
function Test-ValidKeyLength {

    # For RSA keys, Windows supports a huge range of key sizes. But LE's current Boulder server only supports
    # between 2048-4096 keys. So we'll limit to that until someone complains.

    # 2020-09-17: LE is now restricting RSA key sizes to only 2048, 3072, and 4096

    # For EC keys, LE's current Boulder server only supports P-256 and P-384, but may support P-521 by the time ACMEv2 is
    # production ready.

    # short circuit supported EC keys and common RSA keys
    if ($KeyLength -in 'ec-256','ec-384','2048','3072','4096') {
        return $true

    $errorMessage = "Must be 'ec-256','ec-384' for EC keys or between 2048-4096 (divisible by 128) for RSA keys"

    # everything else should at least be a parseable integer
    try { $len = [int]::Parse($KeyLength) }
    catch {
        if ($ThrowOnFail) {
            throw [Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] $errorMessage
        return $false

    # LE supports 2048-4096
    # Windows claims to support 8-bit increments (mod 128)
    if ($len -lt 2048 -or $len -gt 4096 -or ($len % 128) -ne 0) {
        if ($ThrowOnFail) {
            throw [Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException] $errorMessage
        return $false

    return $true