function Install-ChocolateyPackage() { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [string[]] $Packages, [Alias("f")] [switch] $Force, [Alias("y")] [switch] $Accept, [switch] $Pre, [string] $Version, [Alias("s")] [string] $Source, [Alias("u")] [string] $User, [Alias("p")] [string] $Password, [Alias("n")] [switch] $NoInstall, [Alias("m")] [switch] $Multiple, [switch] $Upgrade, [string[]] $Params, [string[]] $InstallerArgs ) Process { if(! (Test-Path Env:\ChocolateyInstall)) { Write-Warning "Chocolatey is not installed or the ChocolateyInstall environment variable is missing." Write-Warning "Verify that chocolatey is installed and that ChocolateyInstall exists in your environment variables." return; } $Updates = @() $shouldUpdate = $Upgrade.ToBool(); if($Packages -eq $Null -or $Packages.Length -eq 0) { $package = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Package Name" if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($package)) { Write-Warning "PackageName was empty. Exiting operation. =(" return; } $Packages = @($package); } $f = $Force.ToBool(); if(!$f) { if($Packages -ne $null -and $Packages.Length -gt 0) { $copy = @(); foreach($packageName in $Packages) { if(Test-ChocolateyPackagePath -PackageName $packageName -Multiple:$Multiple) { if(!$shouldUpdate) { Write-Warning "$packageName is already installed. Use the Update-ChocopateyPackage command or -Force parameter to force the install."; } else { $Updates += $packageName; } } else { $copy += $packageName; } } $Packages = $copy; } } $d = $PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent; $v = $PSBoundParameters.Verbose.IsPresent; $whatIf = $PSBoundParameters.WhatIf.IsPresent; $yes = $Accept.ToBool() if($yes -eq $false) { $yes = Get-ChocolateyAccept; } $flags = ""; if($yes -or $f) { $flags += "y" } if($f) { $flags += "f"; } if($d) { $flags += "d"; } if($v) { $flags += "v"; } if($NoInstall.ToBool()) { $flags += "n" } if($Multiple.ToBool()) { $flags += "m"; } if($flags.Length -gt 0) { $flags = "-$flags"; } if($Pre.ToBool()) { $flags += " --pre" } if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Source)) { $flags += " -s=`"$Source`"" } if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($User)) { $flags += " -u=`"$User`"" } if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password)) { $flags += " -p=`"$Password`"" } if($whatIf) { $flags += " --whatif" } if($Params -ne $Null -and $Params.Length -gt 0) { $parameters = [String]::Join(" ", $Params); $flags += " --params=`"$parameters`"" } if($InstallerArgs -ne $null -and $InstallerArgs.Length -gt 0) { $parameters = [String]::Join(" ", $InstallerArgs); $flags += " --installer-args=`"$parameters`"" } foreach($packageName in $Packages) { $cmd = "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe install $packageName $flags" if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($cmd)) { & "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe" install $packageName $flags } } foreach($packageName in $Updates) { $cmd = "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe upgrade $packageName $flags" if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($cmd)) { & "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe" upgrade $packageName $flags } } } } |