function Set-IBWAPIConfig { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias('host')] [string]$WAPIHost, [Alias('version')] [string]$WAPIVersion, [PSCredential]$Credential, [Alias('session')] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]$WebSession, [switch]$IgnoreCertificateValidation, [switch]$NoSwitchProfile ) # We want to allow callers to save some of the normally tedious parameters # to this instance of the module so they don't need to supply them on # every subsequent function call. # NOTE: Script scoped variables in a module are effectively module scoped. # So $script:blah should be accessible within any module function but not directly # to the callers of module functions. # deal with hostname if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WAPIHost)) { $cfgOld = $script:Config.$script:CurrentHost # initialize a hashtable for this host if it doesn't exist if (!$script:Config.$WAPIHost) { $cfgNew = $script:Config.$WAPIHost = @{WAPIHost=$WAPIHost} if ($cfgOld) { # copy some of the values from the old host Write-Verbose "Copying config from $($script:CurrentHost)" if ($cfgOld.WAPIVersion) { $cfgNew.WAPIVersion = $cfgOld.WAPIVersion } if ($cfgOld.Credential) { $cfgNew.Credential = $cfgOld.Credential } if ($cfgOld.WebSession) { $cfgNew.WebSession = $cfgOld.WebSession } if ($cfgOld.ContainsKey('IgnoreCertificateValidation')) { $cfgNew.IgnoreCertificateValidation = $cfgOld.IgnoreCertificateValidation } } } # remove the old empty string config if it exists $script:Config.Remove('') | Out-Null # switch the current host if necessary if ($WAPIHost -ne $script:CurrentHost -and !$NoSwitchProfile) { $script:CurrentHost = $WAPIHost Write-Verbose "Switched config to $WAPIHost" } # make a shorthand reference to the host config to be modified $cfg = $script:Config.$WAPIHost } else { # make a shorthand reference to the host config to be modified $cfg = $script:Config.$script:CurrentHost } if ($WebSession) { Write-Verbose "Saving new WebSession with Credential for $($WebSession.Credentials.UserName)" $cfg.WebSession = $WebSession } if ($Credential) { Write-Verbose "Saving Credential for $($Credential.UserName)" $cfg.Credential = $Credential if (!$cfg.WebSession) { # Configure an empty WebSession if we don't have one already Write-Verbose "Creating empty WebSession with Credential for $($Credential.UserName)" $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession $session.Credentials = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential() $cfg.WebSession = $session } else { # Update the credential in our existing WebSession Write-Verbose "Updating existing WebSession with Credential for $($Credential.UserName)" $cfg.WebSession.Credentials = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential() } } # deal with setting IgnoreCertificateValidation if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IgnoreCertificateValidation')) { Write-Verbose "Saving IgnoreCertificateValidation $IgnoreCertificateValidation" $cfg.IgnoreCertificateValidation = $IgnoreCertificateValidation } if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WAPIVersion)) { # While it may be considered bad practice when dealing with a well-versioned # REST API, we want to allow callers to automatically use the latest API # version without explicitly knowing what it is. So if they specify 'latest', # we'll query the latest version from Infoblox and set that. if ($WAPIVersion -eq 'latest') { $cfg.WAPIVersion = (HighestVer $cfg.WAPIHost $cfg.WebSession) } else { # Users familiar with the Infoblox WAPI might include a 'v' in their version # string because that's how you specify it in the URL, but we're going to do # that for them. So just strip it out if it's there. if ($WAPIVersion[0] -eq 'v') { $WAPIVersion = $WAPIVersion.Substring(1) } # validate it can actually be parsed by the Version object if (!($WAPIVersion -as [Version])) { throw "WAPIVersion is not a valid version string." } $cfg.WAPIVersion = $WAPIVersion } Write-Verbose "Saved WAPIVersion as $($cfg.WAPIVersion)" # WARNING: Both the sorting and the [Version] validation may break # in the future if Infoblox ever changes the way they name versions. } <# .SYNOPSIS Save configuration values for a WAPI host that will persist for the duration of this Powershell session. .DESCRIPTION Rather than specifying the same common parameter values to most of the function calls in this module, you can pre-set them with this function instead. They will be used automatically by other functions that support them unless overridden by the function's own parameters. Config values are saved per unique WAPIHost value. Calling this function with a new WAPIHost will switch the "current" config to the new host unless -NoSwitchProfile is used. .PARAMETER WAPIHost The fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the Infoblox WAPI endpoint (usually the grid master). .PARAMETER WAPIVersion The version of the Infoblox WAPI to make calls against (e.g. '2.2'). You may optionally specify 'latest' and the function will attempt to query the WAPI for the latest supported version. This will only work if WAPIHost and Credential or WebSession are included or already configured. .PARAMETER Credential Username and password for the Infoblox appliance. If -WebSession is not specified and not already configured, setting this will also set WebSession with these credentials. .PARAMETER WebSession A WebRequestSession object returned by Get-IBSession or set when using Invoke-IBWAPI with the -SessionVariable parameter. .PARAMETER IgnoreCertificateValidation If set, SSL/TLS certificate validation will be disabled. .PARAMETER NoSwitchProfile If set, the "current" WAPI host config will not switch to the specified -WAPIHost if different. .EXAMPLE Set-IBWAPIConfig -WAPIHost '' Set the hostname of the Infoblox API endpoint. .EXAMPLE Set-IBWAPIConfig -WAPIHost $gridmaster -WAPIVersion 2.2 -Credential (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateValidation Set all of the basic parameters for an Infoblox WAPI connection, prompt for the credentials, and ignore certificate validation. .LINK Project: .LINK Get-IBWAPIConfig .LINK Get-IBSession .LINK Invoke-IBWAPI #> } |