
function Get-IBObject





    Begin {
        # grab the variables we'll be using for our REST calls
        $opts = Initialize-CallVars @PSBoundParameters
        $APIBase = Base @opts
        $WAPIVersion = $opts.WAPIVersion
        $opts.Remove('WAPIHost') | Out-Null
        $opts.Remove('WAPIVersion') | Out-Null

        $queryargs = @()

        # process the search fields
        if ($Filters.Count -gt 0) {
            $queryargs += $Filters

        # process the return fields
        if ($ReturnFields.Count -gt 0) {
            if ($ReturnBaseFields) {
                $queryargs += "_return_fields%2B=$($ReturnFields -join ',')"
            else {
                $queryargs += "_return_fields=$($ReturnFields -join ',')"

        # deal with ProxySearch flag (defaults to LOCAL)
        if ($ProxySearch) {
            $queryargs += "_proxy_search=GM"

    Process {
        # default to using paging
        $UsePaging = $true

        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "ByRef" {
                # paging not supported on objref queries
                $UsePaging = $false

                $queryObj = $ObjectRef
            "ByType" {
                # WAPI versions older than 1.5 don't support paging
                if ([Version]$WAPIVersion -lt [Version]'1.5') {
                    Write-Verbose "Paging disabled for WAPIVersion $($WAPIVersion)"
                    $UsePaging = $false

                $queryObj = $ObjectType

        if ($UsePaging) {
            # By default, the WAPI will return an error if the result count exceeds 1000
            # unless you make multiple calls using paging. We want to remove this
            # limitation by automatically paging on behalf of the caller. This will also
            # allow the MaxResults parameter in this function to be arbitrarily large (within
            # the bounds of Int32) and not capped at 1000.

            # separate the MaxResults value from the caller's request to error on "over max"
            $ErrorOverMax = $false
            if ($MaxResults -lt 0) {
                $MaxResults = [Math]::Abs($MaxResults)
                $ErrorOverMax = $true

            # set the default page size unless the caller wants less, in which case
            # set it to just over what they asked for so that "over max" errors will
            # still trigger
            $pageSize = 1000
            if ($MaxResults -lt $pageSize) { $pageSize = ($MaxResults+1) }

            $i = 0
            $results = @()
            $querystring = "?_paging=1&_return_as_object=1&_max_results=$pageSize"
            if ($queryargs.Count -gt 0) {
                $querystring += "&$($queryargs -join '&')"
            do {
                Write-Verbose "Fetching page $i"
                if ($i -gt 1) {
                    $querystring = "?_page_id=$($response.next_page_id)"

                $uri = "$APIBase$($queryObj)$($querystring)"

                if ($PsCmdlet.ShouldProcess($uri, 'GET')) {
                    $response = Invoke-IBWAPI -Uri $uri @opts
                    if (!$response.result) { throw "Unexpected response from server: No result object found." }
                    $results += $response.result
            } while ($response.next_page_id -and $results.Count -lt $MaxResults)

            # Throw an error if they specified a negative MaxResults value and the result
            # count exceeds that value. Otherwise, just truncate the results to the MaxResults
            # value. This is basically copying how the _max_results query string argument works.
            if ($ErrorOverMax -and $results.Count -gt $MaxResults) {
                throw [Exception] "Result count exceeded MaxResults parameter."
            else {
                $results | Select-Object -first $MaxResults
        else {
            # no paging, just a single query on the object reference
            $uri = "$APIBase$($queryObj)?$($queryargs -join '&')"

            if ($PsCmdlet.ShouldProcess($uri, 'GET')) {
                Invoke-IBWAPI -Uri $uri @opts


        Retrieve objects from the Infoblox database.
        Query a specific object's details by specifying ObjectRef or search for a set of objects using ObjectType and optionall Filters. For large result sets, query pagination will automatically be used to fetch all results. The result count can be limited with the -MaxResults parameter.
    .PARAMETER ObjectRef
        Object reference string. This is usually found in the "_ref" field of returned objects.
    .PARAMETER ObjectType
        Object type string. (e.g. network, record:host, range)
    .PARAMETER Filters
        An array of search filter conditions. (e.g. "name~=myhost","ipv4addr="). All conditions must be satisfied to match an object. See Infoblox WAPI documentation for advanced usage details.
    .PARAMETER MaxResults
        If set to a positive number, the results list will be truncated to that number if necessary. If set to a negative number and the results would exceed the absolute value, an error is thrown.
    .PARAMETER ReturnFields
        The set of fields that should be returned in addition to the object reference.
    .PARAMETER ReturnBaseFields
        If specified, the standard fields for this object type will be returned in addition to the object reference and any additional fields specified by -ReturnFields. If -ReturnFields is not used, this defaults to $true.
        The fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the Infoblox WAPI endpoint (usually the grid master). This parameter is required if not already set using Set-IBWAPIConfig.
        The version of the Infoblox WAPI to make calls against (e.g. '2.2'). This parameter is required if not already set using Set-IBWAPIConfig.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Username and password for the Infoblox appliance. This parameter is required unless -WebSession is specified or was already set using Set-IBWAPIConfig.
    .PARAMETER WebSession
        A WebRequestSession object returned by Get-IBSession or set when using Invoke-IBWAPI with the -SessionVariable parameter. This parameter is required unless -Credential is specified or was already set using Set-IBWAPIConfig.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreCertificateValidation
        If set, SSL/TLS certificate validation will be disabled. Overrides value stored with Set-IBWAPIConfig.
        Zero or more objects found by the search or object reference. If an object reference is specified that doesn't exist, an error will be thrown.
        Get-IBObject -ObjectRef 'record:host/XxXxXxXxXxXxXxX'
        Get the basic fields for a specific Host record.
        Get-IBObject 'record:a' -Filters 'name~=.*\' -MaxResults 100 -ReturnFields 'comment' -ReturnBaseFields
        Get the first 100 A records in the DNS zone and return the comment field in addition to the basic fields.
