function Set-IISFTPCertificate { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Thumbprint')] [string]$CertThumbprint, [Parameter(Position=1,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$PfxFile, [Parameter(Position=2,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [securestring]$PfxPass, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$SiteName, [ValidateSet('SslRequire','SslAllow','SslRequireCredentialsOnly')] [string]$ControlChannelPolicy, [ValidateSet('SslRequire','SslAllow','SslDeny')] [string]$DataChannelPolicy, [switch]$Use128BitEncryption, [switch]$RemoveOldCert ) Begin { # make sure the WebAdministration module is available if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable WebAdministration -Verbose:$false)) { try { throw "The WebAdministration module is required to use this function." } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } else { Import-Module WebAdministration -Verbose:$false } } Process { # surface individual errors without terminating the whole pipeline trap { $PSCmdlet.WriteError($PSItem); return } $CertThumbprint = Confirm-CertInstall @PSBoundParameters # verify the site exists $sitePath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" if (-not (Get-Item $sitePath -EA SilentlyContinue)) { throw "Site $SiteName not found." } # check existing settings and update if necessary $configPath = '' $siteConfig = Get-ItemProperty $sitePath -Name $configPath if ($ControlChannelPolicy -and $ControlChannelPolicy -ne $siteConfig.controlChannelPolicy) { Write-Verbose "Updating $SiteName controlChannelPolicy to $ControlChannelPolicy" Set-ItemProperty $sitePath -Name "$configPath.controlChannelPolicy" -Value $ControlChannelPolicy } if ($DataChannelPolicy -and $DataChannelPolicy -ne $siteConfig.dataChannelPolicy) { Write-Verbose "Updating $SiteName dataChannelPolicy to $DataChannelPolicy" Set-ItemProperty $sitePath -Name "$configPath.dataChannelPolicy" -Value $DataChannelPolicy } if ('Use128BitEncryption' -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys -and $Use128BitEncryption -ne $siteConfig.ssl128) { Write-Verbose "Updating $SiteName ssl128 to $Use128BitEncryption" Set-ItemProperty $sitePath -Name "$configPath.ssl128" -Value $Use128BitEncryption.IsPresent } if ('My' -ne $siteConfig.serverCertStoreName) { Write-Verbose "Updating $SiteName serverCertStoreName to My" Set-ItemProperty $sitePath -Name "$configPath.serverCertStoreName" -Value 'My' } if ($CertThumbprint -ne $siteConfig.serverCertHash) { $oldThumb = $siteConfig.serverCertHash Write-Verbose "Updating $SiteName serverCertHash to $CertThumbprint" Set-ItemProperty $sitePath -Name "$configPath.serverCertHash" -Value $CertThumbprint if ($RemoveOldCert) { Remove-OldCert $oldThumb } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configure RD Session Host service to use the specified certificate. .DESCRIPTION Intended to be used with the output from Posh-ACME's New-PACertificate or Submit-Renewal. .PARAMETER CertThumbprint Thumbprint/Fingerprint for the certificate to configure. .PARAMETER PfxFile Path to a PFX containing a certificate and private key. Not required if the certificate is already in the local system's Personal certificate store. .PARAMETER PfxPass The export password for the specified PfxFile parameter. Not required if the Pfx does not require an export password. .PARAMETER SiteName The IIS FTP site name. .PARAMETER ControlChannelPolicy The control channel policy that should be configured for the FTP site: SslRequire, SslAllow, or SslRequireCredentialsOnly. See for details. .PARAMETER DataChannelPolicy The data channel policy that should be configured for the FTP site: SslRequire, SslAllow, or SslDeny. See for details. .PARAMETER Use128BitEncryption If specified, enable 128-bit encryption for SSL connections to the FTP site. .EXAMPLE New-PACertificate | Set-IISFTPCertificate -SiteName "My FTP" Create a new certificate and add it to the specified IIS FTP site. .EXAMPLE Submit-Renewal | Set-IISFTPCertificate -SiteName "My FTP" Renew a certificate and and add it to the specified IIS FTP site. .LINK Project: .LINK #> } |