function Publish-Challenge { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string]$Domain, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [PSTypeName('PoshACME.PAAccount')]$Account, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=2)] [string]$Token, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=3)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidPlugin $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [string]$Plugin, [Parameter(Position=4)] [hashtable]$PluginArgs, [string]$DnsAlias ) # dot source the plugin file $pluginDetail = $script:Plugins.$Plugin . $pluginDetail.Path # All plugins in $script:Plugins should have been validated during module # load. So we're not going to do much plugin-specific validation here. Write-Verbose "Publishing challenge for Domain $Domain with Token $Token using Plugin $Plugin and DnsAlias '$DnsAlias'." # sanitize the $Domain if it was passed in as a wildcard on accident if ($Domain -and $Domain.StartsWith('*.')) { Write-Warning "Stripping wildcard characters from domain name. Not required for publishing." $Domain = $Domain.Substring(2) } # do stuff appropriate for the challenge type if ('dns-01' -eq $pluginDetail.ChallengeType) { # determine the appropriate record name if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DnsAlias)) { # always use the alias if it was specified $recordName = $DnsAlias } else { # use Domain $recordName = "_acme-challenge.$($Domain)" } $txtValue = Get-KeyAuthorization $Token $Account -ForDNS # call the function with the required parameters and splatting the rest Write-Debug "Calling $Plugin plugin to add $recordName TXT with value $txtValue" Add-DnsTxt -RecordName $recordName.TrimEnd('.') -TxtValue $txtValue @PluginArgs } else { # http-01 is the only other challenge type we support at the moment $keyAuth = Get-KeyAuthorization $Token $Account # call the function with the required parameters and splatting the rest Write-Debug "Calling $Plugin plugin to add challenge for $Domain with token $Token and key auth $keyAuth" Add-HttpChallenge -Domain $Domain -Token $Token -Body $keyAuth @PluginArgs } } |