
function Get-IBCLILicenses
            HelpMessage='Enter the Hostname or IP Address of an Infoblox appliance.'
            HelpMessage='Enter the ShellStream object returned by Connect-IBCLI.'
            HelpMessage='Enter the credentials for the appliance.'

    Write-Verbose "Fetching 'show license csv' output from $($ShellStream.Session.ConnectionInfo.Host)"
        'show license csv' returns CSV formatted output of all the licenses
        on that member. If the appliance is a grid master, it will return
        all the licenses in the grid. Sample output:
        public_ip,license_type,exp_date,replaced_hardware_id,license_string,Grid,11/09/2016,,GQAAAEm0SGfKtggLHTJvy3v5iA/jTWP/Ezo7w8E=,vNIOS (model IB-VM-810),11/09/2016,,GQAAAFq0VW3LukhREm5vy3i0hw/gWWP4Sz9qysE=,DNS,11/09/2016,,EgAAAEi0T36K9QZbEmUjyH750kvoSw==,DHCP,11/09/2016,,EwAAAEiyX3LE9EkeVyshyXmzzUrkSzQ=,Grid,11/09/2016,,GQAAAHkkdF6RlSaK81y3fgDfOPvJkaP5jpOBov0=,vNIOS (model IB-VM-810),11/09/2016,,GQAAAGokaVSQmWbQ/AC3fgOSN/vKhaP+1pbQq/0=,DNS,11/09/2016,,EgAAAHgkc0fR1ija/Av7fQXfYr/Clw==,DHCP,11/09/2016,,EwAAAHgiY0uf12efuUX5fAKVfb7Ol/Q=

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NewStream') {
        $ShellStream = Connect-IBCLI $ComputerName $Credential -ErrorAction Stop

    try {

        # the current hardware ID is only returned when you use 'show license'
        # by itself. But we can still get it separately first.
        $hwid = Get-IBCLIHardwareID $ShellStream
        Write-Verbose $hwid

        # If this is a grid master, the 'show license csv' command will return
        # all licenses in the grid differentiated by IP address of the member.
        # So we need to get this member's IP to filter the results with.
        $ip = (Get-IBCLIStatus $ShellStream).IPAddress

        # get the command output and parse the csv
        $output = Invoke-IBCLICommand 'show license csv' $ShellStream
        $csv = $output[0..($output.length-2)] | ConvertFrom-Csv

        $ret = $csv | ?{ $_.public_ip -eq $ip } |
            Select `
            @{L='LicenseType';E={$_.license_type}}, `
            @{L='LicenseString';E={$_.license_string}}, `
            @{L='HardwareID';E={$hwid}}, `
                $outdate = [DateTime]::MinValue
                if ([DateTime]::TryParse($_.exp_date,[ref]$outdate)) {
                } else {
                    # unparseable usually means 'Permanent'

        # inject the type name for each result
        $ret | %{

        return $ret

    } finally {
        # disconnect if we initiated the connection here
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NewStream') {
            Disconnect-IBCLI $ShellStream

        Get the licenses installed on an Infoblox appliance.
        Runs the 'show license csv' command on the target appliance and returns the parsed result as a set of License objects.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Hostname or IP Address of the Infoblox appliance.
    .PARAMETER ShellStream
        A Renci.SshNet.ShellStream object that was returned from Connect-IBCLI.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Username and password for the Infoblox appliance.
        A Dvolve.IBCLI.License object for each license with all of the parsed values returned from the command. Permanent licenses will have Expiration set to DateTime.MaxValue (
            [string] LicenseType
            [string] LicenseString
            [DateTime] Expiration
            [string] HardwareID
        Get-IBCLILicenses -ComputerName '' -Credential (Get-Credential)
        Get the license objects from the target appliance.
        $ShellStream = Connect-IBCLI -ComputerName '' -Credential (Get-Credential)
        PS C:\>Get-IBCLILicenses $ShellStream
        Get the license object using an existing ShellStream from the target appliance.
