function Get-IBCLINetwork { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( ParameterSetName='NewStream', Mandatory=$true, Position=0, HelpMessage='Enter the Hostname or IP Address of an Infoblox appliance.' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ComputerName, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='ExistingStream', Mandatory=$true, Position=0, HelpMessage='Enter the ShellStream object returned by Connect-IBCLI.' )] [ValidateNotNull()] [Renci.SshNet.ShellStream] $ShellStream, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='NewStream', Mandatory=$true, Position=1, HelpMessage='Enter the credentials for the appliance.' )] [PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='NewStream' )] [Switch] $Force ) <# 'show network' returns a section of output per configured interface. Labels seem to vary primarily depending on whether the member is part of an HA pair or not. Because I don't have any IPv6 configured nodes to test with, we'll make a best effort to add those properties as well. But they'll likely have bugs until I get some more concrete output samples as the Infoblox CLI docs don't seem very consistent. Current LAN1 Network Settings: IPv4 Address: Network Mask: Gateway Address: HA enabled: false Grid Status: Master of Infoblox Grid Current LAN1 Network Settings: Virtual IPv4 Address: Network Mask: Gateway Address: HA enabled: true Public Local IPv4 Address: HA Local IPv4 Address: Grid Status: Member of Infoblox Grid Current Management Network Settings: Management Port enabled: true Management IPv4 Address: Management Netmask: Management Gateway Address: Restrict Support and remote console access to MGMT port: false Current LAN2 Network Settings: LAN2 Port enabled: true NIC failover for LAN1 and LAN2 enabled: false LAN2 IPv4 Address: LAN2 Netmask: LAN2 Gateway: #> if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NewStream') { $ShellStream = Connect-IBCLI $ComputerName $Credential -Force:$Force -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Verbose "Fetching 'show network' output from $($ShellStream.Session.ConnectionInfo.Host)" try { # get the command output $output = Invoke-IBCLICommand 'show network' $ShellStream # setup our hashtable to hold the parsed properties $props = @{} $reInterface = "^Current (\w+) Network Settings:$" $curInterface = [String]::Empty foreach ($line in $output[0..($output.Count-2)]) { if ($line -match $reInterface) { # close up the last interface object if ($curInterface -ne [String]::Empty) { $ret = (New-Object PSObject -Property $props) $ret.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,'IBCLI.Interface') Write-Output $ret } # start the new interface object $props = @{} $curInterface = $matches[1] $props.IFName = $curInterface Write-Verbose "Found $($props.IFName) interface" # set a bunch of default values so that the return objects # all have the same members regardless of what is returned # by the command $props.IsHAEnabled = $false $props.IPAddressVIP = [String]::Empty $props.IPAddressHALocal = [String]::Empty $props.RestrictSupportAndConsole = $false $props.VLANTag = [String]::Empty $props.DSCPValue = [String]::Empty $props.IPv6Address = [String]::Empty $props.IPv6Gateway = [String]::Empty $props.IPv6VLANTag = [String]::Empty $props.IPv6DSCPValue = [String]::Empty $props.GridStatus = [String]::Empty continue } # split on the colon and trim $key,$val = $line.Split(':') | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } if ($key -eq 'IPv4 Address' -or $key -eq 'Public Local IPv4 Address' -or $key -eq "$curInterface IPv4 Address") { $props.IPAddress = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'Network Mask' -or $key -eq "$curInterface Netmask") { $props.NetMask = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'Gateway Address' -or $key.StartsWith("$curInterface Gateway")) { $props.Gateway = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'HA Enabled') { $props.IsHAEnabled = [Boolean]::Parse($val) continue } if ($key -eq 'Virtual IPv4 Address') { $props.IPAddressVIP = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'HA Local IPv4 Address') { $props.IPAddressHALocal = $val continue } if ($key.StartsWith('Restrict Support and remote console access')) { $props.RestrictSupportAndConsole = [Boolean]::Parse($val) continue } if ($key -eq 'Grid Status') { $props.GridStatus = $val continue } # For the rest of these properties we're just going from the CLI docs # and some educated guesses as I don't have any appliances to test # them with. if ($key -eq 'VLAN Tag') { $props.VLANTag = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'DSCP Value') { $props.DSCPValue = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'IPv6 Address' -or $key -eq 'Public Local IPv6 Address' -or $key -eq "$curInterface IPv6 Address") { $props.IPv6Address = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'IPv6 Gateway Address' -or $key.StartsWith("$curInterface IPv6 Gateway")) { $props.IPv6Gateway = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'IPv6 VLAN Tag') { $props.IPv6VLANTag = $val continue } if ($key -eq 'IPv6 DSCP Value') { $props.IPv6DSCPValue = $val continue } } # close up the last interface object $ret = (New-Object PSObject -Property $props) $ret.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,'IBCLI.Interface') Write-Output $ret return } finally { # disconnect if we initiated the connection here if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NewStream') { Disconnect-IBCLI $ShellStream } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get the network interface details of an Infoblox appliance. .DESCRIPTION Runs the 'show network' command on the target appliance and returns the parsed results as a set of Interface objects. .PARAMETER ComputerName Hostname or IP Address of the Infoblox appliance. .PARAMETER ShellStream A Renci.SshNet.ShellStream object that was returned from Connect-IBCLI. .PARAMETER Credential Username and password for the Infoblox appliance. .PARAMETER Force Disable SSH host key checking .OUTPUTS A IBCLI.Interface custom object for each interface with all of the parsed values returned from the command and some synthesized ones. Not all of these properties will exist for every interface. [string] IFName [string] IPAddress [string] NetMask [string] Gateway [bool] IsHAEnabled [string] IPAddressVIP [string] IPAddressHALocal [bool] RestrictSupportAndConsole [string] VLANTag [string] DSCPValue [string] IPv6Address [string] IPv6Gateway [string] IPv6VLANTag [string] IPv6DSCPValue [string] GridStatus .EXAMPLE Get-IBCLINetwork -ComputerName '' -Credential (Get-Credential) Get a collection of Interface objects from the target appliance. .EXAMPLE $ShellStream = Connect-IBCLI -ComputerName '' -Credential (Get-Credential) PS C:\>Get-IBCLINetwork $ShellStream Get a collection of Interface objects using an existing ShellStream from the target appliance. .LINK Project: #> } |