function New-PAOrder { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType('PoshACME.PAOrder')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string[]]$Domain, [Parameter(Position=1)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidKeyLength $_ -ThrowOnFail})] [string]$KeyLength='2048', [switch]$OCSPMustStaple, [Alias('NewCertKey')] [switch]$NewKey, [string]$FriendlyName='', [string]$PfxPass='poshacme', [switch]$Install, [switch]$Force ) # Make sure we have an account configured if (!($acct = Get-PAAccount)) { throw "No ACME account configured. Run Set-PAAccount or New-PAAccount first." } $order = Get-PAOrder $Domain[0] -Refresh # separate the SANs $SANs = @($Domain | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Domain[0] }) | Sort-Object # There's a chance we may be overwriting an existing order here. So check for # confirmation if certain conditions are true if (!$Force) { # skip confirmation if the SANs or KeyLength are different # regardless of the original order status # or if the order is pending but expired if ( ($order -and ($KeyLength -ne $order.KeyLength -or ($SANs -join ',') -ne (($order.SANs | Sort-Object) -join ',') -or ($order.status -eq 'pending' -and (Get-DateTimeOffsetNow) -gt ([DateTimeOffset]::Parse($order.expires))) ))) { # do nothing # confirm if previous order is still in progress } elseif ($order -and $order.status -in 'pending','ready','processing') { if (!$PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish to overwrite?", "Existing order with status $($order.status).")) { return } # confirm if previous order not up for renewal } elseif ($order -and $order.status -eq 'valid' -and (Get-DateTimeOffsetNow) -lt ([DateTimeOffset]::Parse($order.RenewAfter))) { if (!$PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish to overwrite?", "Existing order has not reached suggested renewal window.")) { return } } } Write-Debug "Creating new $KeyLength order with domains: $($Domain -join ', ')" # Determine whether to remove the old private key. This is necessary if explicitly # requested or the new KeyLength doesn't match the old one. $removeOldKey = ($NewKey -or ($order -and $KeyLength -ne $order.KeyLength)) # build the protected header for the request $header = @{ alg = $acct.alg; kid = $acct.location; nonce = $script:Dir.nonce; url = $script:Dir.newOrder; } # build the payload object $payload = @{identifiers=@()} foreach ($d in $Domain) { $payload.identifiers += @{type='dns';value=$d} } $payloadJson = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress # send the request try { $response = Invoke-ACME $header $payloadJson $acct -EA Stop } catch { throw } Write-Debug "Response: $($response.Content)" # process the response $order = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json $order.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,'PoshACME.PAOrder') $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MainDomain' -Value $Domain[0] $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SANs' -Value $SANs $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'KeyLength' -Value $KeyLength $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'CertExpires' -Value $null $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RenewAfter' -Value $null $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'OCSPMustStaple' -Value $OCSPMustStaple.IsPresent $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DnsPlugin' -Value $null $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DnsAlias' -Value $null $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DnsSleep' -Value $null $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ValidationTimeout' -Value $null $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FriendlyName' -Value $FriendlyName $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PfxPass' -Value $PfxPass $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Install' -Value $Install.IsPresent # make sure there's a certificate field for later if ('certificate' -notin $order.PSObject.Properties.Name) { $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'certificate' -Value $null } # add the location from the header if ($response.Headers.ContainsKey('Location')) { $location = $response.Headers['Location'] | Select-Object -First 1 Write-Debug "Adding location $location" $order | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'location' -Value $location } else { throw 'No Location header found in newOrder output' } # save it to memory and disk $order.MainDomain | Out-File (Join-Path $script:AcctFolder 'current-order.txt') -Force $script:Order = $order $script:OrderFolder = Join-Path $script:AcctFolder $order.MainDomain.Replace('*','!') if (!(Test-Path $script:OrderFolder -PathType Container)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $script:OrderFolder -Force | Out-Null } $order | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File (Join-Path $script:OrderFolder 'order.json') -Force # backup the old private key if necessary, otherwise keep it around for re-use if ($removeOldKey) { Write-Verbose "Preparing for new private key" $oldKey = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $script:OrderFolder 'cert.key') $oldKey | Move-Item -Destination { "$($_.FullName).bak" } -Force } # backup any old certs/requests that might exist $oldFiles = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $script:OrderFolder *) -Include cert.cer,cert.pfx,fullchain.pfx $oldFiles | Move-Item -Destination { "$($_.FullName).bak" } -Force return $order <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new order on the current ACME account. .DESCRIPTION Creating an ACME order is the first step of the certificate request process. To create a SAN certificate with multiple names, include them all in an array for the -Domain parameter. The first name in the list will be considered the "MainDomain" and will also be in the certificate subject field. LetsEncrypt currently limits SAN certificates to 100 names. Be aware that only one order per MainDomain can exist with this module. Subsequent orders that have the same MainDomain will overwrite previous orders and certificates under the assumption that you are trying to renew or update the certificate with additional names. .PARAMETER Domain One or more domain names to include in this order/certificate. The first one in the list will be considered the "MainDomain" and be set as the subject of the finalized certificate. .PARAMETER KeyLength The type and size of private key to use. For RSA keys, specify a number between 2048-4096 (divisible by 128). For ECC keys, specify either 'ec-256' or 'ec-384'. Defaults to '2048'. .PARAMETER OCSPMustStaple If specified, the certificate generated for this order will have the OCSP Must-Staple flag set. .PARAMETER FriendlyName Set a friendly name for the certificate. This will populate the "Friendly Name" field in the Windows certificate store when the PFX is imported. Defaults to an empty string. .PARAMETER PfxPass Set the export password for generated PFX files. Defaults to 'poshacme'. .PARAMETER Install If specified, the certificate generated for this order will be imported to the local computer's Personal certificate store. .PARAMETER Force If specified, confirmation prompts that may have been generated will be skipped. .EXAMPLE New-PAOrder Create a new order for the specified domain using the default key length. .EXAMPLE New-PAOrder -Domain '','','' Create a new SAN order for the specified domains using the default key length. .EXAMPLE New-PAOrder 4096 Create a new order for the specified domain using an RSA 4096 bit key. .EXAMPLE New-PAOrder '','' ec-384 -Force Create a new SAN order for the specified domains using an ECC key using P-384 curve that ignores any confirmations. .LINK Project: .LINK Get-PAOrder .LINK Set-PAOrder #> } |