.SYNOPSIS Remove permission for a specific Azure DevOps libary .DESCRIPTION The command will remove the permissions for the specificed variable group .PARAMETER VariableGroupName The name of the variable group to retrieve .PARAMETER UserOrGroupName The name of the user or group to remove .PARAMETER AzDoConnection A valid AzDo connection object .PARAMETER ApiVersion Allows for specifying a specific version of the api to use (default is 5.0) .EXAMPLE Remove-AzDoVariableGroupResourceAssignment -VariableGroupName <variable group name> -UserOrGroupName <valid group name> .NOTES .LINK #> function Remove-AzDoVariableGroupResourceAssignment() { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName="Name" )] param ( # Common Parameters [PoshAzDo.AzDoConnectObject][parameter(ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]$AzDoConnection, [string]$ApiVersion = $global:AzDoApiVersion, # Module Parameters [string][parameter(ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName="Name")][Alias("name")]$VariableGroupName, [int][parameter(ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName="ID")][Alias("id")]$VariableGroupId, [string][parameter(ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true)]$UserOrGroupName ) BEGIN { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference') } $errorPreference = 'Stop' if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ErrorAction')) { $errorPreference = $PSBoundParameters['ErrorAction'] } if (-Not (Test-Path variable:ApiVersion)) { $ApiVersion = "5.2-preview" } if (-Not $ApiVersion.Contains("preview")) { $ApiVersion = "5.2-preview" } if (-Not (Test-Path varaible:$AzDoConnection) -and $AzDoConnection -eq $null) { $AzDoConnection = Get-AzDoActiveConnection if ($null -eq $AzDoConnection) { Write-Error -ErrorAction $errorPreference -Message "AzDoConnection or ProjectUrl must be valid" } } Write-Verbose "Entering script $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" Write-Verbose "Parameter Values" $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "$_ = '$($PSBoundParameters[$_])'" } } PROCESS { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VariableGroupName) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VariableGroupId)) { Write-Error -ErrorAction $errorPreference -Message "Specify either Variable Group Name or Variable Group Id" } $variableGroup = Get-AzDoVariableGroups -AzDoConnection $AzDoConnection | ? { $ -like $VariableGroupName -or $ -eq $VariableGroupId } if ($null -eq $variableGroup) { Write-Error -ErrorAction $errorPreference -Message "Variable Group '[$($VariableGroupId)]:$($VariableGroupName)' not found" } $resourceAssignments = Get-AzDoVariableGroupResourceAssignments -VariableGroupName $($ | ? { ($_.identity.displayName -eq $UserOrGroupName -or $_.identity.principalName -eq $UserOrGroupName) } if ($null -eq $resourceAssignments -or $resourceAssignments.length -eq 0) { Write-Error -ErrorAction $errorPreference -Message "User/Group '$($UserOrGroupName)' not found" } #Write-Verbose $resourceAssignments.identity $assignmentsToDelete = @() $assignmentsToDelete += "" $resourceAssignments.identity | % { Write-Verbose "Removing User/Group: '$($_.displayName)' from '$($VariableGroupName)'" if ($_.access -ne "assigned") { Write-Warning "`tGroup Access is: '$($_.access)'. Should be 'Assigned'. This might be an issue."} $assignmentsToDelete += $ } $body = $assignmentsToDelete | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress $body = $body.Replace("`"`",","") Write-Verbose "---------BODY---------" Write-Verbose $body Write-Verbose "---------BODY---------" # # PUT https://<acct><projID>$<VarGroupID>?api-version=5.0-preview.1 # [{"roleName":"<role>","userId":",<UserGUID>"}] $apiUrl = Get-AzDoApiUrl -RootPath $($AzDoConnection.OrganizationUrl) -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -BaseApiPath "/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.variablegroup/roleassignments/resources/$($AzDoConnection.ProjectId)`$$($variableGroup.Id)" $response = Invoke-RestMethod $apiUrl -Method PATCH -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -Header $($AzDoConnection.HttpHeaders) Write-Verbose "Response: $($" #$response } END { Write-Verbose "Leaving script $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" } } |