
function Get-KeyAuthorization {


    # A key authorization is a string that expresses
    # a domain holder's authorization for a specified key to satisfy a
    # specified challenge, by concatenating the token for the challenge
    # with a key fingerprint, separated by a "." character:

    # keyAuthorization = token || '.' || base64url(JWK_Thumbprint(accountKey))

    # The "JWK_Thumbprint" step indicates the computation specified in
    # [RFC7638], using the SHA-256 digest [FIPS180-4]. As noted in
    # [RFC7518] any prepended zero octets in the fields of a JWK object
    # MUST be stripped before doing the computation.

    # As specified in the individual challenges below, the token for a
    # challenge is a string comprised entirely of characters in the URL-
    # safe base64 alphabet. The "||" operator indicates concatenation of
    # strings.

    Begin {
        # make sure any account passed in is actually associated with the current server
        # or if no account was specified, that there's a current account.
        if (-not $Account) {
            if (-not ($Account = Get-PAAccount)) {
                try { throw "No Account parameter specified and no current account selected. Try running Set-PAAccount first." }
                catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }
        } else {
            if ($ -notin (Get-PAAccount -List).id) {
                try { throw "Specified account id $($ was not found in the current server's account list." }
                catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }
        # make sure it's valid
        if ($Account.status -ne 'valid') {
            try { throw "Account status is $($Account.status)." }
            catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }

        # hydrate the account key
        $acctKey = $Account.key | ConvertFrom-Jwk

        # create the key thumbprint
        $pubJwk = $acctKey | ConvertTo-Jwk -PublicOnly -AsJson
        $jwkBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($pubJwk)
        $sha256 = [Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create()
        $jwkHash = $sha256.ComputeHash($jwkBytes)
        $thumb = ConvertTo-Base64Url $jwkHash

    Process {
        # append the thumbprint to the token to make the key authorization
        $keyAuth = "$Token.$thumb"

        if ($ForDNS) {
            # do an extra SHA256 hash + Base64Url encode for DNS TXT values
            $keyAuthBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($keyAuth)
            $keyAuthHash = $sha256.ComputeHash($keyAuthBytes)
            $txtValue = ConvertTo-Base64Url -Bytes $keyAuthHash
            return $txtValue

        } else {
            # return it as-is
            return $keyAuth

        Calculate a key authorization string for a challenge token.
        A key authorization is a string that expresses a domain holder's authorization for a specified key to satisfy a specified challenge, by concatenating the token for the challenge with a key fingerprint.
    .PARAMETER Token
        The token string for an ACME challenge.
    .PARAMETER Account
        The ACME account associated with the challenge.
        Enable this switch if you're using the key authorization value for the 'dns-01' challenge type. It will do a few additional manipulation steps on the value that are required for a DNS TXT record.
        Get-KeyAuthorization 'XxXxXxXxXxXx'
        Get the key authorization for the specified token using the current account.
        (Get-PAOrder | Get-PAAuthorization).DNS01Token | Get-KeyAuthorization
        Get all key authorizations for the DNS challenges in the current order using the current account.
