function Get-IBWAPIConfig { [CmdletBinding()] param() [PSCustomObject]@{ WAPIHost=[string]$script:WAPIHost; WAPIVersion=[string]$script:WAPIVersion; Credential=[PSCredential]$script:Credential; WebSession=[Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]$script:WebSession; IgnoreCertificateValidation=$script:IgnoreCertificateValidation; } <# .SYNOPSIS Get the current set of configuration values for this module. .DESCRIPTION The configuration values returned by this function will automatically be used by related function calls to the Infoblox API unless they are overridden by the function's own parameters. .OUTPUTS A PSCustomObject that contains all of the configuration values for this module. .EXAMPLE Get-IBWAPIConfig Get the current configuration values. .LINK Project: .LINK Set-IBWAPIConfig .LINK Get-IBObject #> } |