache.HighestVersion)" } if ([Version]$sCache.HighestVersion -lt [Version]'1.7.5') { throw "NIOS WAPI $($sCache.HighestVersion) doesn't support schema queries" } # cache some base schema stuff that we'll potentially need later if (-not $sCache.SupportedVersions -or -not $sCache[$WAPIVersion]) { $schema = Invoke-IBWAPI -Uri "$($APIBase)?_schema" @opts # set supported versions $sCache.SupportedVersions = $schema.supported_versions | Sort-Object @{E={[Version]$_}} Write-Verbose "Set supported versions: $($sCache.SupportedVersions -join ', ')" # set supported objects for this version $sCache[$WAPIVersion] = $schema.supported_objects | Sort-Object Write-Verbose "Set supported objects: $($sCache[$WAPIVersion] -join ', ')" } # The 'request' object is a weird outlier that only accepts POST requests against it # and I haven't been able to figure out how to query its schema using POST. So for # now, just warn and exit if we've been asked to query it. if ($ObjectType -eq 'request') { Write-Warning "The 'request' object is not currently supported for schema queries" return } if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ObjectType)) { # We want to support wildcard searches and partial matching on object types. Write-Verbose "ObjectType: $ObjectType" $objMatches = $sCache[$WAPIVersion] | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -like $ObjectType) { $_ } } Write-Verbose "Matches: $($objMatches.Count)" if ($objMatches.count -gt 1) { # multiple matches $message = "Multiple object matches found for $($ObjectType)" if ($Raw) { throw $message } Write-Output "$($message):" $objMatches | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_ } return } elseif ($objMatches.count -eq 0 ) { Write-Verbose "Retrying matches with implied wildcards" # retry matching with implied wildcards $objMatches = $sCache[$WAPIVersion] | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -like "*$ObjectType*") { $_ } } if ($objMatches.count -gt 1) { # multiple matches $message = "Multiple object matches found for $($ObjectType)" if ($Raw) { throw $message } Write-Output "$($message):" $objMatches | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_ } return } elseif ($objMatches.count -eq 0) { # no matches, even with wildcards $message = "No matches found for $($ObjectType)" if ($Raw) { throw $message } else { Write-Warning $message } return } else { $ObjectType = $objMatches } } else { # only one match $ObjectType = $objMatches } } # As of WAPI 2.6 (NIOS 8.1), schema queries get a lot more helpful with the addition of # _schema_version, _schema_searchable, and _get_doc. The odd thing is that those fields # are even available if you query old WAPI versions. But if you're *actually* on an # old WAPI version, they generate an error. # # We want to give people as much information as possible. So instead of conditionally # using the additional schema options if the requested WAPI version supports it, we want # to always do it as long as the latest *supported* WAPI version supports them. $uri = "$APIBase$($ObjectType)?_schema=1" if ([Version]$sCache.HighestVersion -ge [Version]'2.6') { $uri += "&_schema_version=2&_schema_searchable=1&_get_doc=1" } $schema = Invoke-IBWAPI -Uri $uri @opts # check for the switches that will prevent additional output if ($Raw -or $LaunchHTML) { # return the schema object directly, if asked if ($Raw) { Write-Output $schema } # launch a browser window to the object's full docs if ($LaunchHTML) { $docBase = $script:WAPIDocTemplate -f $WAPIHost if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ObjectType)) { Start-Process "$($docBase)index.html" } else { Start-Process "$($docBase)objects/$($ObjectType.Replace(':','.')).html" } } return } function BlankLine() { Write-Output '' } function PrettifySupports([string]$supports) { # The 'supports' property of a schema Field is a lower cases string # containing one or more of r,w,u,d,s for the supported operations of # that field. Most, but not all, are in a standard order. There are # instances of things like 'wu' vs 'uw'. We want to standardize the # order (RWUSD), uppercase the letters, and insert spaces for the operations # not included in the list. $ret = '' 'R','W','U','D','S' | ForEach-Object { if ($supports -like "*$_*") { $ret += $_ } else { $ret += ' ' } } $ret # Basic string concatentation obviously isn't the most efficient thing to # do here. But we can optimize later if it becomes a problem. } function PrettifySupportsDetail([string]$supports) { # The 'supports' property of a schema Field is a lower cases string # containing one or more of r,w,u,s,d for the supported operations of # that field. Most, but not all, are in a standard order. There are # instances of things like 'wu' vs 'uw'. We want to spell out the operations # for the detailed view. $ret = @() if ($supports -like '*r*') { $ret += 'Read' } if ($supports -like '*w*') { $ret += 'Write' } if ($supports -like '*u*') { $ret += 'Update' } if ($supports -like '*d*') { $ret += 'Delete' } if ($supports -like '*s*') { $ret += 'Search' } ($ret -join ', ') # Basic string concatentation obviously isn't the most efficient thing to # do here. But we can optimize later if it becomes a problem. } function PrettifyType($field) { if ($field.enum_values) { $type = "{ $($field.enum_values -join ' | ') }" if ($field.is_array) { $type = "$type[]" } } else { if ($field.is_array) { $type = ($field.type | ForEach-Object { "$_[]" }) -join ' | ' } else { $type = $field.type -join '|' } } $type } if (!$schema.type) { # base schema object BlankLine Write-Output "Requested Version: $($schema.requested_version)" BlankLine Write-Output "Supported Versions:" BlankLine Write-Output ($schema.supported_versions | Sort-Object @{E={[Version]$_}} | Format-Columns -prop {$_} -col 4) BlankLine Write-Output "Supported Objects:" BlankLine Write-Output ($schema.supported_objects | Format-Columns -prop {$_}) BlankLine } else { # display the top level object info $typeStr = "$($schema.type) (WAPI $($schema.version))" BlankLine Write-Output 'OBJECT' Write-Output ($typeStr | Split-Str -Indent 4) if ($schema.restrictions) { BlankLine Write-Output 'RESTRICTIONS' Write-Output ("$($schema.restrictions -join ', ')" | Split-Str -Indent 4) } if ($schema.cloud_additional_restrictions) { BlankLine Write-Output 'CLOUD RESTRICTIONS' Write-Output ("$($schema.cloud_additional_restrictions -join ', ')" | Split-Str -Indent 4) } # With _schema_version=2, functions are returned in the normal # list of fields. But we want to split those out and display them differently. $fieldList = @($schema.fields | Where-Object { $_.wapi_primitive -ne 'funccall' }) $funcList = @($schema.fields | Where-Object { $_.wapi_primitive -eq 'funccall' }) # filter the fields if specified if ($Fields.count -gt 0) { $fieldList = @($fieldList | Where-Object { $name = $ ($Fields | ForEach-Object { $name -like $_ }) -contains $true }) } # filter fields that don't include at least one specified Operation unless no operations were specified if ($Operations.count -gt 0) { $fieldList = @($fieldList | Where-Object { $supports = $_.supports ($Operations | ForEach-Object { $supports -like "*$_*"}) -contains $true }) } # filter the functions if specified if ($Functions.count -gt 0) { $funcList = @($funcList | Where-Object { $name = $ ($Functions | ForEach-Object { $name -like $_ }) -contains $true }) } if ($fieldList.count -gt 0 -and !$NoFields) { if ($Detailed) { # Display the detailed view BlankLine Write-Output 'FIELDS' # loop through fields alphabetically $fieldList | Sort-Object name | ForEach-Object { Write-Output ("$($ <$(PrettifyType $_)>" | Split-Str -Indent 4) if ($_.doc) { Write-Output ($_.doc | Split-Str -Indent 8) } BlankLine Write-Output ("Supports: $(PrettifySupportsDetail $_.supports)" | Split-Str -Indent 8) if ($_.overridden_by) { Write-Output ("Overridden By: $($_.overridden_by)" | Split-Str -Indent 8) } if ($_.standard_field) { Write-Output ("This field is part of the base object." | Split-Str -Indent 8) } if ($_.supports_inline_funccall) { Write-Output ("This field supports inline function calls. See full docs for more detail." | Split-Str -Indent 8) } if ($_.searchable_by) { BlankLine Write-Output ("This field is available for search via:" | Split-Str -Indent 8) if ($_.searchable_by -like '*=*') { Write-Output ("'=' (exact equality)" | Split-Str -Indent 12) } if ($_.searchable_by -like '*!*') { Write-Output ("'!=' (negative equality)" | Split-Str -Indent 12) } if ($_.searchable_by -like '*:*') { Write-Output ("':=' (case insensitive search)" | Split-Str -Indent 12) } if ($_.searchable_by -like '*~*') { Write-Output ("'~=' (regular expression)" | Split-Str -Indent 12) } if ($_.searchable_by -like '*<*') { Write-Output ("'<=' (less than or equal to)" | Split-Str -Indent 12) } if ($_.searchable_by -like '*>*') { Write-Output ("'>=' (greater than or equal to)" | Split-Str -Indent 12) } } # At this point, the only other thing to potentially deal with is if this field is # a struct. If so, there will be a sub-schema object with it's own set of fields. But # each of those fields might also be a struct with even more sub-schemas, potentially going # 3+ levels deep. Even the HTML docs don't try to cram all that into a field's description. # They stick with links to the struct details. # Unfortunately, the schema queries don't support querying structs directly. So in order to # fake making something like that work, we would need to basically cache struct definitions # (per WAPI version) as they're queried. Maybe have some way to pre-cache all the structs for # a particular version by whipping through the supported object types? # In any case, it's a non-trivial task for another day. And I don't want it to delay the schema # querying release. BlankLine } } else { # Display the simple view # get the length of the longest field name so we can make sure not to truncate that column $nameMax = [Math]::Max(($ | Sort-Object -desc @{E={$_.length}} | Select-Object -first 1).length + 1, 6) # get the length of the longest type name (including potential array brackets) so we can # make sure not to truncate that column $typeMax = [Math]::Max(($fieldList.type | Sort-Object -desc @{E={$_.length}} | Select-Object -first 1).length + 3, 5) $format = "{0,-$nameMax}{1,-$typeMax}{2,-9}{3,-5}{4,-6}" BlankLine Write-Output ($format -f 'FIELD','TYPE','SUPPORTS','BASE','SEARCH') Write-Output ($format -f '-----','----','--------','----','------') # loop through fields alphabetically $fieldList | Sort-Object @{E='name';Desc=$false} | ForEach-Object { # set the Base column value $base = '' if ($_.standard_field) { $base = 'X' } # put brackets on array types if ($_.is_array) { for ($i=0; $i -lt $_.type.count; $i++) { $_.type[$i] = "$($_.type[$i])[]" } } # there should always be at least one type, so write that with the rest of # the table values Write-Output ($format -f $,$_.type[0],(PrettifySupports $_.supports),$base,$_.searchable_by) # write additional types on their own line if ($_.type.count -gt 1) { for ($i=1; $i -lt $_.type.count; $i++) { Write-Output "$(''.PadRight($nameMax))$($_.type[$i])" } } } } # end simple field view } # end fields if ($funcList.count -gt 0 -and !$NoFunctions) { BlankLine Write-Output "FUNCTIONS" if ($Detailed) { $funcList | ForEach-Object { BlankLine Write-Output ' ----------------------------------------------------------' Write-Output ($ | Split-Str -Indent 4) Write-Output ' ----------------------------------------------------------' if ($_.doc) { Write-Output ($_.doc | Split-Str -Indent 8) } if ($_.schema.input_fields.count -gt 0) { BlankLine Write-Output ("INPUTS" | Split-Str -Indent 4) foreach ($field in $_.schema.input_fields) { BlankLine Write-Output ("$($ <$(PrettifyType $field)>" | Split-Str -Indent 8) Write-Output ($field.doc | Split-Str -Indent 12) } } if ($_.schema.output_fields.count -gt 0) { BlankLine Write-Output ("OUTPUTS" | Split-Str -Indent 4) foreach ($field in $_.schema.output_fields) { BlankLine Write-Output ("$($ <$(PrettifyType $field)>" | Split-Str -Indent 8) Write-Output ($field.doc | Split-Str -Indent 12) } } } } else { $funcList | ForEach-Object { $funcListtr = "$($$($ -join ', '))" if ($_.schema.output_fields.count -gt 0) { $funcListtr += " => $($ -join ', ')" } Write-Output ($funcListtr | Split-Str -Indent 4) } } # end simple function view } # end functions BlankLine } <# .SYNOPSIS Query the schema of an object or the base appliance. .DESCRIPTION Without any parameters, this function will return the base appliance schema object which includes the list of supported WAPI versions and object types. Providing an -ObjectType will return the schema object for that type which includes a list of supported fields and functions. .PARAMETER ObjectType Object type string. (e.g. network, record:host, range). Partial names and wildcards are supported. If the ObjectType parameter would match multiple objects, the list of matching objects will be returned. .PARAMETER Raw If set, the schema object will be returned as-is rather than pretty printing the output. All additional display parameters are ignored except -LaunchHTML. .PARAMETER LaunchHTML If set, Powershell will attempt to launch a browser to the object's full HTML documentation page on the grid master. All additional display parameters are ignored except -Raw. .PARAMETER Fields A list of Field names to include in the output. Wildcards are supported. This parameter is ignored if -NoFields is specified. If neither is specified, all Fields will be included. .PARAMETER Operations A list of supported operation codes: r (read), w (write/create), u (update/set), s (search), d (delete). Only the Fields supporting at least one of these operations will be included in the output. If not specified, all Fields will be included. .PARAMETER NoFields If set, the object's fields will not be included in the output. .PARAMETER Functions A list of Function names to include in the output. Wildcards are supported. This parameter is ignored if -NoFunctions is specified. If neither is specified, all Functions will be included. .PARAMETER NoFunctions If set, the object's functions will not be included in the output. .PARAMETER Detailed If set, detailed output is displayed for field and function information. Otherwise, a simplified view is displayed. .PARAMETER WAPIHost The fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the Infoblox WAPI endpoint (usually the grid master). This parameter is required if not already set using Set-IBConfig. .PARAMETER WAPIVersion The version of the Infoblox WAPI to make calls against (e.g. '2.2'). This parameter is required if not already set using Set-IBConfig. .PARAMETER Credential Username and password for the Infoblox appliance. This parameter is required unless it was already set using Set-IBConfig. .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck If set, SSL/TLS certificate validation will be disabled. Overrides value stored with Set-IBConfig. .OUTPUTS Zero or more objects found by the search or object reference. If an object reference is specified that doesn't exist, an error will be thrown. .EXAMPLE Get-IBSchema Get the root schema object. .EXAMPLE Get-IBSchema record:host Get the record:host schema object. .EXAMPLE Get-IBSchema record:host -Raw Get the record:host schema object in raw object form. .EXAMPLE Get-IBSchema grid -Fields enable*,name Get the grid schema object and only include the name field and fields that start with 'enable'. .EXAMPLE Get-IBSchema network -Operations s -NoFunctions Get the network schema object and only include fields that are searchable and skip function definitions. .LINK Project: .LINK Get-IBObject #> } |