
function Invoke-IBCLICommand
            HelpMessage='Enter the Infoblox CLI command to run'
            HelpMessage='The ShellStream object returned by Connect-IBCLI.'
            HelpMessage='Enter the seconds to wait for the command to complete.'
            HelpMessage="Enter a prompt to wait for in the output."

    # Create a regex that will match the different types of prompts that the
    # CLI would be waiting for input on. The default prompt waiting for a new
    # command is 'Infoblox > ' unless the default prompt has been changed with
    # 'set prompt' in which case it still ends with ' > '. The other type of
    # prompt is when a command is requesting input or confirmation such as:
    # 'Enter Grid Name [Default Infoblox]: '
    # 'Are you sure? (y or n): '
    # All of the input queries seem to end with a colon-space
    $promptRegex = '(?mi)(?:^.* > $|^.*: $)'

    # send the command

    # collect the output while waiting for a known prompt
    $startTime = Get-Date
    do {
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
        $output += $ShellStream.Read()
        if ($output -match $promptRegex) { break }
        if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AlternatePrompt) -and $output.EndsWith($AlternatePrompt)) { break }
    while (((Get-Date) - $startTime).TotalSeconds -lt $TimeoutSeconds)

    # warn if we didn't get a recognized prompt
    if (((Get-Date) - $startTime).TotalSeconds -ge $TimeoutSeconds) {
        Write-Warning "Timed out waiting for prompt."
    Write-Verbose "Raw output:`r`n$output"

    # split the lines, discard empty lines, and trim whitespace from each line
    $lines = $output.Split("`r`n") | ?{ (!([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_))) } | %{ $_.Trim() }

    # there should be at least 2 lines (command echo + prompt) unless the
    # command that was sent was an empty string in which case just one line (prompt)
    if ($lines.Count -gt 2) {
        # return all but the command echo
        return $lines[1..($lines.Count-1)]
    elseif ($lines.Count -eq 2) {
        # return just the prompt
        # but make sure the return value is still a single-valued array
        # rather than a standalone string due to powershell unrolling
        return ,@($lines[1])
    else {
        # just return the single line prompt
        # and jump through the same hoops to make sure it's an array
        return ,@($lines)

        Run an Infoblox remote console CLI command and return the output.
        The given command is sent to the remote CLI and the resulting output is captured and returned as a string array.
    .PARAMETER Command
        The CLI command to run on the Infoblox appliance.
    .PARAMETER ShellStream
        A Renci.SshNet.ShellStream object that was returned from Connect-IBCLI.
    .PARAMETER TimeoutSeconds
        The number of seconds (Default: 10) to wait for the command output to finish if a known prompt isn't recognized. If the timeout is reached, the cmdlet will return whatever output it has read up until that point.
    .PARAMETER AlternatePrompt
        An alternate prompt to wait for when processing the command output. If the read output contains this value at the end of the string, it will consider the command complete and return the output. This is useful when you know in advance that a command will produce a non-standard prompt.
        System.String[]. Invoke-IBCLICommand returns a string array that contains each non-empty line of output from the command sent. The returned lines have leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
        Invoke-IBCLICommand -Command 'show status' -ShellStream $stream
        Run the 'show status' command against the appliance referenced by $stream.
        Invoke-IBCLICommand 'reboot' $stream
        REBOOT THE SYSTEM? (y or n):
        PS C:\>Invoke-IBCLICommand 'y' $stream
        Run the 'reboot' command followed by 'y' to confirm the reboot operation.
