
function New-Jws {

    # RFC 7515 - JSON Web Signature (JWS)

    # This is not a general JWS implementation. It will specifically
    # cater to making JWS messages for the ACME v2 protocol.

    # validate the key type
    if ($Key -is [Security.Cryptography.RSA]) {
        $IsRSA = $true

        # validate the key size
        # LE supports 2048-4096
        # Windows claims to support 8-bit increments (mod 128)
        if ($Key.KeySize -lt 2048 -or $Key.KeySize -gt 4096 -or ($Key.KeySize % 128) -ne 0) {
            throw "Unsupported RSA key size. Must be 2048-4096 in 8 bit increments."

        # make sure we have a private key to sign with
        if ($Key.PublicOnly) {
            throw "Supplied Key has no private key portion."

    } elseif ($Key -is [Security.Cryptography.ECDsa]) {
        $IsRSA = $false

        # validate the curve size which is exposed via KeySize
        if ($Key.KeySize -ne 256 -and $Key.KeySize -ne 384) {
            throw "Unsupported EC curve. Must be P-256 or P-384"

        # make sure we have a private key to sign with
        # since there's no PublicOnly property, we have to fake it by trying to export
        # the private parameters and catching the error
        try { $Key.ExportParameters($true) | Out-Null }
        catch { throw "Supplied Key has no private key portion." }

    } else {
        throw "Unsupported Key type. Must be RSA or ECDsa"

    if (-not $NoHeaderValidation) {
        # validate the header
        if ('alg' -notin $Header.Keys -or $Header.alg -notin 'RS256','ES256','ES384') {
            throw "Missing or invalid 'alg' in supplied Header"
        if (!('jwk' -in $Header.Keys -xor 'kid' -in $Header.Keys)) {
            if ('jwk' -in $Header.Keys) {
                throw "Conflicting key entries. Both 'jwk' and 'kid' found in supplied Header"
            } else {
                throw "Missing key entries. Neither 'jwk' or 'kid' found in supplied Header"
        if ('jwk' -in $Header.Keys -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Header.jwk)) {
            throw "Empty 'jwk' in supplied Header."
        if ('kid' -in $Header.Keys -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Header.kid)) {
            throw "Empty 'kid' in supplied Header."
        if ('nonce' -notin $Header.Keys -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Header.nonce)) {
            throw "Missing or empty 'nonce' in supplied Header."
        if ('url' -notin $Header.Keys -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Header.url)) {
            throw "Missing or empty 'url' in supplied Header."

    # build the "<protected>.<payload>" string we're going to be signing
    Write-Debug "Header: $($Header | ConvertTo-Json)"
    $HeaderB64 = ConvertTo-Base64Url ($Header | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
    Write-Debug "Payload: $PayloadJson"
    $PayloadB64 = ConvertTo-Base64Url $PayloadJson
    $Message = "$HeaderB64.$PayloadB64"
    $MessageBytes = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Message)

    if ($IsRSA) {
        # Make sure header 'alg' matches key type. All RSA keys are currently
        # restricted to RS256 regardless of key size.
        if ($Header.alg -ne 'RS256') {
            throw "Supplied RSA Key does not match 'alg' ($($Header.alg)) in supplied Header."

        # create the signature
        $HashAlgo = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256
        $PaddingType = [Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1
        $SignedBytes = $Key.SignData($MessageBytes, $HashAlgo, $PaddingType)
    } else {
        # Make sure header 'alg' matches key type. EC keys depend on the curve
        # ES256 = P-256 and SHA256 hash
        # ES384 = P-384 and SHA384 hash
        # ES521 = P-521 and SHA512 hash (note 521 vs 512, very confusing)
        if (($Header.alg -notin 'ES256','ES384','ES512') -or
            ($Header.alg -eq 'ES256' -and $Key.KeySize -ne 256) -or
            ($Header.alg -eq 'ES384' -and $Key.KeySize -ne 384) -or
            ($Header.alg -eq 'ES512' -and $Key.KeySize -ne 521)) {
            throw "Supplied EC Key (P-$($Key.KeySize)) does not match 'alg' ($($Header.alg)) in supplied header or alg is not supported."

        $HashAlgo = switch ($Key.KeySize) {
            256 { [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256; break }
            384 { [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA384; break }
            521 { [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA512; break }

        # create the signature
        $SignedBytes = $Key.SignData($MessageBytes, $HashAlgo)

    # now put everything together into the final JWS format
    if ($Compact) {
        # JWS Compact Serialization

        return "$HeaderB64.$PayloadB64.$(ConvertTo-Base64Url $SignedBytes)"

    } else {
        # JWS JSON Serialization

        $jws = [ordered]@{}
        $jws.payload = $PayloadB64
        $jws.protected = $HeaderB64
        $jws.signature = ConvertTo-Base64Url $SignedBytes

        # and return it
        return ($jws | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
