

RootModule = 'Posh-ACME.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '4.20.0'
GUID = 'f14adab4-278e-4dcb-b843-421fa5a5e688'
Author = 'Ryan Bolger'
Copyright = '(c) 2018 Ryan Bolger. All rights reserved.'
Description = @'
ACME protocol client for obtaining certificates using Let''s Encrypt (or other ACME compliant CA)
This is a custom build intended allow compatibility with .NET 4.6.1. It should not be used with PowerShell Core and you should only attempt to use RSA based key options.

CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop','Core')
PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.6.1'

# Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module
RequiredAssemblies = @(

# Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
FormatsToProcess = 'Posh-ACME.Format.ps1xml'

# Functions to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no functions to export.
FunctionsToExport = @(

# Cmdlets to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no cmdlets to export.
CmdletsToExport = @()

# Variables to export from this module
VariablesToExport = @()

# Aliases to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no aliases to export.
AliasesToExport = @(

PrivateData = @{

    PSData = @{

        # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
        Tags = 'LetsEncrypt','ssl','tls','certificates','acme'

        # A URL to the license for this module.
        LicenseUri = 'https://github.com/rmbolger/Posh-ACME/blob/main/LICENSE'

        # A URL to the main website for this project.
        ProjectUri = 'https://github.com/rmbolger/Posh-ACME'

        # A URL to an icon representing this module.
        # IconUri = ''

        # ReleaseNotes of this module
        ReleaseNotes = @'
## 4.20.0 (2023-12-12)
* New DNS plugin [PowerDNS](https://www.powerdns.com/powerdns-authoritative-server)
* Fixed duplicate identifiers in the `Domain` parameter causing errors with some ACME servers. Identifiers will now be deduplicated prior to being saved and sent to the ACME server. (#517)
* Added `WSHDelayAfterStart` param to the WebSelfHost plugin which adds a configurable delay between when the challenge listener starts up and when it asks the ACME server to validate the challenges. (#518)
* Orders where the MainDomain is longer than 64 characters will not include a CN value in the Subject field of the certificate request sent to the ACME server. CNs longer than 64 characters were already being rejected by some CAs like Let's Encrypt because the x509 spec doesn't allow for it. [More Info](https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/simplifying-issuance-for-very-long-domain-names/207924)


