function Export-PACertFiles { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string]$CertUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [string]$OutputFolder, [string]$FriendlyName='', [string]$PfxPass='' ) # build output paths $certFile = Join-Path $OutputFolder 'cert.cer' $keyFile = Join-Path $OutputFolder 'cert.key' $chainFile = Join-Path $OutputFolder 'chain.cer' $fullchainFile = Join-Path $OutputFolder 'fullchain.cer' $pfxFile = Join-Path $OutputFolder 'cert.pfx' $pfxFullFile = Join-Path $OutputFolder 'fullchain.pfx' # download the cert+chain which is what ACMEv2 delivers by default # Invoke-WebRequest $CertUrl -OutFile $fullchainFile @script:UseBasic # split it into individual PEMs $pems = Split-PemChain $fullchainFile # write the lone cert Export-Pem $pems[0] $certFile # write the chain Export-Pem ($pems[1..($pems.Count-1)] | ForEach-Object {$_}) $chainFile # write the pfx files $pfxParams = @{ CertFile = $certFile; KeyFile = $keyFile; OutputFile = $pfxFile; FriendlyName = $FriendlyName; PfxPass = $PfxPass; } Export-CertPfx @pfxParams $pfxParams.OutputFile = $pfxFullFile Export-CertPfx @pfxParams -ChainFile $chainFile } |