function Install-Chocolatey() { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [string] $Path = $null, [string] $ToolsDirectory = $null, [switch] $Force = $false, [HashTable] $Feeds, [String] $ConfigPath ) $setupFile = $null; if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ConfigPath)) { $setupFile = $ConfigPath } else { if(Test-Path "${Env:USERPROFILE}/OneDrive/.choco-bear/choco-bear-setup.json") { $setupFile = "${Env:USERPROFILE}/OneDrive/.choco-bear/choco-bear-setup.json" } if(Test-Path "${Env:USERPROFILE}/.choco-bear/choco-bear-setup.json") { $setupFile = "${Env:USERPROFILE}/.choco-bear/choco-bear-setup.json" } } if($setupFile -ne $null) { $json = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($setupFile); $config = ConvertFrom-Json $json $Path = $config.Path; $ToolsDirectory = $config.ToolsDirectory; $Feeds = @{} $config.Feeds.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $name = $ $feed = $_.value $Feeds.Add($name, $feed); } } $hasAllUsersProfile = Test-Path Env:\ALLUSERSPROFILE if([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path) -or $Force.ToBool()) { Write-Debug "Path was empty, falling back to default location"; if($hasAllUsersProfile) { $Path = "${Env:ALLUSERSPROFILE}" } elseif(Test-Path Env:\HOME) { $Path = "$Env:HOME" } else { Write-Error "Default location not available, please specify a -Path parameter"; return; } } if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ToolsDirectory) -or $Force.ToBool()) { if($hasAllUsersProfile -and $Path -eq $Env:ALLUSERSPROFILE) { $ToolsDirectory = "C:\tools"; } else { $ToolsDirectory = $Path; } } if(-not (Test-Path $Path)) { mkdir $Path | Write-Debug; } if($Env:OS -eq "Windows_NT") { $isAdmin = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544") if(-not (Test-Path Env:\ChocolateyInstall)) { $Env:ChocolateyInstall = "$Path\chocolatey"; if($isAdmin) { setx ChocolateyInstall "${Env:ChocolateyInstall}" /M } else { setx ChocolateyInstall "${Env:ChocolateyInstall}" } } if(-not (Test-Path Env:\ChocolateyToolsLocation)) { $Env:ChocolateyToolsLocation = "$ToolsDirectory"; if($isAdmin) { setx ChocolateyToolsLocation "$Env:ChocolateyToolsLocation" /M } else { setx ChocolateyToolsLocation "$Env:ChocolateyToolsLocation" } } } # No point in reinstalling chocolatey if it already exists unless forced to do so. if(-not (Test-Path "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe") -or $Force.ToBool()) { iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex } if($Feeds -ne $null -and $Feeds.Count -gt 0) { if(-not $Feeds.Contains("chocolatey")) { $Feeds.Add("chocolatey", ""); } # chocolatey won't throw an error if the feed does not already exist foreach($name in $Feeds.Keys) { choco source remove -n="$name" } # add feeds back in specific order foreach($name in $Feeds.Keys) { $feed = $Feeds[$name]; if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($feed)) { Write-Warning "feed for $name was empty" continue } if($feed -contains '|') { $index = $feed.IndexOf('|') $url = $feed.Substring(0, $index) $parameters = $feed.Substring($index + 1) & "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe" source add -n="$name" -s="$url" $parameters continue } & "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe" source add -n="$name" -s="$feed" } } choco upgrade chocolatey -yf } |