function Confirm-CertInstall { param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$CertThumbprint, [Parameter(Position=1)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$PfxFile, [Parameter(Position=2)] [securestring]$PfxPass, [ValidateSet('LocalMachine','CurrentUser')] [string]$StoreLocation = 'LocalMachine', [string]$StoreName = 'My', [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $ExtraParams ) Process { # validate we have at least one of our cert related parameters if (-not $CertThumbprint -and -not $PfxFile) { throw "CertThumbprint and PfxFile were not provided. You must specify one or both of them." } $commonSplat = @{ StoreLocation = $StoreLocation StoreName = $StoreName } # install the cert if necessary if ($CertThumbprint -and (Test-CertInstalled $CertThumbprint @commonSplat)) { return $CertThumbprint } if ($PfxFile) { # grab the cert thumbprint from the output of the import function $PfxFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($PfxFile) $CertThumbprint = Import-PfxCertInternal $PfxFile $PfxPass @commonSplat } else { throw "Certificate thumbprint not found and no PfxFile file specified to import." } # return the thumbprint of the installed cert return $CertThumbprint } } |